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中俄双方在油气领域合作的相互需求与意愿突出,不断加强和扩大双方的油气合作,对于两国的经济发展与国家实力的增强都具有十分重要的意义。目前,尽管中俄两国在油气领域的合作取得了显著成绩,但并非一帆风顺。如何进一步加强两国在油气领域的合作是两国领导层必须重视的问题。双方应从战略角度,积极拓展合作的方式,加强两国油气合作。  相似文献   

中俄经贸合作经历了探索磨合、快速平稳上升和深化巩固三个发展阶段,目前已经达到了很高的水平。那种认为中俄之间"政热经冷"的看法是对中俄经贸关系的误解。仅仅从绝对贸易额、经贸合作的经济溢出效应和分工关系特征来评价两国经贸关系,无法得出关于两国经贸合作的水平的科学结论。从相对规模和贸易紧密度的角度看,中俄经贸关系是我国对外经贸合作水平最高的双边经贸关系之一。经济总量、资源禀赋和经济结构特征是决定中俄经贸关系的主要变量。同时,政治关系是中俄经贸合作实现质量和数量两个维度高水平发展的关键因素。在世界大变局背景下,中俄两国关系的内生性、中美贸易摩擦和世界经济分工关系等外在冲击,都为中俄经贸合作向更宽广领域发展和向更高水平提升提供了广阔空间。两国高度的政治互信和有效的政府间合作机制有助于推动经贸合作迈向更高水平。  相似文献   

中俄两国政治关系的迅速发展,为两国其他领域的合作提供了良好的条件和基础。国际经济大环境要求中俄两国顺应全球贸易发展趋势,提升中俄经贸合作层次,同时这也符合中俄两国各自的国家经济利益与安全利益。中俄两国经贸合作的互补性将进一步推动中俄经贸合作向前发展,并将其推向战略高度。  相似文献   

在21世纪中俄两国努力加深互信、不断提升战略协作伙伴关系的形势下,中俄关系史研究有必要向新的领域开拓,"国家形象学"正是这样一个有待开拓的领域。"中国的俄罗斯形象"指的是中国公众对俄罗斯(苏联)的相对稳定的总体评价,反映了中国人对俄罗斯的认知、中国人的俄罗斯观。无疑,这是考察中俄关系史的新视角,  相似文献   

联合国是维和行动主要的组织者和实施者。冷战结束以来,西方主导的联合国维和的目标由维护和平逐渐转变为战后重建,并开始承担复杂的国家建构任务。一方面,维和给目标国带来了和平,维和人员的日常开支对目标国经济的恢复和发展作出了一定贡献。但是维和任务的速成性和维和经济造成的收入两极分化等因素,都对目标国的经济发展产生了消极影响。另一方面,维和人员的税收豁免权、维和人员与其他社会群体的收入差距以及由此导致的政府部门人才流失和腐败、平行行政部门的出现等都严重削弱了政府对社会的渗透和控制能力。不仅如此,维和人员税收豁免和收入两极分化显著地降低了民众的纳税意愿,使得逃税和抗税盛行,提高了征税难度。维和部队对于目标国政府军向民众单方面使用暴力采取的不干涉态度,也强化了社会抗税心理。所以,西方主导的联合国维和行动既缩小了目标国的税基,降低了官僚机构的效能,又打击了民众的纳税意愿,显著地降低了目标国的财政汲取能力。本文对1980—2015年126个后殖民国家的大样本统计分析表明,无论是短期还是长期,西方主导的联合国维和行动和后殖民目标国的汲取能力都呈显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

乌克兰危机发生后,随着以美国为首的西方国家对俄罗斯实行经济制裁和政治孤立,俄罗斯外交转向东方。俄罗斯民众对中俄美大国的三角关系看法有所改变,西方国家对俄罗斯的制裁、俄美之间结构性矛盾的存在使大多数俄罗斯人对美国持负面看法;乌克兰危机使中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系进一步深化、俄罗斯民众对华评价总体上越来越友好。由于对中国的依赖、特别是经济依赖进一步加深,俄罗斯对中国仍存在一定的防范心理。在此背景下,中俄应进一步加强人文领域的交流与合作,坦率就敏感问题交换意见,以增进相互了解、消除疑虑、加强战略互信。  相似文献   

《普京文集》反映了普京总统治理国家的重要观点和思想 ,从中人们还可以看到俄罗斯人民在新的历史时期为实现国家和民族振兴所作出的巨大努力。俄罗斯是一个伟大的国家 ,俄罗斯人民是伟大的人民。俄罗斯人民为人类文明的发展作出了杰出的贡献。今天 ,俄罗斯作为联合国安理会常任理事国 ,为维护世界和平与稳定发挥着重要的作用。在普京总统的领导下 ,俄罗斯人民在实现政治稳定、经济发展和社会和谐方面不断取得新的成就。中国人民对此感到由衷的高兴。中俄两国比邻而居 ,两国人民有着深厚的传统友谊 ,建立在两国政治互信基础上的中俄睦邻友好…  相似文献   

随着《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》的签订,中俄两国经贸领域合作逐渐进入了一个良性通道,相应的,中俄经济联动效应日益凸现。所谓经济联动就是两国经济活动的相关性,它主要用贸易结合度指标来衡量,中俄经济联动效应不仅反映出中俄经济具有互补性,而且还对中、俄产业结构升级具有重要影响。  相似文献   

大众传媒是国家形象塑造的重要手段之一。国外媒体有关中国的报道也是中国国家形象"他塑"过程中的重要方面。中俄互为近邻,随着中俄战略协作伙伴关系不断深化,俄媒体有关中国的报道日益增多。本文分析俄罗斯斯维尔德洛夫斯克州三家主流媒体2011年有关中国的报道,总结报道中体现的中国国家形象、国民形象、商品形象等特点,指出俄罗斯区域主流媒体中的中国形象与中国实际形象及两国联合声明/公报中所描述的存有一定距离,俄罗斯的中国形象建构是服务于俄罗斯的国家利益需要,受中俄两国关系、两国不同的社会文化背景等因素影响,提出在俄中国形象塑造的若干思考,以缩短中国国家形象自我认知与外界解读之间的差距,有效减少外媒对中国认知的不足与误解。  相似文献   

进入21 世纪以来,世界大国对能源的争夺加剧,欧亚大陆腹地(尤其是中亚地区)正 日益成为大国激烈角逐的竞技场。中俄作为中亚地区的两大邻国,出于商业利益、国家安全和地缘 政治关切,都对该地区极为重视,在防止其他大国插手中亚事务、维护地区安全稳定方面彼此互相 倚重。中亚地区是中俄两国未来发展不可或缺的地缘战略空间,相互竞争以及由此可能带来的负 面影响不可避免,但这也为中俄之间展开更加广泛而深入的合作创造了契机。作为地区合作与安 全架构,上海合作组织在地区内平衡的是两大强国的利益,反映了中俄两国维护欧亚大陆安全的 共同需求,并且使中亚国家能够在平等基础上与本地区大国探求促进合作与安全的途径,因此上 合组织为协调中俄在中亚地区的能源关系和加强合作构建了良好平台。  相似文献   

在国与国的交往中,除了增加政治互信、推进务实合作外,很重要的就是推动人文交流①。人与人的交流,心与心的沟通,是友好与合作的根本和归宿②。中国与东盟各国的交流源远流长。进入21世纪以来,双边的人文交流发展迅速,呈现出前所未有的新局面。  相似文献   

Luis Simón 《安全研究》2017,26(2):185-212
Most neorealists argue that relative decline constitutes a systemic incentive for European security cooperation. Although this claim is broadly accepted, I argue that the relationship between relative decline and European security cooperation is complicated by a number of factors. First, European calculations about relative decline bear both a global and a regional (that is, intra-European) component. If a European country is to effectively mitigate relative decline, cooperation is not sufficient. It is just as important that cooperation develops in a way that underscores that country's comparative strengths and minimizes its weaknesses. In this regard, European countries are often in direct competition with each other. Secondly, when Europeans are thinking about their relative power position, some countries matter more than others: a given European country may accept to incur a relative loss vis-à-vis another country (European or otherwise) but not others. These calculations are further complicated by issue linkage. Some countries may accept relative losses on some issues (for example, security) in exchange for gains on others (economic). This article examines how intra-European considerations of relative gains affect the way in which Europe's main powers seek to cope with relative decline and assesses how those considerations affect security cooperation in a European Union (EU) framework. In doing so, it aims to unpack the otherwise vague notions of relative decline and European security cooperation.  相似文献   

韩国是世界上较早制定反倾销法的发展中国家,也是全球实施反倾销最为积极的国家之一,中国则成为韩国反倾销的首要目标国。韩国反倾销政策法规不仅是其对外实施反倾销的法律依据,也是其保护国内产业和市场最常用的贸易救济手段。韩国反倾销政策法规主要体现在韩国反倾销管理体制、实施反倾销的前提条件以及实施反倾销的具体措施等三个方面。韩国反倾销政策法规在实践中所具有的一些不同于其他国家或地区的特点,为中国应对未来韩国对华反倾销提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

The literature on foreign direct investment (FDI) has paid an increasing interest to international institutions such as bilateral investment treaties (BITs), but whether BITs help attract FDI is an unsettled question. Building on the existing literature, this article argues that BITs can change investors’ perceptions and the corresponding investment they make because signing BITs signals the involvement of another powerful country that is able to compel the host government to comply. This implies that the effect of BITs is not constant across signatory countries: BITs are more effective when they are signed with rich and influential countries. Using monadic and dyadic FDI data, this article finds that BITs signed with powerful countries (defined as the top six largest economies) lead to an increase in FDI inflows (both from these signatory countries and from other countries). BITs signed with other countries, despite in a larger quantity, have little influence on FDI inflows.  相似文献   

Winnie Bothe 《Democratization》2013,20(7):1338-1361
In 2008 Bhutan inaugurated a written constitution thereby instituting the state as a constitutional monarchy. The constitution is almost unanimously described as democratic by international media and academics. The ease with which this apparent consensus on its democratic character has been achieved, however, raises the important question of how best to approach the theory of constitutional democratization. In approaching the issue of democratization as a move towards popular control, this article discusses the ambivalence of the Bhutanese constitution towards this principle in a cultural context where social order is seen as constituted within the unity of king, country, and people. Curiously, this language is not as unique to Bhutan as one might expect, but influenced by the Westminster legacy in its emphasis on the principle of “Crown in Parliament”, its ritualization, and ideas of political inequality. It raises the question whether this model is suitable as a blueprint model for countries with different historic and cultural trajectories from the European ones? The article advocates a novel approach to the analysis of constitutional transition that transgresses the dichotomy between an institutional and linguistic approach, thus opening up interesting new insights on the waxing and waning of processes of expanding popular control.  相似文献   

The year 2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is also crucial for China to embark on a new journey towards building a modern socialist country and the second centenary goal. China's century-old development has benefited from absorbing and learning from the development experience of other countries on the one hand, and has contributed wisdom to countries around the world in their exploration of development paths suited to their respective national conditions on the other hand.  相似文献   

由松散分割的传统部族社会,向统一聚合的现代主权国家过渡,是当代非洲国家政治发展的核心主题与基本目标。在此发展阶段上,非洲国家需要形成有效能的中央政府,且致力于国家的经济发展、政治稳定和民族融合,以国家力量来集中资源,动员民众,培植国家情感,追求发展目标。迄今,国家成长与民族融合这两大任务在许多非洲国家都没有真正完成。为此,非洲需要一种新的思想变革运动,从自身的现实需要来追求理解政治的意义,从经济的角度来把握政治的本质,以经济发展为中心来建设国家,维护国家主权,追求思想自立,方能最终实现国泰民安,富强稳定。在维护非洲国家主权、推进非洲国家成长方面,中国可以发挥更多建设性的作用。  相似文献   

中越会计模式的比较与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
会计模式是对某一国家或地区会计行为的综合性概括,并反映出不同国家或各地区在财务核算及管理方面的差异。近年来,我国与越南经贸往来频繁,本文通过对中越会计模式的比较研究,分析两国在会计理论及实务领域异同,对增进双方在会计及经贸领域的合作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近30年来,随着东南亚国家政治经济的发展,公民社会的力量也逐步增强,非政府组织在国家政治生活中的地位也愈发重要。由于东南亚国家有着各自不同的历史发展背景和社会政治体制,相应地,各国非政府组织的发展也存在着多样性。本文以马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚为例,研究东南亚非政府组织的发展情况。  相似文献   

The relation between democracy and culture is a long-lasting subject of interest in political science. In the contemporary approach to cultural analysis, value orientations are studied as fundamental manifestations of culture. The mainstream research has focused on finding a relation between the quality of a democratic system and the existence of essential values in a society. There is, however, an understudied question as to what the relation between cultural values and models of democracy in different countries exactly is. We know that there are different models or patterns of democracy (for example, majoritarian versus consensus and participatory versus spectator democracy) discernible in various countries. But what is the reason that a particular country, or set of countries, appreciates and accepts one type of democracy, while suspecting and discrediting other types? This article aims to find an answer to this question from the perspective of cultural differences. Using the empirical data derived from the operationalization of dimensions of democracy and dimensions of culture at the national level, we examine hypotheses regarding the relation between societal cultural values and the practice of different models of democracy in various countries.  相似文献   

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