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1950年的联合国难民署、1951年的《难民公约》及1967年修订的《难民地位公约议定书》从制度与法律上对难民进行保护,是当今国际难民保护机制的核心角色。它是在两次世界大战前后成立的国际性难民组织的难民保护实践基础上建立和发展起来的。实际上,当今国际难民保护机制与早期难民组织提供难民保护面临的困境大体相似。本文通过考察20世纪上半叶成立的4个国际性的难民组织在难民保护上所起到的作用,并试图分析其局限性,以期为我们考察当今国际难民保护机制的持久性与它延续的可能性提供历史的与国际关系的分析视角。  相似文献   

欧盟在2015年和2022年遭受两次大规模难民危机,但应对方式截然不同,差异性表现在政策理念、行动效率和参与程度三个方面。2015年,欧盟强调维护安全,以“打击非法入境”为名控制难民入境;2022年,欧盟强调对难民的“欢迎”和“支持”,以创纪录的速度展开工作且逐步发挥领导作用。欧盟采取差异性应对政策源于三组核心关系在不同时期的不同表现:欧洲社会的普遍态度决定了欧盟难民政策的基调,成员国是否合作影响了欧盟处理危机的能力,与周边国家的地缘关系决定了欧盟解决问题的迫切程度。欧盟在难民议题上仍面临成员国分歧巨大、制度供给不足等诸多挑战,可能的突破口是正视中东欧国家诉求,力求在庇护制度改革方面达成共识。  相似文献   

接纳阿富汗难民给巴基斯坦带来了良好的政治声誉,但是对巴基斯坦的社会和经济生活、公共秩序、乃至国家安全的影响也是显而易见的。本文通过介绍阿富汗难民危机的背景、影响和法律地位,巴基斯坦的政策,国际组织发挥的作用,以及2014年后阿富汗局势与解决难民问题的关联,希望对阿富汗难民问题的发展进行有益的探讨。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代持续在缅甸若开邦境内发生穆斯林和佛教徒的冲突军政府镇压以来,许多的罗兴亚人难民被迫逃到孟加拉国及周边国家避难,最终造成了孟加拉国与缅甸边境之间的非传统安全危机,多年谈判未能解决的罗兴亚人难民问题已经成为缅甸与孟加拉国双边关系的一个关键障碍。罗兴亚人难民问题不局限于两国之间,已引起了国际社会的关注,成为一个跨国和东南亚跨区域甚至是全球的议题,需要缅甸和孟加拉国双边及国际社会的多边参与才能有效推动罗兴亚人难民问题的解决。罗兴亚人难民问题所处的地方是重大基础设施项目的关键地区,是中缅石油管道、公路、铁路桥梁的集中地,对中国利益及东南亚区域安全具有重要关涉。  相似文献   

2015年爆发的欧洲难民危机在2016年持续发酵,成为世界关注的一大焦点.欧洲难民危机背后浮现的是国际社会长期存在的难民保护问题,包括有关难民身份甄别的分歧、临时保护落实方面的困境,以及国际社会有效合作机制的缺失.难民问题是长期困扰许多国家的难题,涉及其国内政治、经济、法律、社会保障、国家安全及对外关系等方方面面.难民危机的应对需各国建立并完善与难民相关的法律体系和应急机制,加强区域和全球层面的国际合作,合力消除难民产生的根源.  相似文献   

泰缅边境的缅甸难民问题,透过内战的表象,缅甸长期的民族政治纷争与民生凋敝才是其根源所在。大量缅甸难民长期滞留在泰国境内,对泰国造成巨大负面影响的同时,却为泰北地方经济的发展贡献不菲。虽然缅甸的民主转型为缅甸的难民问题的解决带来了希望,但难民问题已经发展到了不再是单纯的缅甸内政问题,难民问题的影响已经扩散至周边国家和地区,难民问题的最终解决仍需时日。  相似文献   

在华印支难民既是国际印支难民的重要组成部分,也有其自身特殊性。他们主要是中国与越南关系恶化之后越南反华排华的结果,中国政府一开始是以难侨来对待他们,1979年之后才主要从难民的角度进行处理。中国与国际社会在印支难民问题上积极合作,包括与联合国难民署的友好合作,以及与日本、澳大利亚和老挝等国家在印支难民外流、自愿遣返等问题上的双边合作。这些历史经验为近年来关于中国难民立法与政策的相关争论提供一些有意义的思考。  相似文献   

泰缅边境的缅甸难民问题已存在30年之久,目前仍未得到妥善解决。大量缅甸难民长期滞留在泰国境内,对泰国造成巨大负面影响的同时,也为泰北地方经济的发展贡献不菲。虽然缅甸的民主转型为缅甸难民问题的解决带来了希望,但难民问题已经发展到了不再是单纯的缅甸内政问题,难民问题的影响已经扩散至周边国家和地区,其最终解决仍需时日。  相似文献   

后冷战时代,中国面临的国际环境依然十分严峻。美国在全球范围内推行单边主义,长期对中国进行战略挤压,在中国周边国家建立了许多军事基地,对华形成战略包围。美国对中国国家安全的影响在地域分布上具有全方位性、在方式上具有多样性、在性质上具有根本性、在程度上具有严重性、在时效上具有长期性,是影响中国安全的最主要因素,但这些威胁又大都是潜在的。中国应在努力与美国改善关系的同时积极发展与周边国家的关系,大力发展经济,提高综合国力。  相似文献   

根据1922年7月的南森—苏俄遣返计划,少量俄国难民在国际联盟难民机构监督下从保加利亚遣返回苏俄,这是历史上以国际组织调停的形式组织难民遣返的首次尝试。各方对于难民遣返的必要性与可行性、遣返性质及难民回国后的安全等问题的争论贯穿遣返计划始终。由于政治因素对难民问题的干扰,南森—苏俄遣返计划以失败告终。它对后来处理难民问题的国际组织具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Five cases of individual Mozambique refugees who settled in the Rhulani settlement in the Gazankulu homeland of South Africa during the Mozambique civil war reveal that successful resettlement at war's end is dependent on living conditions in the home versus the refugee camps for Rhulani refugees. The case studies were selected from open ended interviews with about 48 individuals. Push factors are identified as follows: autonomy in refugee camps, level of support for refugees returning, the process of refugee settlement in camps and the level of socioeconomic development among exiled refugees, and the perception of refugees of safe political conditions in areas of origin. Pull factors are identified as level of cohesion in the refugee community, ethnic ties with the host community, and long length of stay and greater acculturation. The General Peace Agreement in 1992 and collaborative planning resulted in Rhulani refugee resettlement in areas of origin and refugees' return to Rhulani. The Mozambique resettlement areas were not viable settlements with access to productive activities and services but land and infrastructure ravaged by war. The Rhulani settlement included about 3000 refugees who lived across the road from the village of Lillydale (Nkwinyamahembe) in Mhala district. Most refugees came from the Magude province of Mozambique (Mapulanguene, Macaene, Chikwembu, and Savele villages). The case studies provide information about the nature of the involuntary migration, the stresses and adjustment strategies of refugees, and the physical and sociopolitical context of the process of settlement and resettlement. The case studies profile some of the refugees' experiences. This refugee population is unique in receiving little relief activity and by the role of the homeland government in restricting gainful employment, owning livestock, and use of only a 22 square meter plot of land. The case studies include a spokesperson for the refugees in the camp, an older man who had been a labor migrant in the South African mines, a woman whose husband had been a labor migrant, a 9-year-old child traveling with two sisters and his maternal grandfather, and a 55 year old former labor migrant and long-term Rhulani refugee resident.  相似文献   

Kenya’s state discourse on terrorism and counterterrorism securitises Somali refugees and refugee camps. Using the securitisation theory, a perspective of social constructivism as a theoretical framework, the article attempts to establish the relationship between the securitisation of Somali refugees and refugee camps and refoulement as a measure to counter the securitisation. The arguments raised are the speech acts of Kenya’s securitising actors expressed in the terrorism discourse present Somali refugees and refugee camps as existential threats to peace and security in the country. Consequently, their speech acts expressed in the counterterrorism discourse present non-refoulement of the refugees as an existential threat to national security so as to justify, to the targeted audience, the adoption of refoulement, a norm-violating measure, to counter the fear of the threat of terrorism from Somali refugees and refugee camps. Terrorism and counterterrorism in Kenya have, therefore, been “Somalinised”. The conclusion offers ways of preventing the “Somalinisation” of terrorism and counterterrorism in Kenya.  相似文献   

This article aims to address a number of conceptual and methodologicalchallenges facing the study of young refugees. Much of the researchon refugees has, until recently, been focused on adults, andto a lesser degree, on young children. Those studies that doinclude children are largely carried out in the domain of psychologyand psychiatry and tend to pathologize and individualize. Thisarticle is based on observations derived from a six-year, multi-disciplinaryanthropological and participatory research programme that examinedthe impact of forced migration on young people in the MiddleEast and North Africa: Palestinian refugee youth in Lebanon,Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza, Sahrawi youth in Algeria,and Afghan youth in Iran. It argues that despite the challenges,an anthropological and participatory approach contributes toa greater, more holistic understanding of refugee youth.  相似文献   

This paper uses a model developed by Brams and Doherty (1993) to examine negotiations among a country of origin, a country of asylum, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in a refugee crisis. A unique feature of the paper is its treatment of the country of asylum as a separate player in the negotiations, which makes the choice to permit or deny settlement in the asylum country endogenous.
The model is applied to two groups of Rwandese refugees: Tutsis living in exile in Burundi for three decades and Hutus in Zaire during the 1990s. The contrasting circumstances surrounding these two refugee crises provide an opportunity to study asylum countries that were sympathetic and unsympathetic, and to model changing attitudes in the country of origin and the international community toward the refugees. For both crises, the predictions of the model are broadly consistent with the unfolding of the negotiation process and the opportunities that eventually became available to the refugees.  相似文献   

In Canada, the phenomenon of urban refugees is largely an expressionof state-managed practices, not spontaneous migration and settlement.This study focuses on the distinctly North American, and specificallyCanadian, experiences of pre-meditated, state-planned, government-managedmigration and settlement for urban refugees from the Aceh regionof Indonesia to Vancouver, British Columbia in 2004. It exploreswhy and how these refugees came to Vancouver; the state policydecision that located all of them in one city; and how theyhave fared in acquiring official language proficiency and employment.Whereas many refugees move to urban centres to enhance educationaland employment opportunities, this study illustrates the obstaclesto accessing both in Vancouver. Despite full legal status andaccess to employment sanctioned by the host state, there isno guarantee that refugees will have an easier time creatinglivelihoods under dramatically new conditions. The analysisis based on research conducted between January and August 2005during which a survey of housing, employment, and income issueswas conducted with 70 of the 104 Acehnese refugees who had relocatedto Vancouver since February 2004. In addition, a one-day, three-partseries of focus groups was held during which 47 members of theAcehnese community took part. Discussions centred on three keymoments during their migration: (1) while in Malaysian detentioncamps; (2) upon arrival in Vancouver, British Columbia; and(3) during the first year of settlement in the city, to ascertaincommon settlement experiences, policy implications, and theshort-term ‘success’ of the resettlement.  相似文献   

We examine whether refugee flows increase transnational terrorism in states to which refugees flee. Recent studies find that refugee flows contribute to the spread of interstate and civil war, but to a far lesser extent have studies examined how refugee flows could lead to other forms of political violence. We discuss two ways in which refugee flows can lead to transnational terrorism: how conditions in camps contribute to the radicalization of refugees; and how poorly host states treat refugees. We then conduct empirical tests using data on worldwide international refugee flows and transnational terrorism. Specifically, we model the effect of refugee flows on transnational terror attacks within a directed dyad framework to account for characteristics of origin and host states. Using a rare-events logit model, along with count models to check robustness, we find that refugee flows significantly increase the likelihood and counts of transnational terrorist attacks that occur in the host country, even when controlling for other variables. Given the prominence of refugee flows and populations worldwide, the results suggest that states with significant refugee populations and the international community at large should take measures to address the conditions in refugee camps, as well as the treatment of refugees by host states in order to prevent transnational terrorism.  相似文献   

在印度生活着大批来自周边地区的难民,其中一部分面临着强制遣返的威胁,生活无法得到基本保障,而另一部分则获得了相对优厚的待遇。出于地缘政治和社会经济因素的考虑,印度政府在严格管控难民的前提下,对不同的难民群体采取了差别化的政策。由于缺乏针对难民问题的专门立法,又拒绝加入国际难民公约,导致印度的难民法律制度非常松散。这虽然为印度政府利用灵活的政策手段处理难民问题提供了可能,但同时也造成了许多背离法律公平与正义价值的问题。本文试图通过分析印度的难民现状和研究法律本身,来揭示造成这种局面的根源。  相似文献   

Loescher G 《对外政治》1994,59(3):707-717
"This article briefly describes the scope and dimensions of contemporary refugee movements by analyzing some of the forces which shape these flows. Democratization, problems of nationality and minority rights, and structural, political, economic, environmental and social changes in the post-Cold War world (especially in large parts of the developing world and in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union), are likely to result in growing numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in the years ahead. Refugees and asylum seekers are increasingly regarded not only as a major humanitarian challenge but as a political problem and a threat to the national security of Western states. Refugee policy involves much more than defining or adjudicating claims for asylum, safe haven and refugee status for those who seek to enter or stay in the West. It is now apparent that an effective response to these issues will have to involve major Western foreign policy and international actions." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

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