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印度、菲律宾是全球主要移民输出国,海外印度人和海外菲律宾人已成为重要的国际移民群体之一。印度、菲律宾两国政府非常重视海外移民群体,将之视为国家发展战略的有机组成部分。本文概述印度和菲律宾海外移民的基本情况,分析他们与祖籍国的联系及对祖籍国的影响以及两国政府对海外移民的政策。本文着重从移民管理机构、海外移民权益保护、实施双重国籍政策、设立国家级节日和奖项等方面对于两国的海外移民政策进行比较研究,从而对我国的侨务政策提供一定参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

体现着公共治理基本价值的公民参与已经成为俄罗斯法治国家公民性型塑以及市民社会培养的最直接的方法和途径。公民参与权在俄罗斯宪法的确立以及俄罗斯公民参与的程序规则获得的立法保障,使得公民参与成为了俄罗斯国家公共治理的最重要的社会表达方式之一。同时,公民对国家管理的有序参与为俄罗斯民众提供了表达其社会诉求、实现其自身利益的重要渠道和手段。公民参与已经成为俄罗斯法治国家构建过程中国家与社会二元互动的平衡支点,为俄罗斯实现国家同社会的密切联系,避免官民之间对抗与冲突起到了很大的化解作用。俄罗斯公民参与的实践经验可为我国和谐社会构建提供某种可参照的范式。  相似文献   

近年来,全球人口最为集中的亚洲及太平洋地区,人口偷渡和贩卖层出不穷,难民问题日益严重,区域国家间的移民劳工流动日趋频繁。面对纷繁复杂的国际移民问题,亚太国家建立了一些专门性的非正式的移民治理区域磋商机制来应对。亚太移民区域磋商机制目前发挥了一定积极作用,但有效解决亚太地区复杂的移民问题仍任重道远。亚太移民区域磋商机制若不想成为国家的“弃儿”,需要释放潜力,进行更多尝试。  相似文献   

引言东南亚华人妇女的历史是一部比较短的历史。尽管中国人移民菲律宾的历史悠久,但许多来菲的商人或劳工都把妻子和亲属留在中国。在西班牙统治期间,由于几乎完全没有华人妇女,使得华人男子与菲律宾妇女的异族混合婚姻占了很高的比例:这一直是个引人注目的现象。甚至晚至1903年,人口普查的数字仍然显示,在菲律宾大约41,035名华人中,只有517名妇女,男女性别比例是1,000:13。据说,当时在马尼拉的大多数华人妇女是妓女或姘妇。这些妇女中的许多人(40%是在14岁以下)有可能是作为“妹仔”亦即婢女被带入境的。  相似文献   

基于推拉理论及弗雷特·李的人口迁移理论对影响菲律宾人移民海外的因素进行探讨,本文认为菲律宾人移民海外主要由菲律宾国内的政治、经济、社会、家庭等环境中的"推力"和移入地的劳动力市场需求、政治自由度和福利制度等环境中的"拉力"共同形塑而成的。  相似文献   

具有经济发展活力的亚太地区中的东盟将亚太地区视为世界上经济搞得最为成功和最具有经济发展动力的集团已是当前的通论。六个东盟(东南亚国家联盟)国家:文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾;新加坡和泰国组成为亚太地区的一个很杰出的组成部分,亚太地区还包括有:日本,中国与亚洲地区新兴工业化经济群体(即南朝鲜、台湾与香港)。  相似文献   

移民开拓边疆是一个涉及到人口、经济、社会、政治、自然地理环境等多方面的复杂问题,作为一项由政府组织推行的活动,它在菲律宾已有较长的历史。在菲律宾沦为美国殖民地时期,殖民地政府就曾组织过移民拓边活动,其目的不过是为了适应殖民主义政治、经济势力扩张的需要。菲律宾独立之后,为了减轻人口稠密、租佃率高、农田碎小、农业收入低的地区所存在的一系列政治、经济和社会问题,开发边疆,增加农业生  相似文献   

本文对东盟劳工移民治理的必要性、治理的理念、治理的机制和工作进展以及移民劳工治理对东盟共同体建设的作用进行分析,认为东盟劳工移民治理是建立在东盟对人权原则的保护与强调基础上进行的,是东盟政治安全共同体、社会文化共同体建设的必要环节,对东盟共同体建设有重要的意义。  相似文献   

近三十年来菲律宾采取了积极进取的海外移民政策,向世界各地输送了大量海外移民尤其是劳工移民,同时采取一些保障与借重海外侨民的侨务政策,吸引了更多的海外侨民参与到菲律宾国内的经济社会发展中来,对该国当代经济社会发展起着巨大推动作用。  相似文献   

李鹏涛 《西亚非洲》2012,(1):101-116
科特迪瓦危机的关键在于公民身份问题。博瓦尼执政时期刻意淡化公民身份问题以吸纳外来移民,从而使得科特迪瓦长期保持经济增长与社会稳定。然而到20世纪90年代,随着经济的衰退、多党制的实行,执政者为巩固自身统治提出了"科特迪瓦性"概念,其基本含义是"科特迪瓦人的科特迪瓦",而实际目标是排斥北方人。"科特迪瓦性"自诞生之日起就对科特迪瓦社会各领域发展产生了深远影响,因而成为科特迪瓦政治中的核心问题,并最终导致2002年内战全面爆发、南北分裂局面的形成。类似的土著话语也出现在其他非洲国家,折射出非洲民族国家建构进程的复杂性和艰巨性。  相似文献   

I must agree with Ms. Taylor's conclusion that "a couple's equality in bed is likely to reflect their social and economic equality" (Sex and the 3rd world woman, June issue). My discomfort with the article arose partly from being among the mass of male sexual oppressors, but mainly from the shallowness of her report (more rhetoric than reporting). It may satisfy an appetite for feminist literature but let us think more clearly. What % of 3rd world women actually have their sexual organs tampered with? Female circumcision in Kenya, for instance, traditionally had nothing to do with this. Opportunities for women are fewest in strict Muslim societies. Ms. Taylor narrow-mindedly expects us to believe that this is entirely due to the dominant male. New Internationalist should reconsider publishing articles with so little substance as they will not aid in any real understanding of the fate of women in the 3rd world.  相似文献   

I must agree with Ms. Taylor's conclusion that "a couple's equality in bed is likely to reflect their social and economic equality" (Sex and the 3rd world woman, June issue). My discomfort with the article arose partly from being among the mass of male sexual oppressors, but mainly from the shallowness of her report (more rhetoric than reporting). It may satisfy an appetite for feminist literature but let us think more clearly. What % of 3rd world women actually have their sexual organs tampered with? Female circumcision in Kenya, for instance, traditionally had nothing to do with this. Opportunities for women are fewest in strict Muslim societies. Ms. Taylor narrow-mindedly expects us to believe that this is entirely due to the dominant male. New Internationalist should reconsider publishing articles with so little substance as they will not aid in any real understanding of the fate of women in the 3rd world.  相似文献   

1987年以来,马来西亚经济持续高速发展,第二产业和第三产业的迅速发展为该国国民提供了广阔的就业市场,农村城镇化的成功又使得绝大多数的劳动力进入到人力资源市场,加之政府积极的就业政策、网络、报刊杂志、职业中介机构等的推动力量,这些都促成了马来西亚统一的人力资源市场的形成。然而,种族思想与大量外劳的存在使得其人力资源市场在供求机制、竞争机制、人力资源开发等方面不同程度地存在着不足。  相似文献   

This article discusses recent preliminary research findings on domestic violence against women in Calcutta, India, during 1994-95 and other evidence from around the world. The Beijing Conference on Women affirmed that physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of women occurs regardless of income, class, or culture. The author found from interviews with 47 abused Indian women from a mixture of backgrounds that middle-class women were the most private and difficult to interview. Findings from interviews suggest that women can resist or challenge the abuse by men, and resolution is the end to abuse. The research aimed to identify factors that enhanced resistance and resolution. Over 66% of abused women responded by informing others or crying or offering resistance. Single women and mothers are vulnerable due to stereotyping and economic insecurity. Women's groups recommend formation of shelters for abused women, income generation programs, and training projects, but funding is frequently limited for such activities. Some abused women are unaware of their rights or do not seek help from agencies. Illiteracy interferes with exchanges of pertinent information. Women in the Indian study did not accept violence as part of marriage. 70% of the women stated that after reporting the violence there was resolution. For sexual violence, resolution did not occur, and Indian law does not treat marital rape as a criminal offense. Most of the abused Indian women had contacts with governmental or other organizations. It appears that outside support is important to resolution and nonviolent relationships. Employment that is home-based isolates women and may not be useful as a resource for achieving resolution. Groups need to focus on capacity-building.  相似文献   


Why do women become extremists? To what extent might they have self-agency? This paper examines the motivations and processes of female radicalization into the so-called Islamic State (IS) by drawing on a case study of Indonesian IS sympathizers, including the three migrant workers-turned-female suicide bombers whose radicalization was facilitated by social media. It argues that far from being coerced, most women join IS of their own free will. Prompted by a mix of personal crisis and socioeconomic and political grievances, the women embark on a religious seeking, exploring the various Islamic options available to them. Ideational congruence might spark the initial interest in IS, but it is generally emotional factors such as a feeling of acceptance and empowerment that make them stay. Contrary to common assumptions, women’s subordination in jihadist organizations is not absolute; it can be negotiated after joining. Most women try to conform to jihadist strict gender rules, but some, often with the support of male allies, try to bend the norms, including on female combat roles. The findings suggest that counter-terrorism agencies should abandon the binary view that women are either just brainwashing victims or terrorist provocateurs, and try to understand the gendered nuances of radicalization in order to formulate suitable preventive measures.  相似文献   

林梅 《南洋问题研究》2009,(3):60-66,90
中国对新加坡的劳务输出开展了20多年,新加坡已经成为中国主要的劳务输出国。中国在新加坡的劳务人员估计至少有20万之多,主要分布于建筑、制造、海事及服务等行业。尽管两国之间的劳务合作总体上发展顺利,但由于两国劳务制度不完善、市场不规范、劳务人员本身的弱势地位等原因,造成一部分中国劳务人员的利益受到损害。如果这些问题不引起两国政府部门的重视,将阻碍中新劳务合作的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article describes an NGO project intended to empower scheduled caste women working in the silk-reeling industry in India through the provision of microfinance. It documents the impact that the project had on their economic and social status over a period of time and highlights the negative consequences of excluding male relatives from playing any meaningful role. It suggests ways in which the project might have been made more male inclusive while still empowering women. At the same time, it acknowledges that even if the men's hostility to the project had been overcome, the women's micro enterprises were unlikely to have been viable commercially. This is because the project insisted that the women operate as a group in what was a high-risk area of economic activity, with no clear strategy as to how their work could be sustained.  相似文献   

In response to negligible or even negative birth rates, several developed countries have instituted pronatalist policies. In France, women are paid $125/month for 2 yr for having a third child. West Germany plans tax incentives and $200/month for postpartum women. Soviet women, long a vital part of the workforce, but still coping with household tasks, are being encouraged to produce 3 children, make childbearing a priority, and stay at home after delivery. In non-Russian areas, however, small families are still encouraged. Some hints of racist motives have been detected in France and Germany, hosts to foreign immigrants or migrant workers.  相似文献   

While conflict-related sexual violence affects men and women, male survivors are often overlooked or marginalised. The case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) is a poignant example. Twenty-two years after the Bosnian war ended, little attention has been given to the men who suffered diverse forms of sexual violence during the conflict. The present article contributes to addressing this gap. Based on semi-structured interviews with 10 men who endured the horrors of the ?elopek camp in north-east BiH, it focuses on the lives of these men today. Exploring the men’s silences and the intersection of their trauma with ongoing everyday problems, it goes beyond the commonly made argument that sexual violence against men constitutes an attack on masculinity. Fundamentally, it examines how masculinity norms and expectations have shaped the men’s stories, coping strategies, and current needs. This use of a masculinity lens highlights important gaps within transitional justice, which to date has narrowly focused on violent and militarised forms of masculinity. The article thus calls for transitional justice processes to give more attention to masculinities affected by violence.  相似文献   

日军侵华期间强征中国慰安妇问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日军侵华期间强征中国女性充当慰安妇,使其沦为日军的性奴隶,这是日本帝国主义对中国人民的犯罪,是日军所犯下的最惨无人道、最血腥、最为人类所不齿的罪行。作为受害者的中国慰安妇,不论在肉体上还是在精神上都是受害程度最深者。但是作为加害者的日本政府对待原中国慰安妇的态度又是最不公平的。  相似文献   

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