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莲子 《民主与法制》2013,(27):51-51
现在似乎有这样一种感觉:媒体报道的一些社会现象,一旦冠以“中国式”的标签,就成了“脏、乱、差”的代名词。比如,“中国式过马路”反映出的人车矛盾,就让人感叹,其背后的路权之争何时是尽头?  相似文献   

交通违章是道路安全的一大隐患。在醉酒驾车方面,我们可以拿血泪来控诉之前的醉驾惩罚之轻;在交通肇事方面,我们可以要求以新规来结束对“马路杀手”的间接纵容。但说起行人违章,总是令人难以下狠心惩戒。“中国式过马路”的热议,再次把行人违章惩戒的问题推到法律面前。  相似文献   

《民主与法制》2013年第13期刊登了《“中国式过马路”的罚与教》,对治理“中国式过马路”进行了探讨。针对一些地方对“中国式过马路”开罚的现实,文章认为,破解“中国式过马路”,不能单纯依靠自觉和说教,也不能依赖于严刑峻法,如何在尊重个人自由和确保公共空间禁忌之间找到一个合理的度,适当使用公权力和行政、法律手段,是当代社会管理的一门精妙学问。  相似文献   

最近,网络热议"中国式"过马路问题,对行人不按信号灯过马路提出批评。行人不遵守交通信号,随意过马路的行为确实是我国各个城市普遍存在的一种不文明行为,它不仅影响车辆正常通行,造成一定程度的拥堵,还给行人带来严重的安全隐患。但是,解决问题不能仅看表面现象,应抓住矛盾的本质,探究引起问题的真正原因,方可找出有效解决措施。除了行人的安全意识不够等主观原因外,造成行人不遵守交通信号随意过马路还有以下几个客观原因:  相似文献   

【北京即日起带头闯红灯者将被罚款10元】北京交管部门表示,4月9日起将严查行人及非机动车违法,严格整治“中国式过马路”行为。交管局官员表示,行人强行闯灯并对周边行人造成带动作用,此类行为必须处罚。  相似文献   

乐华 《公安学刊》2013,(5):91-94
“中国式过马路”,是国民素质与公共管理均滞后于社会发展的产物。根据“中国式过马路”问题的实质和成因,杭州市着力构建以“宣、改、管、治”四头并进为主体的治理模式,实施严管重罚、规范设施、宣传教育的治理策略。应在个人诚信体系建设、完善过街设施、深化宣传教育等方面,探索长效机制建设。  相似文献   

李煜兴 《群众》2013,(12):I0020-I0021
“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”部分国人集体闯红灯的现象被网友称之为“中国式过马路”,话语之间透出无奈的调侃和反讽。中国式过马路危害公共交通秩序,蕴藏着巨大的危险,既是一种社会陋习,更是一种违法行为,已然演化成为我国城市治理与交通管理的沉疴痼疾。  相似文献   

违法成本低,执法成本高,在所有交通违法行为中,不文明过马路行为是公认“难啃”的“硬骨头”。今年3月以来,浙江省宁波市交警部门重拳打击不文明过马路行为,截至目前,仅海曙、江东、江北、鄞州四个区,就有5300多名行人因为闯红灯和过马路不走人行横道线受到处罚。  相似文献   

克蓝 《今日海南》2013,(7):25-25
最近一段时间,“中国式过马路”这个词在互联网迅速火爆起来。所谓的“中国式过马路”是对我国的很多城市都有普遍存在的行人集体闯红灯现象的一种凋侃,即“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”中央电视台曾在河北石家庄的商业圈调查采访发现,在1个小时内有约600人闯红灯过马路。路口的红绿灯几乎形同虚设。而随着这个新兴词汇被越来越多人讨论和关注,北京、浙江等省市也开始逐步地重视对闯红灯现象的监管,并出台相关的处罚规定。  相似文献   

池墨 《民主与法制》2013,(22):55-55
读了贵刊2013年第13期《“中国式过马路”的罚与教》,笔者对文章剖析“中国式过马路”的困境深有同感,在解决出路方面,又感觉有许多话要说。  相似文献   

Winter Flings     
正Summer flings.Those summer days of fun under the sun,careless and worryfree,drifting away into those breezy summer nights. It's a concept somewhat romanticized by the media but still pretty common in Western societies,and seemingly other cultures infiltrated by Western media.One can only imagine my surprise when my friend told me there were such things as winter flings too. That's right,winter flings.Strange as it seems, this was introduced to me by a friend from Toronto,a city on the east coast of Canada.  相似文献   

Beijing Bumpkin     
正I live in Beijing,a city of 20 million people,the capital of the Earth's most populous country and a center of massive cultural,political and economic influence.I've also lived in Shanghai,the financial center of China.So why was I so shocked to discover a clean,sit-down toilet with toilet paper in a  相似文献   

正The Ukrainian crisis will persist,but a recent four-way agreement may not By Ding Ying Most ceasefire treaties are made to be broken—the only question is when.A four-way agreement reached by parties most closely involved with the Ukrainian crisis falls short of a treaty,suggesting a serious weakness.While the agreement may be short-lived,the crisis and related fallout are likely to last for years.  相似文献   

正A revised budget law aims to address the most worrying loopholesin China’s public fund managemenChina’s top legislature has adopted a long-awaited amendment to the Budget Lawwhich will put more stringent legal con-straints on government income and spendingThe move,according to fiscal scholars,is set to  相似文献   

正EARLY childhood is a significant period of life and of particular social importance,"United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF)China’s early childhood development specialist Dr.Chen Xuefeng recently observed."It is vital that parents and teachers monitor children’s growth,listen to what they have to say and respect their ideas."  相似文献   

正AFTER marathon negotiations in the final 48 hours,the 12-day Warsaw Climate Change Conference decided on the evening of November 23,2013,to push forward the Durban Platform and institute the International Mechanism for Loss and Damage to compensate developing countries for greenhouse gases that the industrialization of developed nations has caused.Developed countries such as Japan and  相似文献   

正Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).yanwei@bjreview.com Please provide your name and address along with your comments Recently,a study by the Beijing-based Economic Information Daily found that in many Chinese provinces—such as Jiangxi,Anhui,Sichuan and Hubei—there are few young people to be seen in rural areas.  相似文献   

正The newly decorated Deccapo at Regent Beijing adheres to the Italian tradition of elegance.The restaurant’s fresh vibrant colors and the natural wood grain add to its modern yet traditional feel.Our eatery’s combination of old and new in menu design and ambience allow diners to vicariously experience the whole gamut of rich Italian culture from the modernism of  相似文献   

正Editor's Note:In the 200 years since German philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote his famous essay,To Perpetual Peace:A Philosophical Sketch,the world has seen something closer to perpetual warfare:Countless wars,ranging from small-scale battles to the two devastating world wars of the 20th century,have caused untold misery and suffering.Even today,the world is far from being a tranquil and peaceful place.To mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I(WWI)and the 75th anniversary of the World  相似文献   

正Current u.s.laws that forbid partnering with China on galacticexploration seem outdatedAstronauts from China and the United States met in Beijing from September 10to 15 to discuss international planetary friendship and cooperation along with space travelers from 16 other countries.Among the  相似文献   

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