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正On September 6,CIIS President Qi Zhenhong met with a delegation led by Thailand's former Prime Minister Mr.Chuan Leekpai.The two sides exchanged views on China-Thailand relations and China-ASEAN cooperation,as well as other issues of common concern.Also in the delegation were former Thai Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Khun Ying Sudarat Keyuraphan,former First Vice President of Thai  相似文献   

<正>The climate policies and policy instruments of the United States usually fall into two categories:"government-based"ones and"market-based"ones.The former are mainly comprised of the emissions regulations initiated and enforced by such government organs as  相似文献   

The Iraq war and the North Korean nuclear crisis are the two big events that are attracting worldwide attention. The many debates and changes that have arisen around the globe from these two issues, with the former in particular, cannot but cause every  相似文献   

正January January 4,Secretary-General Ni Jian met with Teruo Tsuneda,Executive Director of the Mainichi Shimbun of Japan and Katsuyoshi Seimiya,Director of Global Business Division of the Mainichi Shimbun.The two sides exchanged views on China’s political and economic situation after the 18thNational Congress of CPC and Japan’s political situation after the general election.  相似文献   

The Iraq war and the North Korean nuclear crisis are the two big events that are attracting worldwide attention. The many debates and changes that have arisen around the globe from these two issues, with the former in particular, cannot but cause every person who is interested in international affairs and cares for the fate of their respective countries to ponder: will international polities and  相似文献   

Sientific/technical exchange and cooperation is one of vital factors in Sino-U.S. relations. On January 1st, 1979, leaders of the two countriessigned the "Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between China and the United States". 35 years later, Sino-U.S. scientific/ technical exchange and cooperation has become one of the most dynamic and important domains in bilateral relations.  相似文献   

January 1, 1999 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomaticties between China and the United Slates. Over the past two decades, the bi-lateral relationship has traversed a bumpy path of a "para-strategic partnership" inthe eighties, of "cold confrontation" in the first half of the nineties and of a "rela-tively stable development" in the past two years or so. The two decades have witnessed uninterrupted explorations for a mutually ac-ceptable strategic definition of bilateral relations, which have been characterized by  相似文献   

I. Several features of current international situationi. The international situation is further becoming multi-polarized.The end of the bi-polar pattern in the world situation in the early 90s of the 20th century brought about two consequences: one is that it has broken the former structure of the balance of power and led to a relative imbalance of power in the world; the other is that after the Cold War in which two super powers sought domination over the world, there is only one super power…  相似文献   

Oceans provide an important arena for the United States to implement its global strategies. Therefore, maintaining absolute control of oceans builds the core of US geopolitical strategies.1 Since the beginning of the 21st Century, with the rapid growth of China's sea power and intensification of disputes between China and its neighboring countries over maritime rights and interests, the United States has been making greater efforts to contain and deter China at sea. This inevitably exasperated the conflict between the two countries. However, the conflict between China and the United States at sea is different from the Cold War type of confrontation between the United States and former Soviet Union, because there still exist broad spaces for cooperation between the two countries.  相似文献   

At the invitation of Jordan's World Affairs Council (WAC),a six-member CAFIU delegation headed by CAFIU Advisor Mr. Zhang Zhijun paid a friendly visit to Jordan on January 14-15. The Jordanian host attached great importance to and made thoughtful arrangement for the visit. Though having only two-day short stay there,the delegation,accompanied by WAC Secretary-General Mr. Marwan met a broad range of people including the local political figures and other personages from different circles. The visit has further strengthened the mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides.  相似文献   

中国(南宁)—新加坡经济走廊是连接中国和东盟"一轴两翼"区域合作构想的组成部分。本文基于国际、东盟和中国等各方面形势的新变化,提出中国(南宁)—新加坡经济走廊发展合作的一些建议。  相似文献   

从古至今,阜新人的生活一直沐浴着玛瑙的宝石光芒。会唱歌的玛瑙石,以它特有的流光溢彩演绎着优美的旋律,传诵着一个个古老动听的故事。  相似文献   

随着2010年1月1日中国—东盟自由贸易区的如期建成,中国—东盟自由贸易区各成员国之间的贸易和投资需要会计师事务所等会计服务机构提供有关的会计服务。中国—东盟自由贸易区各成员国会计服务市场的开放将成为必然。本文分析中国—东盟自由贸易区会计服务市场的会计服务需求与供给情况,揭示其存在的问题,并提出解决问题的对策,为中国注册会计师行业更好地服务于实施"走出去"战略的企业,充分发挥注册会计师行业的作用,更好地为我国企业对外投资和开展与东盟国家的经贸往来提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

In the South China Sea disputes,China has ample proof to claim sovereignty over the Xisha Islands(the Paracel Islands)and Nansha Islands(the Spratly Islands)while the claims of certain southeast Asian countries do not hold any water.The South China Sea disputes have their origins in the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951,the result of intervention by the United States and Great Britain in regional affairs.Even today,the United States has not discarded its Cold War mentality and continues to intervene in the South China Sea disputes.The only change in the United States’ attitude is that it has changed its pretext for intervention from "containing Communist expansion" in the past to "preserving freedom of navigation in the South China Sea" in the present.  相似文献   

Livi-bacci M 《对外政治》1994,59(3):661-670
This work compares attitudes toward immigration in Europe and North America. Europe has adopted and reinforced a restrictive immigration policy since the 1970s, but family reunification and asylum for refugees have replaced labor migration to maintain the flow of newcomers over the past two decades. Illegal immigration has increased in countries such as Italy and Spain where immigration is a recent phenomenon. Migratory pressure from the former Soviet block, violence against immigrants in Germany and elsewhere, the crisis of social protection systems, economic recession and increasing unemployment have pressured European governments to reinforce their closed door policy. In the US, restrictions against immigration have relaxed greatly since adoption of the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. Over 800,000 immigrants have been admitted annually to the US in recent years. The factors explaining the different immigration policies in North America and Europe are not economic or demographic, but stem rather from history, social structure, the functioning of the labor market and social mobility. North America, more than Europe, has a positive view of immigration as contributing to the vitality and renewal of the culture and promoting development by broadening experience and knowledge. Immigration is regarded in Europe as, at best, a necessity in times of labor shortage and economic expansion. European countries tend to perceive themselves as totally formed and not requiring further cultural contribution. Homogeneity in culture, language, and religion is valued. Social mobility is possible in North America through professional success, but in the older and more hierarchical societies of Europe, social status is determined by birth and family or other connections. Since the early 1990s, public opinion toward immigration has become less favorable on both sides of the Atlantic, with increasing proportions favoring limitation. The positive perception of immigration in America and the work of pressure groups have thus far blocked restrictionist measures. In Europe, restrictive policies are in perfect harmony with public opinion.  相似文献   

藏传佛教文化以其令人炫目的历史穿透力,赋予阜新这块土地独具魅力的民族宗教风情,数百年来滋养着这里纯朴而热情的人们,也深深吸引着世界各地无数信众、游客虔诚与向往的脚步。  相似文献   

2009年10月,经日本文部科学省的认定,京都大学东南亚研究所被确认为日本"东南亚研究的国际共同研究中心"。由此,京都大学东南亚研究所逐步开展了以"外派驻在型"、"外聘集中型"、"资源共有型"、"研究开发型"四大研究类型为根本模式的研究,不仅延续了传统的田野调查,还突出了日本自身与外部的学术对话机制,并注重文献资料的共有,研究课题的开发等一系列问题,从而具备了一定的典范意义与参考价值。  相似文献   

中美两国安全关系在两国总体关系中扮演着重要的角色,研究中美之间的战略稳定关系,对于维护两国安全关系的稳定具有重要意义。中国的核威慑实力弱于美国,中美之间呈现出不同于传统战略稳定关系的不对称核稳定态势。中国对美国存在一定的核威慑能力,但有效性仍有差距和不足。这一差距容易使美国产生压制和削弱中国核报复能力的机会主义思想。实施限制损伤战略、发展导弹防御能力、进行战略反潜是美国对中国实施战略机会主义的主要行动。美国谋求削弱中国核报复能力、打破中美不对称核稳定的企图,与中国努力维持核威慑能力、维持中美不对称核稳定的行为形成了两股力量相持的态势。中国应重点提升核武器的质量,提高威慑信号的传递效能,以可信可靠的核威慑和核反击能力打消美国战略机会主义心态,维持两国间的战略稳定,特别是危机稳定性,筑牢遏制战争爆发的基础。  相似文献   

菲佣是国际家政服务行业的知名品牌,在家政服务员职业化方面形成了一套成功经验,可以简单地概括为"五位一体",即围绕家政服务业这一支柱产业,采取五大举措来推进家政服务员的职业化发展:实施国家战略,注重法律保护,普及家政教育,加强技能培训,培育职业文化。  相似文献   

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