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湘省辛酉春荒叠接旱荒,湘西灾重最甚。面对灾荒,洋干事们所把持的湖南华洋筹赈会干事会,对熊希龄、陈渠珍等西路各界请赈概予回绝。感受歧视的西路与在其影响下的中南两路,就中南两路的灾重与西路的烟苗情事灾县定等双重标准,赈款赈粮分等标准等问题,生起施赈公平性问题路界争议,代表三路利益的华洋评议会进而要求查干事会赈账,并在旅京湖南筹赈会和北京赈务处的干预下,干事会被迫裁减冗员与部分分权于评议会,改革荒政制度予以妥协。  相似文献   

Danny Marks 《当代中国》2010,19(67):971-986
China has recently become the world's largest emitter of carbon and is already facing many harmful effects domestically from climate change. Chinese leaders have therefore made a high-level commitment to curb emissions, as evident in the 2007 National Climate Change Program. However, the government has missed many of its targets, in particular its goal of reducing energy intensity. This essay argues that China is missing its targets because of a number of factors which stem from the fragmented nature of China's authoritarian system. First, environmental policies are too broad and complicated, making it difficult for regulators to enforce the laws. Second, the current incentive structures of promotion and salary cause local officials to give higher priority to economic development than to environmental issues. Third, environmental regulators, such as the judiciary and environmental agencies, remain weak and impeded by enforcement obstacles. While positive changes have occurred, such as the emergence of NGOs and the media as environmental watchdogs and a burgeoning clean technology sector, much remains to be done to improve the long-term viability of climate change policies in China. Based on the preceding analysis, this essay recommends ways by which the government could improve the process of enacting and implementing climate change policies. It also urges the international community to sympathize with the Chinese government and, by leading the way, help the government gain greater compliance with climate change policies.  相似文献   

Although homeless youth face a higher risk of victimization and mental health problems, little is known about school victimization and mental health outcomes for school-attending homeless youth. This study examined the relationship between school climate and school-related victimization and mental health problems among homeless youth. Multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between school climate factors and school victimization, suicidal ideation, and depression tendency in a representative sample of 1,169 school-attending homeless youth in 9th and 11th grades in California. Findings show that school-attending homeless youth are at high risk of being victimized at school and have high rates of depression tendency and suicidal ideation. Positive school climate, especially perceived high expectations from teachers and safety in school, was associated with lower rates of school victimization and mental health problems. The role of supportive school climate in the lives of school-attending homeless youth is discussed and future implications are suggested.  相似文献   

建设长株潭城市群试验区,是国家在新的发展阶段促进中部崛起、推动东中西部地区协调发展的重大战略举措;是湖南形成长远竞争力、培育核心增长极、加快富民强省步伐的重大历史机遇;也是新时期赋予湖南人民的重大历史使命。其间,破解制约科学发展的管理体制机制障碍,科学设置长株潭试验区的管理机构,是加快长株潭试验区建设和发展的关键。为此,文章借鉴国内外城市群(区域)管理的模式和经验,结合长株潭城市群的实际,提出了长株潭试验区管理机构设置的重要前提、基本原则和主要方案。  相似文献   

杜秀 《青年论坛》2010,(3):42-45
新民学会是五四时期最有影响的青年社团,在它成立的3年多时间里,先后参加赴法勤工俭学运动,积极响应五四运动,驱逐湖南军阀张敬尧,参加湖南自治运动,创办“文化书社”与“俄罗斯研究会”等一系列反帝反封建革命运动,由于它思想的先进性、组织的严密性和活动的革命性,不仅成为湖南省反帝反封建斗争的核心组织,而且成为全国青年社团的楷模。  相似文献   

唐凌 《桂海论丛》2007,23(1):90-93
广西荔浦县档案馆藏有一些湘桂铁路股票。这些股票是在抗战爆发后,随着湘桂铁路修筑而开始发行的。广西省政府在发行过程中充当着非常重要的角色。股票的发行在一定程度上促进了湘桂铁路的建设。但是,蒋桂矛盾使其经济功能未能得到有效的发挥。  相似文献   

正Seven million people with disabilities in China have moved out of dire poverty over the past five years When the car crash that changed the course of her life happened in April 2011, Yang Shuting was just about to embark on her career as a nurse at a local hospital in Hunan Province. Waking up in a daze, she found herself in intensive care. Not long after, doctors told Yang that the accident had left her with high paraplegia,  相似文献   

正With its security task on full display, the SCO delivers new opportunities for regional economic collaborationApril 27 was the first day the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) International Investment and Trade Expo in Qingdao, Shandong Province, opened its doors to individual visitors. Hours later, several vendors in the Belarusian national pavilion had nearly sold out their products. "It surprised us," a Belarusian staff told Beijing Review. "We have to retain some on exhibit for purchasers in case they are interested in and want to pursue further business cooperation." Products presented inside the pavilion included beer, birch juice, milk, chocolates and candies, and meat.  相似文献   

LION-shaped Yiyang City is to the south of Dongting Lake in north-central Hunan Province. The Zijiang River runs through the city from west to east, dividing it into two, and emptying into Dongting Lake. The Zishui Highway Bridge links the areas north and south of the river. In ancient times the Zijiang River was called Yishui. As at that time  相似文献   

With the Chinese New Year a day away,Liang Rui,a young sales manager,has remained in Chongqing,the southwestern municipality where he works.But his gifts are already on their way to his parents living in the central province of Henan.  相似文献   

China is currently not only the most populous country on earth, but also the world's largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter. As China's population growth continues contributing to the overall global population increase, the country remains a significant player in the global problems related to climate change. The Chinese government, however, has recognized that a low-carbon economy is in the country's long-term economic and social interests and this is now a key part of its national development strategy. This paper examines the evolution of policies for sustainability in China and explores their compositions, functions and operational mechanisms. Some emerging features and trends in China's development model are examined, arguing that they represent a clear shift towards sustainability. Further problems and challenges associated with this change and how they impact on China's policies and strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether social support tied to relocation efforts and neighborhood social climate may mediate the effects of stressful life events on mental health outcomes following Hurricane Katrina. Participants were 108 adult persons made homeless by Hurricane Katrina and evacuated to Columbia, South Carolina. Civic leaders developed an intervention model that emphasized (a) a one-stop point of entry, (b) living in hotels and apartments rather than shelters, and (c) matching hotels with volunteer “hosts” to assist in relocation efforts. Results revealed that perceived neighborhood factors and satisfaction with host relationship were related to several mental health outcomes. Neighborhood social climate partially mediated several mental health outcomes. Implications of this intervention model and the utility of social ecological perspectives on homelessness interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

三苗南迁与湖南境内虞夏传说的发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
先秦、秦汉以来,今湖南境内保存有大量虞、夏之际的传说,舜葬苍梧和大禹在湘治水等传说多与历史事实相抵触,显然其中绝大部分并非信史。以上传说的发生可能与三苗南迁有关,这些被后人指斥为"荒唐谬悠"的"流俗妄语"实际上包含了先秦、秦汉时期今湖南境内民族渗透、混融和演变、分合的若干可信的历史素材。  相似文献   

Happy Bubbles     
Changsha,capital city of Hunan Province in central China,has received a new tagline in recent years-a must-go place for milk tea lovers.Tu Liyuan,a 26-year-old employee of a public relations company in Beijing,made two journeys to Changsha,about six hours one-way by express train,in 2020.The purpose of the travels was to sip local milk tea.Modern China Tea Shop,the locally developed milk tea shop in Changsha,has over 300 branches in the city but had never expanded beyond it before December 2020.Those living outside Changsha had to travel there to taste it.  相似文献   

根据碑刻史料的记载,有清一代,商人们在长期的商事实践中积累了丰富多彩的商事习惯,同时也积极地建立公所、会馆这类行会组织并制定行会规约来更好地维护自己的利益。清代律典中为数不多的几条律例以及地方官府判决是清代行规制定的基础,但同时也给商人们留下了很大的立法空间。由律文引申出的自愿原则被官府作为审查与监督行会与行规的标准。这些都使得清代的行会规约体现出了很高的自治性。国家权力不过多介入商业社会,政府充分尊重商人们的自治精神,这在当下仍有其一定的价值。  相似文献   

系统论视野下中国古代的礼与法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统法是礼与法的共同体,中国传统社会是礼与法共同运作的有机体。中国古代礼与法关系问题的讨论,以往的研究视角多采用历史分析法,从礼与法的起源、各自的作用、国家主义的立场等方面予以探讨,这对于明晰两者关系、理解中华法系的精髓和中国传统法文化的基本精神是颇有助益的。本文尝试着将卢曼的法律社会学的系统论导入礼法关系的分析架构中。中国古代社会本身是由礼与法构成的独特社会结构,本文并非指涉礼法关系的内部结构,而是从社会结构这一个外部的视角,以系统论的思路与方法探究两者的关系,以系统功能分化的理论探究中国古代礼与法运作过程中出现了三个方面的悖论,表明在中国古代礼法没有相对的系统分立,而是浑然一体的。  相似文献   

We surveyed public school educators on the workplace incivility and workplace bullying they experienced and obtained their ratings of the organizational climate of the school. We used multilevel modeling to determine the effects of individual-level and school-level predictors. Ratings of school climate were significantly related to incivility and bullying. We found inverse relationships— the better the organizational climate, the lower the incivility and bullying. Several demographic variables of educators and two school-level variables were not significant predictors. Leaders who focus on improving organizational climate may find that their efforts benefit both student achievement and relationships among educators.  相似文献   

ZHANGJIAJIE innorthwesternHunan Province isknown for its vastexpanse of uniquelandscapes.It wasincluded in the UNESCO WorldNatural Heritage List in 1992 andselected as one of the first batch ofChinese national geological parksin 2001.In 2003,it was among thefirst batch of world geologicalparks.  相似文献   

Bullying in secondary schools is a serious concern for educators and parents. The relationship between bullying and school climate has been identified and strategies to improve school climate are available. The importance of leadership in shaping school climate has been well documented. This exploratory study explores the role of leadership in implementing an approach to school climate change (positive behavior intervention and supports) in comprehensive Southwestern high schools participating in a federal school safety grant. Leadership involvement in the change process appears to be a key component leading to student-reported behavior change. Our findings suggest that although changes in school climate should lead to changes in bullying behaviors, the opposite is the case. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Hunan Huaxingyu Sensing Technology Co., Ltd., is a national key high-tech enterprise. Approved by the High-tech Industrial Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it engages in scientific research into sensing technology, and its development, production, and applications. It is also an approved National Industrialization Base  相似文献   

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