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《东盟反恐公约》签署以来东南亚反恐形势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年1月,东盟各国领导人在新加坡共同签署《东盟反恐公约》,决定简化司法调查及恐怖嫌犯引渡程序,并允许东盟各国执法机关和特工部门在该组织成员国境内实施反恐行动。《东盟反恐公约》签署以来,在有关各方的重拳打击下,东南亚地区反恐合作取得明显进展,恐怖袭击事件有所减少,多个国家成功挫败多起重大恐怖袭击图谋,许多恐怖组织接连遭到重创,地区安全局势逐渐恢复稳定;但是,从内外环境看,东南亚恐怖主义的根源没有彻底铲除,  相似文献   

2002年东南亚反恐回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东盟的反恐合作打击恐怖主义是2002年东南亚政治发展的主要焦点,这主要集中在受恐怖主义威胁最严重的菲律宾、印度尼西亚、新加坡和马来西亚等国。在美国的军事打击下阿富汗的恐怖主义政权铲除之后,国际反恐的焦点转向了东南亚。布什政府称,“基地”组织的触角遍及世界60多个国家,其中在东南亚比较活跃。美国希望在东南亚开辟第二条反恐战线。但一些东盟国家出于自身情况的复杂性,不愿意正视恐怖主义在本地区的严重性,甚至不愿承认恐怖组织的存在。  相似文献   

反恐法制化是应对当今恐怖主义常态化挑战的重要举措。中亚地区因其特殊的地缘特点和人文环境成为极端势力进行恐怖主义活动的主要地区之一。为打击中亚恐怖主义,保障地区的稳定与安全,中亚国家近10年来一直在加紧反恐法制建设:通过法律加强国内宗教管理,明确界定恐怖主义概念和恐怖犯罪行为,明确与反恐相关的法律程序,促进国内反恐法律与国际反恐公约的有机衔接。通过完善反恐法律体系,中亚国家这些年在认定恐怖组织和惩办恐怖行为等方面取得了明显成效。中亚国家的做法有不少值得中国学习和借鉴之处。  相似文献   

一、国际反恐形势依然严峻 从2001年“9·11”事件发生美国极力推进反恐战争以来,国际社会尽管作出种种反恐努力,但效果令人沮丧。传统安全与非传统安全问题相互交织,霸权主义和恐怖主义难以受到根本遏止,国际社会依然面临反恐与反霸的双重重任,并陷入越反越恐的悖论和困境之中。2005年7月以来,一度显得相对缓和的国际安全形势重新紧张。伦敦两次发生恐怖爆炸,随后埃及、黎巴嫩、孟加拉国、菲律宾、巴基斯坦等国也有程度不同的恐怖袭击发生,伊拉克的安全形势更是持续恶化,不断造成恶性伤亡。  相似文献   

樊守政 《现代国际关系》2023,(3):133-148+152
中国—东盟伙伴关系启动32年来,随着经贸合作的深入发展,双方在反恐合作呈现多层次推进与综合化发展趋势,但也暴露出合作缺乏实质性、执行力度不足、效率低下等问题。面对持续动荡而充满不确定性的国际局势,东南亚地区的恐怖主义威胁充满新的变数,对中国—东盟全面战略伙伴关系优先方向“区域综合经济”和“一带一路”落地项目安全构成威胁。中国—东盟反恐合作要实现突破性进展,有必要从区域主义、集体行动理论在安全合作中的创新性应用入手,分析问题产生的根源并探寻更有效的合作路径。  相似文献   

随着恐怖主义活动的多样化以及国际网络化,反恐一直是东盟地区安全问题的重要主题,东盟不断发展和完善的合作机制对在该地区打击恐怖主义、维护地区安全与稳定方面起到了重要的作用。该地区打击恐怖主义的行动已从"单独行动"或者"双边合作"转变到"区域合作"之中,形成了以东盟为主导的系统的地区合作机制。  相似文献   

“9·11”事件后,美国经过阿富汗战争,打垮了“基地”组织。然而国际恐怖活动并未减少,反而呈扩大和蔓延之势。在印尼和菲律宾相继发生恐怖爆炸案之后,东南亚国家成为恐怖活动的危险地区。“9·11”事件后美国展开的全球反恐怖主义行动对许多国家的国内政治经济与外交取向带来了深远的影响。被视为美国反恐行动第二战场的东南亚国家在这方面显然并不例外,其中对印度尼西亚的冲击尤为重大。本文主要分析反恐行动对印度尼西亚的对外关系与国内经济、政治的影响。—、印度尼西亚的反恐立场在反恐问题上,刚开始印度尼西亚政府的反恐措施不力,直…  相似文献   

近期,美国特朗普政府在中东地区击杀伊朗军事将领的行动及其反恐政策引起了国际社会极大的担忧和激烈批评,拉高了对于特朗普政府反恐政策和战略的关注度.事实上,特朗普政府对美国的反恐战略进行了重大调整,新的反恐战略突出了预防性和全面性,并在战略倾向、重点领域和具体政策方面都有新的变化和深化.受其影响,反恐战略正在从全球治理选项逐渐转变为国内治理选项,大国反恐合作的效力进一步降低,国际反恐的合法性和政治基础将遭到削弱.尤其是,特朗普政府在反恐中对军事手段的选择性使用以及各种工具性的反恐举措有引发“以暴制暴”的暴力滥用之虞;其减少反恐援助、以高压姿态分摊反恐责任和借反恐之名打压特定国家如伊朗的做法,更使反恐日益偏离题中之义.  相似文献   

来自中国与东盟的恐怖分子正在出现合流,主要表现在两方面,一是借道东南亚前往中东的中国偷渡者数量在增加,二是少数中国籍极端分子与东盟国家的恐怖组织共同在东南亚地区从事暴力活动。恐怖活动的新特征将中国与东盟国家的安全利益紧密联系在一起,要求双方重视反恐问题在地区安全对话中的紧迫性,加大政治关注与物质投入,采取更有效的反恐合作措施,推动相关机制构建。  相似文献   

以色列反恐战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以色列独特的安全环境和长期的反恐作战经验使其形成了一套比较完善而成熟的反恐战略和反恐机制。以色列反恐战略作为其国家安全战略的重要组成部分,有着深厚的历史文化根源。以色列的反恐机制是在复杂、艰难的作战环境中不断创新和完善的,具有与时俱进的特点。由于其面临的恐怖主义威胁与巴以冲突紧密相连,以色列仅靠强有力的反恐战略和反恐机制仍然不足以维护其长治久安。要想赢得反恐战争的最终胜利,以色列就必须全面、公正、彻底地解决巴以争端。  相似文献   

在当今世界,俄罗斯和美国是遭受恐怖主义威胁最为严重的两个大国,反恐战略在俄罗斯和美国国家安全战略中都是不可或缺的组成部分。俄美两国在反恐战略的形成、恐怖主义威胁判断、反恐目标、军事反恐战略实践和国际反恐合作等方面有相同之处,也存在显著差别。随着俄美领导人的更换,两国反恐战略都在调整,并且选择了不同的战略取向。反恐是俄美两国合作的重要领域,但俄美反恐战略的分歧可能导致双方之间爆发摩擦乃至冲突。  相似文献   


This article reveals a new trend in UK counter-terrorism: the emergence of anti-extremist Theatre-in-Education (TIE) to deliver counter-terrorism projects in schools and colleges. Using Paulo Freire’s vision of critical and dialogic pedagogy, I offer an analysis of anti-extremist TIE against a backdrop of PREVENT, the UK counter-terrorism strategy. The September 11 attack, the London Transport bombings and the more recent attacks in Europe and the UK have contributed to a strengthening of counter-terrorism measures in all spheres of public life. In 2015, the UK government introduced a statutory duty for education providers to prevent young people from being drawn into terrorism. This is known as the PREVENT Duty. The implementation of the duty has not been without controversy, with commentators noting a disproportionate focus on Islamist forms of terrorism. My study has shown that the guiding principle of TIE to enact social change is threatened in this climate, whilst maintaining the possibility of engaging young people in meaningful dialogue about terrorism and violent extremism.  相似文献   

This article analyses terrorism and counter-terrorism within a framework of communication. This analytic framework views violence as a form of communication that interacts with other forms of social and political communication, whether by non-state actors or state actors. By looking at how terrorism and counter-terrorism fit into the wider context of social and political life, both at the national and the international level, the analyst can better understand how terrorism emerges from other social or political activity, how it can evolve into legal or nonviolent action, and how it can be but one tool in a political or social struggle that includes both violent and nonviolent tactics. By including counter-terrorism and the array of control institutions used to battle terrorism and related phenomena, the model forces a degree of self-reflectivity and self-awareness upon the analyst, who must examine societal, state and international institutions and forms of social control alongside strategies and tactics of protest and political agitation. In a post-11 September world, this analytic task is all the more challenging.  相似文献   

The percentage of Israelis killed by terrorism is higher than in any other democracy. The article analyzes the threats Israel has faced, the impact terrorism has had on Israel, and the counter-terrorism policies Israel has adopted. Terrorism has had a decisive effect on Israeli elections and national security decisions, but not the economy. Israeli counter-terrorism has often been conducted without a coherent overall policy, has failed to reflect and conflicted with broader objectives, and has greatly undermined Israel's international standing. Conversely, it has enabled Israel to live in relative security and thrive, and provided its leaders with the latitude to pursue various policies, including peace, should they wish to do so.  相似文献   

冷战后俄罗斯恐怖主义泛滥原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,俄罗斯恐怖主义泛滥成灾,究其原因:政治经济转轨带来的社会不公和人民生活日益贫困是滋生恐怖主义活动的社会温床;民族、宗教矛盾激化,黑社会势力发展,邪教组织壮大是诱发恐怖主义活动的重要因素;军火走私,武器扩散,现代科学技术的发展为恐怖主义的活动提供了方便条件;泛民族主义、泛宗教主义的渗透,国际恐怖主义的支持,西方国家的干涉,助长了恐怖主义势力的嚣张气焰;俄反恐斗争的失误使恐怖主义势力得以发展和壮大,也在一定程度上加剧了恐怖主义的泛滥。这些错综复杂的原因严重制约着俄反恐斗争的开展,使俄国家安全面临着严峻的挑战。  相似文献   


The complexities which beset any attempts to ascribe a foundational ethic to matters of a political stripe are well known, and continue to provoke fierce debate within studies of international relations, geopolitics and security studies. Unsurprisingly, these questions have taken on crucial import within the sub-field of critical terrorism studies (CTS), as authors grapple with the range of counter-terrorism, counter-radicalisation and counter-extremism practices enacted by the Western state as part of an ongoing ‘War on Terror.’ And while much of this scholarship has been invaluable in problematizing the concept of ‘terrorism’ per se, normative questions have proven somewhat more elusive. Through a reading of the film Eye in the Sky, along with its take on the controversial counter-terrorism practice of targeted drone assassinations, this article reiterates the case for an ethical approach which takes radical difference as the basis for any engagement with the Other. Moreover, and following international relations authors of a poststructuralist lineage, it will be argued that supplementing Levinasian ethics with Derridean deconstruction can open up new and useful ways of approaching such seemingly intractable ethical conundrums.  相似文献   

This article explores the parameters, value and limitations of different critical strategies for those dissatisfied with the contemporary politics of terror. It argues, first, that the prominent (counter-)terrorism paradigm – in which terrorism is approached as a ubiquitous and very specific security challenge meriting appropriately exceptional responses – is far more critiqued than we might anticipate. And, second, that such critiques – which can be found across political language, popular culture, everyday life, and beyond – employ distinct critical resources to serve varying ends. Reflecting on these, the article offers a new heuristic distinguishing five critical strategies which seek to: (i) repudiate; (ii) question; (iii) subvert; (iv) replace, or (v) deconstruct the prominent counter-terrorism paradigm. This typology, it argues, offers scope for optimism and strategic resources for those attracted to a critical terrorism studies project going forward.  相似文献   

The Labour government's counter-terrorism advice sought to distance ‘terrorism’ from Islam, but in doing so actually created an imagined relationship that potentially alienates those who follow the Islamic faith. This study works within the framework of labelling theory to demonstrate that the state's counter-terrorism advice was detrimental to its own goals. The study identifies labels within counter-terrorism discourse and argues that these create ‘the Islamic community’ using shared labels found in Islamist discourse and places the ‘threat’ within this imagined community. Identifying with a singular ‘other’ denies participation in multiple groups, creating an insular imagined society that constructs barriers and encourages persecution. Placing the ‘terrorist’ within this larger isolated community increases the possibility that the badge of honour found within its own group is seen as a status symbol to be mirrored within the wider community. Removing labels and empowering the individual, rather than creating artificial collectives, could provide a means of addressing the problem.  相似文献   


This paper explores contemporary counterterrorism efforts as an instrument for attaining peace as a ‘global public good’. It notes the lack of an agreed definition of terrorism, the distinction between freedom-fighting and terrorism, and the issue of ‘excessive use of force’ by the state. It assessed the extent to which US counter-terrorism policy has influenced policy in the UN Security Council, and the shortcomings in Council policy that require redress. The paper concludes that counterterrorism will be successful only when a ‘global law enforcement’ approach prevails over the national security-driven ‘war-on-terror’ and when genuine efforts are undertaken to address the root causes of terrorism, including the forward basing of US forces in the Arab world.  相似文献   

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