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食品安全问题是全社会共同关注的重大社会问题.近年来,食品安全事故多发频发,食品安全形势依然严峻.因此,大力开展食品安全示范工程建设,对于全面提升食品安全治理水平,构建食品安全治理新机制,践行食品安全社会治理理念,丰富食品安全治理渠道,意义深远.  相似文献   

国务院在关于进一步加强食品安全工作的决定中提出,建立健全食品安全管理的长效机制。这是我国食品安全建设的新要求、新任务,也是从根本上提高我国食品安全水平的关键。笔者于2004年末参加了广西食品安全检测手段及方法培训团,赴欧洲进行食品安全培训考察。通过学习考察,笔者认为,建立健全食品安全管理的长效机制,应着重抓好以下措施。加强国际交流与合作借鉴西方发达国家的经验,加强国际交流与合作,是建立健全食品安全管理长效机制的有效途径。食品安全已成为全球性的重大战略问题,也是当前我国政府和社会各界关注的热点问题。欧美国家长期以来十分注重食品安全建设,形成了比较完善的食品安全制度,在食品安全控制等  相似文献   

食品安全是关系到人民群众切身利益的民生大事。多年来,省委、省政府高度重视食品安全工作,不断加强食品安全基础建设工作,严把食品安全环节监管关,有效整合食品检验检测体系,创新食品安全长效管理机制,取得了良好成效。但是,食品安全工作  相似文献   

<正>为贯彻落实食品安全法,切实加强对食品安全工作的领导,设立国务院食品安全委员会,作为国务院食品安全工作的高层次议事协调机构。现将有关事项通知如下:一、国务院食品安全委员会的主要职责分析食品安全形势,研究部署、统筹指导食品安全工作;提出食品安全监管的重大政策措施;督促落实食品安全监管责任。  相似文献   

对我国食品安全现状的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,食品安全已远远超越人们对维持生命基本物质需要这样的简单层次,但我国的食品安全监管尚存在诸多问题,导致"毒奶粉"等食品安全事件频发。因此,需要从完善我国食品安全监管体制、建立食品安全监管的保障体系、提高食品安全监管效能、建立食品安全突发事件应急机制、建立食品安全监管的社会推动机制等五个方面提出对策建议,以此促进我国食品安全事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

"民以食为天,食以安为先",食品安全关乎每个人的健康,牵动着每个人的神经。我国食品安全的现状不容乐观,食品安全犯罪频发,解决食品安全刻不容缓。笔者从经济学角度对食品安全犯罪进行分析,从中寻求遏制食品安全犯罪的对策。  相似文献   

"民以食为天,食以安为先",食品安全关乎每个人的健康,牵动着每个人的神经。我国食品安全的现状不容乐观,食品安全犯罪频发,解决食品安全刻不容缓。笔者从经济学角度对食品安全犯罪进行分析,从中寻求遏制食品安全犯罪的对策。  相似文献   

风险社会的时代背景与我国的食品安全治理困境二者存在着内生关联性.处于高速发展期和社会转型期的我国当前食品安全形势堪忧,由于一系列因素的制约,我国政府管制主导型的食品安全监管模式存在着食品安全监管理念的偏差、食品安全监管体制设置的不合理、食品安全监管机制的不健全、食品安全监管效力的不足以及食品安全监管评估的欠缺等问题.因此,未来我国的食品安全治理应从面临的困境出发,在批判反思现有监管模式的基础上,建构一种多元协同治理的食品安全治理新模式.  相似文献   

食品安全:监督工作无止境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"食品安全法为提升食品安全水平提供了法律保障,但全面落实食品安全法,根本改善我国食品安全状况是一项长期而艰巨的任务。"全国人大代表姜健通过专题调研,走访了解到食品安全还存在监管体制改革尚未到位,综合协调机制不健全,食品安全风险监测、  相似文献   

民以食为天,食以安为先。近几年来,常熟市高度重视食品安全问题,成立食品安全委员会,大力实施食品安全工程,构筑加固食品安全防线,食品安全状况显著改善。最近,常熟市政协港澳台侨(民宗)委和农工党市委就食品安全问题进行联合调研。调查显示,在我市食品安全管理总体强化的背景下,食品安全方面仍存在一些问题,食品安全形势不容乐观。  相似文献   

如今电梯已经渗透到人们的日常生活,保障电梯的安全运行是题中之义。不仅要在日常做好正确使用电梯的宣传教育,禁止有关错误使用电梯的行为,更要在电梯正常运行中加强防范、定期检查、及时更换破损器件,并要完善相关法律规章,做好监督检查工作。  相似文献   

Measures have been taken to fight against recurring food safety problems,but there is still a long way to go before China can rid itself of these issues.  相似文献   

创建党支部“安全屏障”工程是铁路党建和思想政治工作“融人中心,服务大局”的有效载体。去年以来,塘沽车站党委坚持创新发展的原则,总结归纳出创建“安全屏障”工程实践中的有效方法,细化各项措施,制定和完善了党内安全生产考核、问责、分析讲评、素质保障、包保控制、报告、议事和激励等八项制度。制度建设,责任为本。在“八项制度”的建立和完善过程中,站党委把落实党组织和党员的责任作为一条主线,贯穿始终,用责任铸就安全屏障。  相似文献   

Gender Safety     

Despite longstanding efforts towards gender equity and current yet intense focus on school safety, the simple right of boys and girls to an equitable and safe school environment-not to have to negotiate inequity or violence as part of their school day-has yet to be secured. In this article we review the development of “gender equity” and “school safety” as concepts out of which various practices have arisen and argue that these conceptualizations have not proved sufficient to eradicate the problems each targets. We then propose a new approach to this goal of creating and insuring an equitable and safe school environment for girls and boys which sifts out, braids together and builds upon key aspects of gender equity and school safety but is grounded in the articulation of a “missing discourse” of gender within each. Gender safety is built on an acknowledgment of gender as a set of ideologies which are produced reproduced and sustained within (and beyond) school classrooms and hallways. We suggest that a lack of attention to these ideologies is a significant and unrecognized barrier in the are nas of both gender equity and school safety. A key feature of our formulation is the psychosocial significance of gender ideologies in adolescents' daily experiences and in school cultures and climates.

Despite longstanding efforts towards gender equity and current yet intense focus on school safety, the simple right of boys and girls to an equitable and safe school environment-not to have to negotiate inequity or violence as part of their school day-has yet to be secured. In this article we review the development of “gender equity” and “school safety” as concepts out of which various practices have arisen and argue that these conceptualizations have not proved sufficient to eradicate the problems each targets. We then propose a new approach to this goal of creating and insuring an equitable and safe school environment for girls and boys which sifts out, braids together and builds upon key aspects of gender equity and school safety but is grounded in the articulation of a “missing discourse” of gender within each. Gender safety is built on an acknowledgment of gender as a set of ideologies which are produced reproduced and sustained within (and beyond) school classrooms and hallways. We suggest that a lack of attention to these ideologies is a significant and unrecognized barrier in the are nas of both gender equity and school safety. A key feature of our formulation is the psychosocial significance of gender ideologies in adolescents' daily experiences and in school cultures and climates.  相似文献   

Safety Concerns     
The approval of two types of genetically modified (GM) pest-resistant rice for widespread production in China has generated safety concerns among some experts.  相似文献   

Safety Matters     

As a result of Columbine and other events, states and districts across the United States have responded with vigor to a call for a renewed focus on school safety. This paper examined one such effort undertaken by Harrison County Public Schools, located in West Virginia. The district received federal funding for surveillance equipment used to enhance safety efforts at middle and high schools, as well as to coordinate a collaborative relationship with local emergency responders. This paper used qualitative and quantitative measures to examine the impact of this project on teachers and administrators in the district. Results indicated that a substantive focus on school safetyincluding surveillance equipment significantly impacted perceptions of safety. However, administrators should consider the impact of school culture when implementing these new changes.  相似文献   

Safety Guard     
Identification monitoring systems have been widely installed in Niujie Street, Xicheng District, even in 46 underground spaces. The system is connected to wireless door magnetic sensors that are triggered by activity around doors and windows, which  相似文献   

北京铁路局自2006年10月始,从理念、制度、设备、素质、环境五个方面开展安全文化建设,特别是进行了高速铁路条件下安全文化建设的探索,确保了运输安全持续稳定。  相似文献   

关注食品添加剂的安全问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈芳 《北京观察》2006,(5):50-52
民以食为天,食品在人们的生活中占有很重要的地位。在解决温饱的基础上,人们对食品的质量越来越重视。随着生活节奏的加快以及消费观念和消费方式的改变,人们除迫切要求从繁重的家务劳动中解放出来之外,还要求食品方便化、多样化、营养化、风味化。这些都要依赖于食品工业的发展和进步。食品添加剂的使用对食品产业的发展起着重要的作用,它可以改善风味、调节营养成分、防止食品变质,从而提高质量,使加工食品丰富多彩,满足消费者的各种需求。但若不科学地使用也会带来很大的负面影响,近几年来,食品添加剂使用的安全性引起人们的关注。使用食…  相似文献   

多年来铁路提速安全的实践证明:深人探索和把握提速安全规律,建立健全提速安全保障体系,形成提速安全的长效机制,是确保提速持续安全稳定的关键性、基础性工作,也是深人推进安全基础建设的着力点。全路要在前一阶段工作的基础上,采取强有力的措施,加大推进力度,加快提速安全保障体系的建设步伐。  相似文献   

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