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文化现代化的涵义及特征初论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵伯乐 《思想战线》2002,28(4):98-101
文化现代化特指狭义文化意义上的现代化 ,主要体现在上层建筑和精神领域内 ,是与经济现代化并列的一个范畴。文化的现代化指其在内容与形式上都极为丰富并表现出创新的震撼力 ;在道德伦理层面体现出人类理性的高度发展水平 ,代表人类最优秀、最美好的感情和心理取向 ;在观念形态上 ,是合理性、现实性与前瞻性的结合。从它的历史和趋势看 ,文化现代化具有目标上的模糊性、方式上的继承性、性质上的适应性和表现形式上的多元性四个特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply a stress resistance perspective in considering psychosocial adjustment to chronic cardiac illness. We begin by reviewing major themes in the literature on psychosocial adjustment to cardiovascular illness, emphasizing a shift from a vulnerability to a stress resistance perspectivc. We then describe a program of research in a late-middle-aged sample of patients with cardiac illness, illustrating the adaptive advantages of social resources and effective coping strategies. Finally, we apply these findings in considering psychosocial intervention and assessment efforts in the context of cardiovascular rehabilitation. Overall, our findings demonstrate that social resources, in part through their role in fostering adaptive coping responses, can help to protect cardiac patients from depressive reactions.  相似文献   

民族宗教问题是构建社会主义和谐社会必须始终高度重视和正确处理的重大问题。云南是一个多民族、多宗教长期并存的边疆山区省,云南的民族宗教问题在全国具有典型性和代表性,对云南乃至全国的和谐社会建设发挥着重要影响。文章在认真总结云南正确处理民族宗教问题取得显著成就和丰富经验的基础上,深入分析了民族宗教问题对构建和谐云南的现实影响,并从民族宗教领域对构建和谐云南提出了一系列操作性很强的对策建议,对全国民族地区构建社会主义和谐社会具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

生态移民是以保护环境和提高人民生活质量为目的的有计划、有目的的政府行为。它是一个意义深远的系统工程。生态移民工程不应成为某一地区或某些地区孤立实行的工程,对一个国家来讲,生态移民工作应该是一个整体性的工作,必须从社会公平和民族平等原则出发,对整个国家的整体角度统筹规划。搞好我国生态环境保护工作中生态移民的跨省安置和划定大片的无人区的问题应成为一个很重要的方面,本文对此提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

Although the academic community still has some theoretical divergences on whether environmental rights should be a basic human right or a basic constitutional one, there are an increasing number of countries including this right in their constitution. Based on the constitutions in 193 countries, this paper aims to examine the fundamental situation of incorporating environmental rights into a constitution. It has been concluded that environmental protection as a right is written into a constitution in three aspects, namely, as a constitutional right, a civic duty, and a national policy, principle or social goal. Through summarizing these, this paper argues that including environmental rights in a country's constitution is the means by which all citizens shall enjoy a good, healthy, sustainable and harmonious environment suitable for their development, have timely and comprehensive access to reliable information about environment, participate in making public decisions related to the environment, and ask for legal remedies and compensation for any infringement on their environmental rights, or injury or damage to their environmental property. But even after environmental rights are incorporated into a constitution, there may be theoretical and practical difficulties in their implementation.  相似文献   

In 1999,volunteers in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou in south China were told to walk into a bare room each to test if they could survive 72 hours inside without venturing out.The rooms contained just a bed,a roll of toilet paper,a sum of money in cash,an equal amount in digital currency and a dial-up Internetnet.  相似文献   

Gang Yue 《当代中国》2008,17(56):543-563
With the English translation of his novel Red Poppies published in 2000, the ethnic Tibetan author Alai has established a prominent presence outside the People's Republic, apart from the Shangri-La myth that has dominated the Western imagination of Tibet. This essay attempts to unpack the multitudes of meaning of the novel, situate it against a material history of opium in Eastern Tibet, and highlight the dilemma of a leading Tibetan author. Through further discussion of his essays unavailable in English, this essay aims at developing a cultural geography of Alai's intellectual travel, energized by a Tibetan warrior tradition in his homeland and yet detailed about contemporary social, cultural, and environmental changes. It paints a picture about a Tibet that is neither a paradise nor a human hell, alive in the moment to survive the creative destruction of Sino-globalization that began long before the People's Liberation Army marched into Lhasa.  相似文献   

Innovative elderly care eases aging population's pressureon nursing homes Every day at 11 a.m.on the dot,Xiao Honglian receives a cheerful visitor.Since Xiao,a senior citizen living in Gulou,a district in Nanjing,Jiangsu Province in east China,broke her leg recently,the visitor,a paramedic from a nearby elderly care center,has been giving her physiotherapy for the broken leg so that she can be back on her feet faster.  相似文献   

周琼 《贵州民族研究》2001,21(3):115-123
鄂尔泰在滇东北实行的武力改流将雍正朝的“改土归流”推向了最高潮,但这个高潮却使清王朝在这些地区的统治陷入了危机:频繁的变乱和对变乱的血腥屠杀,使改土归流的成果面临流产。在此危急关头,高其倬东山复出,再任云贵总督,在残破的昭通地区进行移民屯垦,使昭通的社会经济在较短时期内得到了迅速恢复,巩固了改土归流的成果,彻底改变了昭通的社会面貌,为这一地区后来的发展奠定了基础。本文从昭通屯垦入手,初步对滇东北改土归流成果的巩固问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

《流浪汉》是威廉·肯尼迪的代表作,该书于1985年出版,获1984年的普利策奖和全国书评界奖。这部小说拥有极浓厚的地方色彩,带有魔幻色彩的描述,展现了当代美国社会的真实画面。  相似文献   

宋代富民与灾荒救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林文勋 《思想战线》2004,30(6):96-102
宋代是我国古代灾荒救济较多的时代 ,其中富民参与灾荒救济是一个引人注目的新变化。富民在灾荒救济中提供大量物资的同时 ,还在平抑物价、安置灾民、救灾物资管理等方面发挥了作用。尽管富民参与宋代社会的灾荒救济有自愿及非自愿的差别 ,但他们广泛参与宋代灾荒救济这一事实表明 :富民已成为唐宋社会经济关系的中心。作为一个新兴的社会中间层和稳定层 ,富民对唐宋以来中国社会的发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

in the broadest sense, respecting and protecting human rights is a major achievement in the progress of human civilization. human rights culture is the most essential feature of human rights. from the perspective of the development of human civilization, human rights culture reflects a country's thinking and wisdom as well as its civilization level and represents a country's cultural soft power. Chinese human rights culture in the new era is a socialist human rights culture in a broad sense, a human rights culture in the new stage of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a narrow sense, and an ideological spirit and moral strength of Chinese human rights culture in a certain historical period. at a new historical starting point, strengthening the construction of China's human rights culture in the new era and gathering the strength of China human rights culture have important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for building China's human rights theory, developing advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, consolidating the confidence in socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, building a country with a strong socialist culture, and enhancing China's cultural soft power.  相似文献   


In the past, juvenile gang researchers have focused primarily on the characteristics of gangs and the prevalence of gangs in communities and schools. One of the greatest limitations of this research, however, surrounds the lack of agreement on the definition of a gang and, consequently, the prevalence of gangs in the community and in schools. In this paper, we attempt to provide a new method to (1) define a gang, from a triangulation of the perspectives of law enforcement, school principals, and gang researchers and (2) estimate the prevalence of gangs in schools in a three-state region. We determine that the type of definition used dramatically impacts estimates of the prevalence of gangs in schools. The limitations and implications of this finding for school administrators and law enforcement are also discussed.

In the past, juvenile gang researchers have focused primarily on the characteristics of gangs and the prevalence of gangs in communities and schools. One of the greatest limitations of this research, however, surrounds the lack of agreement on the definition of a gang and, consequently, the prevalence of gangs in the community and in schools. In this paper, we attempt to provide a new method to (1) define a gang, from a triangulation of the perspectives of law enforcement, school principals, and gang researchers and (2) estimate the prevalence of gangs in schools in a three-state region. We determine that the type of definition used dramatically impacts estimates of the prevalence of gangs in schools. The limitations and implications of this finding for school administrators and law enforcement are also discussed.  相似文献   

国家综合配套改革试验区的实践探索与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年,为适应改革开放新形势的需要,国家推动了综合配套改革试验区建设,赋予其落实科学发展观、体制创新、探索新发展模式、提升区域竞争力以及建设和谐社会的历史使命。从目前已经推行综合配套改革的几个试点城市来看,改革方案的内容及举措均体现出鲜明的时代和区域特色,尤其是与以往经济特区模式相比具有较大的差异。在当前区域竞争日益激烈的情况下,能否利用自己的特色和优势,推进体制创新,掌握改革主动权,将决定一个城市或地区在未来竞争格局中的位置。获准设立国家综合配套改革试验区,对于一个城市或地区来说,无疑相当于获得一次体制创新、再创业和腾飞的机会。这也正是各地在申报建立国家综合配套改革试验区上竞争激烈的原因所在。  相似文献   

I review my 30 years in the community mental health field, emphasizing the personal and historical context that shaped this career. I especially highlight the origins of the values that guided significant career decisions, including family, neighborhood, religious and educational influences. The core guiding value was the belief that public service is both a privilege and an obligation, and that righting social injustice through such service is a noble calling. I trace the evolution of my thoughts and actions reflecting this value, from an early desire to "help children," through preparation to become a child psychologist, and ultimately to practice in a public community mental health setting and a career dedicated first to primary prevention and then to broader safety net services for those in need. I highlight a corresponding intellectual evolution as well, a progressive change in identity from "clinical psychologist in the community" to community psychologist.  相似文献   

被害人的承诺有广义和狭义之分。广义的被害人承诺包括关系人的合意和被害人的同意,其中,关系人的合意是阻却构成要件该当性事由,而被害人的同意则是刑法中的正当化行为;狭义的被害人的承诺则仅指作为刑法中的正当化行为而存在的被害人的同意。由于关系人的合意中并无所谓被害人的存在,因而刑法理论中的被害人承诺,凡未作特别说明,一般专指狭义的被害人的承诺即被害人同意,而法益衡量理论,则为基于被害人承诺的行为的刑事正当性提供了有力的根据和说明。  相似文献   

BOTTLE gourds,or calabash,have long been taken as auspicious objects in China.With a small mouth and a big stomach,they were used as containers in times past.In ancient times,doctors would often hang a bottle gourd in front of their stall,which was originally used to hold medicine.Gradually,bottle gourds evolved into a symbol that represented doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.Meanwhile,the Chinese idiom Xuanhu Jishi (hanging a calabash to help people)came into being,praising the benevolence of medical practitioners who save patients in times of pain.  相似文献   

吴涌汶 《桂海论丛》2006,22(2):57-60
作为特殊意识形态的自然科学技术,无论从社会演进的宏观动力机制看,还是从其微观动力机制看,都对社会发展具有决定性作用。社会意识形态虽然在宏观动力机制上处于从属的地位,但从微观动力机制上考察,对历史进程发展的迟速则具有决定性意义。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼二审中的发回重审制度一直是人们争论不休的课题.新草案对二审中的发回重审仅仅提到了一点,即限制因事实不清证据不足而发回重审的次数.但这种蜻蜓点水式的修改依然不能令人满意,而且存在着理解上的歧义.文章比较分析了草案前后对发回重审的不同规定,并结合草案和现行刑诉法关于二审中发回重审的规定分析了发回重审存在的矛盾,最后借刑诉法修改之际提出了自己关于二审中发回重审的修改意见,希望新法能够对此进行明确合理地规定,让正义能够以看得见的方式实现  相似文献   

在公安学理论中 ,“公安工作基本规律”是一个重要但一直“空缺”着的基本理论范畴。实际上 ,自从人民公安工作诞生以来 ,一条稳定的公安工作基本规律一直在发挥着普遍的支配作用 ,即 :在党和政府领导下 ,公安部门与广大群众结合起来 ,依靠科学、法律、道德维护社会治安秩序 ,同违法犯罪行为、治安事故作斗争 ,维护社会治安稳定 ,最大限度地满足国家、社会和人民不断发展和提高的治安需要。  相似文献   

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