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论文通过对印度南部地区农村工业经济的发展状况,农村工业化特点以及农民企业分析,较系统地论述了印度南部地区的农村经济发展模式及其特点。  相似文献   

本文首先从供需缺口、政策扭曲和制度缺陷出发,比较中印两国农村非正规金融产生和发展的内在根源与外在动因,然后分析非正规金融高速成长所带来的经济绩效和制度效应,以及两国政府对待非正规金融的态度转变与发展趋势。在此基础上,提出了借鉴印度经验教训、完善中国非正规金融发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

马宁  王鹏 《东北亚论坛》2010,19(2):119-封3
2008年10月,党的十七届三中全会强调要建立现代农村金融制度,加快建立商业性金融、合作性金融、政策性金融相结合,资本充足、功能健全、服务完善、运行安全的农村金融体系。吉林省作为东北地区的农业大省,其农村金融体系变革的滞后严重制约着农村经济的发展。促进吉林省农村金融的发展,首先要增强政策性金融支农力度;其次商业性金融要在商业化运作的基础上服务"三农";第三要保证农村合作性金融的可持续发展;第四要规范发展农村新型金融机构;第五要积极引导和规范农村非正式金融。  相似文献   

印度有近60万个村庄,农村人口占全国人口的76%,69%的人以农业为生。七十年代初农业收入占国民收入的50%以上,八十年代中期仍占40%,农产品出口约占全印出口价值的35%。因此,农村发展一直受到独立后印度历届政府的重视,不同时期采取了不同的政策,执行不同的农村发展计划。研究印度农村发展计划,如同研究印度农业经济一样对研究印度政治、经济现状有着十分重要的作用。本文拟就印度农村发展战略及其转变、印度农村发展的具体内容及成就和印度农村发展的主要问题及前景等作一粗略的概述。  相似文献   

独立后,印度历届政府都十分重视银行金融事业发展,通过诸多银行金融政策,加强对国有化商业银行发展的干预。1990年代经济改革进程中,政府逐渐减少对银行金融的干预,在一定程度上促进了印度银行金融业发展,但是也存在这样那样的问题。因此印度银行金融改革既积累了某些有益经验,也留下了诸多重要教训,从而为发展中国家银行金融改革提供了某些有益启示。  相似文献   

三、主要问题和前景七十年代以来印度农村发展计划从政治上讲,基本上实现了统治阶级分化农村贫苦民众从而稳定在农村的统治的目的,从经济上讲,虽然也取得了一定的成就,但离“消除贫困”的目标还相当的远。关于印度村发展计划的评价,在印度国内亦有多种见解,即以农村综合发展计划而言,就有四大研究机构对其进行研究评论,这些机构有:国家计划委员会的计划评价组织,印度储备银行,印度国家银行和财政管理研究所,此外,在邦级一还有许多研究价机构。诚如我国一些研究者指出的那样,印度国内外的研究者都没有否定农村发展计划及其措施,上述机构的  相似文献   

独立后,印度虽实行公私并存的混合经济管理模式,但却因实施赶超发展战略,计划压抑市场,国民经济管理手段以行政干预为主,结果导致经济比例失调,增长缓慢。为此,印度进行经济发展战略的深刻调整,计划逐渐支持市场,经济管理手段除减少行政干预外,目前已基本上形成了经济手段、法律手段和行政手段三位一体、协调运作的格局,从而极大地促进了印度经济的快速增长。  相似文献   

科技与印度农村发展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
一、何为印度农村发展印度自独立后非常重视农村发展,制定了乡村建设计划、农村综合发展计划等政策性计划。随着这些有关农村发展计划的执行,“农村发展”这个概念也就逐步清晰起来。农村发展不单是指农业的发展,农产品产量的增加,而是牵涉到农林牧副渔业、乡村工业等经济...  相似文献   

印度经济发展方式转变的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上个世纪五十年代以来,印度经济在经过调整和改革之后,成为目前世界上发展速度最快的经济体之一。深入地研究印度经济发展方式对我国目前发展方式转变有着很好的借鉴意义。作者从印度经济增长的源泉、经济增长的动力及其经济增长过程中产业结构变动情况等几个角度对印度经济发展方式做了一些数据分析。作者认为,技术导向和知识积累的集约型经济发展模式可以成为发展中国家经济发展的模式;一国经济总量的长期增长依赖于产业结构的升级和转化,发展中国家可以选择产业结构的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,在印度国民经济发展战略及其生产力要素增长机制、运行原则的作用与影响下,逐渐形成了一种以此实现印度国民财富增长(即产出增加)的相对特殊范式或途径的印度经济增长模式。因而,分析印度经济增长的基本运行态势、印度经济增长动力源泉或各种要素的特殊组合方式以及印度经济增长的特殊类型或模式,寻求印度经济增长的一般路径,揭示其内在的、本质的、必然的规律性,并以此反映印度经济增长基础之上的经济发展模式属性,为近邻中国的经济增长与发展提供经验启迪等具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

This article reports on research into the impacts of micro-finance on gender roles, the extent to which socio-cultural factors influence these changes, and how such changes affect the well-being of rural Bogoso households in the Wassa West District of Ghana. Findings indicated that micro-finance has changed men's and women's control over decisions and resource allocations, which consequently affected financial responsibilities and the education of children, and largely contributed to household well-being. However, the small size of the loans was a limitation. The article concludes that socio-cultural factors may promote or inhibit well-being in rural households, and that micro-finance is not a sufficient tool in itself to promote women's and households' well-being. It is recommended that if rural people's well-being matters, collaborative efforts in the appraisal, monitoring, and evaluation of micro-finance initiatives, with the government providing leadership, are imperative.  相似文献   

This article identifies some key factors shaping the micro-enterprise sector in urban French West Africa. Drawing on interviews with micro-entrepreneurs and micro-finance practitioners in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Togo, the study explores the needs, characteristics, motivations, and success factors for micro-entrepreneurship in the region, together with some of the impediments to the growth and success of micro-enterprise ventures. It was found that those operating micro-enterprises in the informal economy are entrepreneurs principally by necessity, and that their most basic needs tend to drive their business activities and behaviours. It was also observed that their success was constrained by a number of barriers, including poor access to capital, poor training, and general aversion to risk. As a result, the development of the micro-enterprise sector in urban French West Africa has been sub-optimal, and the authors conclude that this situation may persist unless broader economic and social barriers are addressed.  相似文献   

This article challenges the recent uncritical enthusiasm for the potential of micro-finance institutions to reduce poverty. It is argued that, although understanding about how to design anti-poverty financial intermediation has improved, the current campaign to increase resource allocation in this sector may undermine the very sustainability that is being sought. Further, studies of the impact of micro-enterprise credit suggest that it is not necessarily beneficial to very poor people. Interventions in the provision of financial services should not be made without locally specific analysis of the functions of existing savings and credit facilities. An emphasis on scale acts as a disincentive to such analysis, and increases the risk of the reemergence of a 'blueprint' approach to anti-poverty action.  相似文献   

国际饮水供给与卫生十年活动标志着农村供水制度的变革,即由传统的政府供给驱动模式向农村社区需求响应模式转变。农村社区管理制度是在政府、捐赠机构和专家帮助社区建设饮用水设施之后,社区单独负责管理这个系统,承担运营与维护供水系统的全部管理任务。印度北方邦“Swajal”供水工程是发展中国家农村饮用水制度成功变革的代表,以三层制度设计激励农村社区成为供水主体,其中,宪法秩序是印度一场国家分权制度试验,治理结构采取三方合约相互制衡模式,操作规则是从社区需求出发切实减轻农民经济负担。  相似文献   

This article draws preliminary lessons from the experience of engaging village elites in support of a BRAC programme for ultra-poor women in rural Bangladesh. It describes the origins, aims, and operation of this programme, which provides comprehensive livelihood support and productive assets to the extreme poor. Based on field research in the rural north-west, the article examines the conditions under which elites can support interventions for the ultra-poor, and the risks and benefits of such engagement. It describes the impact of committees mandated to support ultra-poor programme participants, and attempts to understand the somewhat paradoxical success of this intervention. Conclusions and lessons from the experience involve revisiting assumptions that dominate scholarship and programmes relating to the politics of poverty in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

This paper examined the development role of community banks in rural Nigeria by using the deposit mobilization capability and funding capacity in key sectors of the rural economy as yardsticks. By using a cluster sampling technique, it looks at the achievements of the community banking scheme initiative in terms of economic development. The scheme, established in 1991, has sustained itself and promoted rural development in the country. It is noted that communities have, for the first time, realized that they can advance their own economic fortunes. However, the scheme's performance as supporter of the agricultural sector has not been as well as expected, despite the fact that agriculture dominates Nigeria's rural economy. In view of this, non-banking activities are a welcome development since some of their approaches are proven to be knowledge enhancing and empowering for the rural population. Overall, community banks should attempt to strengthen non-banking approaches by collaborating more with self-help groups or nongovernmental organizations to be more empowering, results-oriented, and sustainable. Moreover, regulatory authorities should ensure that guidelines relate to credit application in terms of volume and sector allocation.  相似文献   

In rural development, political policies do not necessarily match project beneficiaries' needs and goals. One reason is the rural people's lack of political power to influence policy decisions that affect their livelihoods. If rural development is to benefit these people, upward influence in policy decisions should go hand in hand with development policies. Ideally, both government agents and politicians should commit themselves to support the people's agenda, and any government intervention should reflect political response to grassroots demands.  相似文献   

Rural women in general, and mountain women in particular, are greatly involved in managing household energy systems in Nepal. Alternative energy technologies have a high potential to reduce women's workloads and improve their health status, as well as increasing efficient energy supply. Interventions in rural energy are primarily aimed at reducing firewood use and increasing economic growth through rural electrification, rather than aiming to reduce human drudgery, especially that of women. Hence, such intervention takes place without considering the needs, roles, interests, and potential of rural women, even though women are the primary users and managers of rural energy resources. This article aims to analyse the gender implications of rural energy technologies in Kavre district, where the Rural Energy Development Program (REDP) has been implemented, especially in terms of saving women's labour and increasing socio-economic opportunities for women.  相似文献   

美日现代农地制度的比较与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地制度是农村、农民、农业问题的关键。我国现行以家庭联产承包责任制为特征的土地制度在取得巨大成功的同时也日益暴露出其不足 ,这就使得农村土地制度改革具有了紧迫性。而借鉴国外一些国家农地制度的先进经验为我所用就显得十分必要。对美国、日本的现代农地制度进行分析 ,从而可以得出家庭经营、农民有保障的土地使用权以及国家的法制化管理等对我国农村土地制度改革的有益启示  相似文献   

Rural Kenyan households have different aspirations and income portfolio strategies, including agricultural intensification and income diversification. This article reports on a study that interviewed 624 households to explore rural aspirations and derive lessons for agricultural technology development and transfer. Though few households specialised in farming, many households self-identified as farmers and aspired to increase their agricultural income. Despite the prevalence of agricultural aspirations, few aspired for their children to have a future in farming. Combining aspirations with potential to invest, the article provides suggestions for targeting agricultural interventions. We need to start listening better to those people we call “farmers” to develop and offer innovations that meet their realities.  相似文献   

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