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文章建立了用硅藻土提取血中马钱子碱———紫外导数光谱测定的方法。取检血1.0ml,加0.5ml去离子水混合均匀,加入硅藻土层析柱中,用二氯甲烷洗脱,收集洗脱液,50℃水浴挥至尽干。用4.0ml0.1mol/LHCL溶解,以0.1mol/LHCL为参比测定所得溶液的三阶导数光谱。线性范围0.5~6.25μg/ml,提取率为92.0%,变异系数2.4%,检出限0.38μg/ml。该法可作为法医毒物常规检验方法。  相似文献   

通过对200余种透明胶带紫外导数光谱分析,确定了最佳分析条件,验证了分析方法的重现性和稳定性。分析了不同胶带紫外导数光谱产生变化的原因,证明紫外导数光谱法是一种快速、简单、可靠、实用的鉴别透明胶带来源的方法。  相似文献   

建立用硅藻土提取血、尿中马钱子碱——紫外三阶导数光谱测定的方法。取检血10mL,加05mL去离子水混合均匀,或检尿15mL(不必稀释),加入到装有23g硅藻土的层析柱中,用二氯甲烷洗脱,收集洗脱液,50℃水浴挥至尽干。用40mL01mol/LHCl溶解,测定所得溶液的三阶导数光谱。方法线性范围05~50μg/mL,提取率血为920%、尿为969%,变异系数24%,检出限血为0375、尿为061μg/mL,测量限血为125、尿为204μg/mL。  相似文献   

杀鼠迷为目前国内生产使用的香豆索类抗凝血杀鼠药,由于投毒、意外等原因使人中毒事件时有发生,是刑事化验中常见毒物之一。它具有较强紫外吸收,紫外光谱法可用于中毒检材中含量测定。近来亦有紫外导数光谱测定的报道,但该法采用液液萃取进行分离,操作较繁琐。本文方法操作简便,亦对杀鼠迷的固相萃取方法及紫外导数光谱特征做了较详尽研究。实验部分一、仪器、试剂、材料日本岛津UV—250型紫外可见分光光度计。杀鼠迷,含量95%,公安部第二研究所提供配制成100μg/ml甲醇溶液供使用。甲醇、二氯甲烷等试剂,分析纯。实…  相似文献   

紫外光谱法分析果树木屑的浸提物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了果树木屑浸提物紫外光谱分析的方法。在实验中对35种不同树种及不同产地、同一树种果树木屑的紫外光谱、一阶导数光谱特征峰的异同进行了比较,确定了利用紫外光谱法鉴别果树木屑种类的依据。  相似文献   

应用紫外—可见光谱及导数光谱对常见的红色圆珠笔油墨的种类进行分析。选取国内外 5 2种红色圆珠笔油墨 ,首先对提取剂进行溶解性和干扰性的实验 ,选择了效果较好的乙醇作为提取剂。测定 5 2种样品的紫外可见吸收光谱 ,按其峰位不同分为三类 ,利用特征峰位法和K值比对法对三类样品的每一类分别进行分析鉴别 ;对依然没有区分开的样品利用一阶导数光谱的R值法进行进一步鉴别。同时 ,测定了样品的最小检出量。实验结果表明 ,此种方法可以鉴别不同厂家和牌号的红色圆珠笔油墨。该法操作简单 ,灵敏度高 ,结果准确 ,易于推广运用 ,为法庭实验室鉴别红色圆珠笔油墨提供可行实用的方法。  相似文献   

目的建立一种简便、灵敏、准确的无碳复写纸字迹色痕的紫外光谱分析方法。方法用甲醇提取无碳复写字迹,提取液分别进行零阶光谱、一阶导数光谱法分析。结果依据零阶光谱特征的不同,能够对不同牌号、不同联次的无碳复写字迹进行大类的区别;一阶导数光谱图中,正、负峰的峰数、峰位、峰形及振幅值的比值差异显著,可以进一步对无碳复写字迹的种类进行鉴别。结论应用本论文所建立的紫外光谱分析方法,可以对可疑文件中添加、涂改字迹无碳复写字迹进行检验。  相似文献   

毛线织物是人们喜欢穿着的,在各种刑事案件的现场上常可提取一些微量毛线的检材。毛线纤维上染料的分析方法有报道用液相色谱法[1][2],但用紫外二阶导数光谱法分析毛线纤维上染料目前国内尚未见报道.本文对29种毛线纤维上的提取液,用二阶导数光谱法进行测定,实验表明此法可以区分不同染料染成的不同或相同颜色纤维上的染料,也可区分相同染料不同配比染成的相同颜色纤维上的染料。本方法操作简便,分析速度快.一、仪器、试剂、样品1、仪器鸟律UV-250型分光光度计,自制微型萃取器.导数阶数:二阶,△入:4nm,波长…  相似文献   

固相萃取是一种新的分离方法,和传统的液液萃取法相比,具有萃取率高、操作简单、省溶剂、避免乳化等优点。固相萃取法按所用的固相材料可分为亲脂性(如C18、GDX403)材料固相萃取和亲水性(如硅藻土、硅胶)材料固相萃取两种。对于亲脂性材料萃取,国内已有较多的研究报导,而选用亲水性材料固相萃取,国内尚未见报道。我们经研究建立了血中硝基安定以硅藻土为固相材料进行提取,用紫外导数光谱进行测定的方法,该法表明用硅藻土进行萃取比用亲脂性材料进行的固相萃取操作更为简便、快速,药物回收率也更高。实验部分一、主要仪…  相似文献   

1.引言随着科学技术的进步,我国四化建设的迅猛发展,带来了摄录像设备应用的日益普及.摄录像设备不但应用在广播电视、文化教育、工矿企业、机关学校、医疗卫生、科研军事等部门,而且还进入了家庭。这就给公安司法检验工作提出了新的课题。如摄录像机被盗失主的确认,录像制品盗版者的认定,制造复制反动淫秽录像制品犯罪分子的辨认,录像资料做为诉讼证据时其来源的审查及其内容真伪的鉴定,录像资料的载体录像磁带本身的检验问题等等.本文仅就录像磁带的检验问题用紫外反射——导数光谱法进行研究,取得了初步成果。录像磁带是由磁…  相似文献   

正CHINA’s economy has significantly advanced over the past 35 years of reform and openingup.Chinese people’s incomes have risen and their living standards have improved,from barely having enough to eat and adequate clothing to today’s generally better-off lifestyle.  相似文献   

正BENEFITING from the Dujiangyan Irrigation System that was constructed in 256BC,Sichuan Province is reputed as"Tian Fu Zhi Guo,"a place richly endowed with natural resources.Chengdu,the capital,is extremely productive,providing its people with cozy and relaxing lives.Chengdu people are known for their love of life.They know just how to relax and have fun.And they  相似文献   

正FOR over 2,000 years in its history,China maintained great power.But its influence didn’t stem from territorial expansion or the occupation of foreign countries.China is rather an introversive country,focusing on developing its culture rather than its military might.Chinese civilization has never displayed force or made bellicose policies;instead it emphasizes"harmony is of the utmost value."China hopes to share its dream with the rest of the world,as it is the time-honored consensus among its1.3 billion people that"the interests to be considered  相似文献   

正THE proposal to build a Silk Road economic belt has received proactive responses from Central Asian countries and regions along the route.The city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan,for example,has increasingly closer ties with China,according to Deputy Mayor Jamshed Urakov.Besides trade in numerous products made in China,many local people are learning Chinese to  相似文献   

正A gold Byzantine coin of the Anastasius I era(491-518)was unearthed last October from a Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534)tomb in Luoyang,Henan Province.The find caused no particular stir in China’s numismatic circles,however.Over recent decades Persian and Roman gold coins have occasionally come to light in historical sites along the ancient Silk Road.  相似文献   

正On December 26,2013,Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine,where 14Class-A World War II war criminals,including Hideki Tojo,who was prime minister of Japan for most of the war,are enshrined.These statesmen and military offi cers were responsible for maintaining a 14-year-long period of aggression towards China,for the Nanjing Massacre,for the sexual abuse of socalled"comfort women"in East and Southeast Asia,and for the attack on Pearl Harbor that provoked the Pacif ic War.Convicted of war crimes in 1946 at the International  相似文献   

正THE launch in 1984 of the Xiangyanghong No.10 marked China’s first Antarctic survey tour.As the ship was not able to break ice,it was a tough start to the country’s Antarctic explorations.But after 30 years of effort,Chinese scientists have successfully sailed from Shanghai to the Southern Hemisphere and beyond to the earth’s southernmost continent.China has since witnessed great achievements in its scientif ic expeditions to the  相似文献   

正LI Sisi,a sophomore of the Central Academy of Fine Arts,cannot take her eyes off a bust of the Goddess Isis.She marvels at the perfection of the statue dated to 150-250,taking photos of it from different angles.On the other side of the exhibition hall at the National Museum of China(NMC)in central Beijing,a middle-aged couple is looking for the route of the Crusades on a map of the ancient Mediterranean.Such scenes replay every day at the"Mediterranean World from the Collections of the Musée du  相似文献   

正IN 1995,a group of Chinese mountaineers reached the summit of Haba Snow Mountain,5,396 meters above sea level,making it the highest snow peak in Yunnan Province to be conquered by humans.The mountain,in the eyes of professional mountaineers,is"entry level."However,to amateurs,it is a game for the brave.At 10 a.m.on October 5,2013,I,along with 17teammates and a group coordinator,reached the top of Haba.Standing next to the altitude mark,I texted"I made it!"to my family.The message was simple but we all knew it was hard earned.  相似文献   

正MENTION logistics,and p e r h a p s a b u s y p o r t comes to mind.We may then recall how Rotterdam was unarguably once the world’s busiest port,for 40 years.Yet,in just a few years this logistical crown was usurped by Singapore,among the most thriving of countries in Asia.Soon,Chinese cities such as Shanghai,Ningbo,Shenzhen,Qingdao,Guangzhou and Tianjin also began to contend.  相似文献   

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