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"丝绸之路"贸易通道的复兴,对于中国经济发展和社会进步具有重大的现实意义。中国已经开展了大量关于"新丝路"的外交活动,但中国更需要将"丝路外交"提升到战略的高度,原因在于"丝路外交"的开展不仅有利于中国突破当前的贸易和能源困境,而且也可以极大地加强中国与周边国家的文化交流,实质性地改善中国的安全处境。中国在"新丝路外交"中应该注意防范非传统安全威胁,利用好包括联合国在内的各种国际协调机制,并避免恶性的大国竞争。  相似文献   

The concept of"a harmonious world,"a phrase used by the incumbent leadership of China to encapsulate China's diplomatic goals,has become a new guideline for China's diplomatic activities.By applying this concept, Chinese diplomacy has taken a new turn,pushing China into a new and powerful role in world affairs.China's diplomatic effort,however still faces numerous problems,challenges and risks,requiring the Chinese leadership to refine the concept of"harmonious world"through creative thinking and application.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代末期以来,日本民众对中国日益增长的认识偏差和部分媒体对中国的负面报道已经成为两国关系健康发展的重要障碍。对日开展公共外交旨在通过信息和文化交流活动加深中日两国民众的相互认识和理解,促使日本媒体与公众能以更加客观的态度来看待中国,帮助日本人民了解历史真相。中国对日开展公共外交,总体来说取得过一定的成绩,但仍有缺失,不能适应新时期改善中日外交关系的要求。要改变这一状况,必须在明确目标的基础上采取新的措施,包括充分重视媒体的作用;积极开展教育文化交流;加强对内开展公共外交等。  相似文献   

朱航 《亚非纵横》2010,(3):11-16
公共外交是一国政府通过信息传播、文化交流、大众媒体、民意调查和支持非政府组织等形式影响国外民众,扩大本国政府、公民与国外民众的对话,减少他国公众对本国的错误观念,提高本国在国外公众中的形象和国际影响力,进而增进本国国家利益的外交方式。世博会为我国开展公共外交提供了一个盛大的平台,也成为中国面向全世界的“公共外交”新舞台。  相似文献   

徐进 《拉丁美洲研究》2020,42(1):1-14,154
新时代中国特色大国外交由新时代、中国特色和大国外交三部分组成。对于新时代的含义,党的十九大报告已经做出了明确的表述。大国外交的研究,历来是国际关系学界关注的重点,但对于什么是“中国特色”,学术界似乎着墨极少。所谓中国特色,就是指中国独有而其他国家没有或罕有的某些环境、指导思想、操作原则和具体抓手。本文探讨了新时代中国特色大国外交的“独特”之处。中国特色大国外交是在百年未有之大变局这一独特外部环境中展开的,其指导思想是作为新时代中国特色社会主义思想重要组成部分的习近平外交思想,采取了结伴不结盟这一独特的外交原则,以及“一带一路”倡议这一独特的工作抓手。中国特色大国外交有三个独特的理论来源:中国特色社会主义道路、中国传统文化和新中国外交传统。明确新时代中国特色大国外交“特”在何处,有助于我们总结和把握中国特色大国外交理论和实践的发展,有助于我们理解中国外交总体布局,有助于我们观察和分析当前和今后一个时期中国外交政策的走向。  相似文献   

Since formal diplomatic relations between China and Fiji were established in 1975, China has gradually developed its bilateral and multilateral relations with the Pacific islands countries (PICs). Especially in recent years, China has deepened its involvement in the South Pacific, and its influence in the region has been growing rapidly. Today, China appears to be one of the major players in the South Pacific region. This increased Chinese engagement has drawn wide attention in academic and political circles. While some scholars and analysts take a positive view of such an engagement, others are concerned about the rising presence of China in the region. Is China's engagement with the South Pacific a new strategic threat or not? This paper will examine the major motives underlying China's engagement with the South Pacific and analyze the implications of China's engagement for the PICs and Australia.  相似文献   

改革开放30年的中国外交和理论创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年是改革开放30周年。30年来,中国发生了巨变,国际形势也发生了根本性变化,国际体系进入转型期,在新形势下,中国外交在邓小平思想的指导下,创造性地运用科学发展观,初步建立了自己的外交理论体系,实现了中国与外部世界关系的重大转换,为国内经济建设营造和平的外部环境做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, China's military diplomacy has displayed an omni-directional and multi-level form, and with an increasing transparency which has increased trust and reduced doubt. China has enhanced its conventional military functions and strengthened its military soft power. This has helped China develop into a responsible state on the world stage. Through military exchanges with other countries, the Chinese military has gradually strengthened its ability to undertake a variety of tasks. The Chinese military has to make greater efforts to counter the perception of a "China threat." There is also a need to establish a system of military spokesmen and to develop a theory of military diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立60年来,以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指针,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,在外交战线搏击风云,披荆斩棘,取得辉煌的成就和业绩。中国坚苦卓绝的外交斗争维护了国家的独立、主权和安全,为现代化建设与改革开放事业创造了有利的国际环境,提升了中国的国际地位和影响,并为促进世界和平与发展及人类进步事业做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

《Diplomacy & Statecraft》2007,18(2):415-443
The article examines Taiwan's relationship with Europe (both Western and East Central), paying particular attention to the Taiwanese diplomatic strategies and their consequences in the 1990s and 2000s, as well as to the European responses. It argues that although Taipei's greatest triumphs in Europe—such as the arms deals, diplomatic or consular agreements or gaining support for membership in international organizations—proved either sporadic or short-lived, their very existence demonstrated that the China factor did not necessarily restrict the European nations' choices with regards to the Taiwan issue. This was particularly so when Taipei's economic rewards seemed sufficiently compensating for China's economic or political sanctions. More importantly, however, Taiwan—through economic diplomacy—successfully established strong foundations for long-term dialogue with all of Europe through representative offices, bilateral committees, parliamentary exchanges and periodical visits by government officials. Thus, Europe's functional relationship with Taiwan, which focused mainly on economic and cultural issues, not only facilitated low-key political dialogue with the island, but also stimulated Europe's interest in the geopolitical stability in the Taiwan Strait.  相似文献   

中国和土耳其两国在1971年建立外交关系,但在20世纪七八十年代冷战的背景下,中土关系处于一种低水平状态。冷战结束后,两国关系的发展出现了前所未有的势头。2010年10月,中国和土耳其宣布正式建立和发展战略合作关系。这种战略合作关系并非空洞的外交辞令,而是具有丰富的实质性内容。作为两个发展中的地区大国,中国和土耳其双方均着眼于未来,希望在国际舞台上发挥与各自政治、经济和军事力量相称的作用。在埃及、利比亚、叙利亚等阿拉伯国家发生剧烈动荡后,土耳其在中东地区的重要性更进一步凸显。随着中东和中亚在中国对外战略中地位的上升,土耳其在中国外交中的地位会更加重要。  相似文献   

国际体系转型与中国国际话语权提升战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国在国际体系转型的大背景下,提升国际话语权显得非常必要。中国经过改革开放30多年的发展,国家强劲崛起为国际话语权的提升提供了条件。中国可以从“中国特色”范式的形成、中国理论水平的提高、外交政策的调整及国际传播能力的增强等四个方面入手,提高自身的话语权。  相似文献   

在当今信息时代,网络外交可以为软权力的实现提供技术信息支撑、文化价值观和身份认同支持以及外交信誉基础,是实现软权力的有力助推剂。然而,中国网络外交尚处于起步阶段,面临诸多问题。为有效应对挑战,中国要加强网络技术研究和信息资源的收集整理发布工作,积极推进民族文化网络化、产业化、现代化和世界化的步伐,强化国家核心价值体系和主流意识形态在网络的主导地位,同时还要通过加强与国外网络媒体的对话、改变国内网络管理思路与体制等方式来推动网络外交的发展。  相似文献   

一、古代中国中医、中药的发展中华文化历史悠久,博大精深,中医中药是一大奇葩,是世界科学文化宝库中的瑰宝。远在先秦时期,医药知识已经相当进步,周代已成为一种专业,春秋时期医术已经开始分科诊治,《黄帝内经》问世,标志着中医基础理论形成。到了汉代,我国医药学更有划时代的发展,如仓公精于脉术,《史记》本传载有其医案25则,张仲景著有《伤寒杂病论》,反映了临证医学的发展,标志着中医学辨证论治原则的确立。《神农本草经》是对战国以来药物学发展的全面而系统的总结。隋唐是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期,经济繁荣,文化发达,科学技术进步,医学…  相似文献   

China’s regional policy is mainly centred on its efforts to forge a friendly, stable and prosperous neighbourhood. To achieve this end, China has developed an approach combining both partnership bilateralism and tailored regional multilateralism. By and large, China does not consider its neighbourhood as a whole and has been very cautious and hesitant to engage in overarching ‘region-building’. China has relied mostly on soft (attractive) use of power, particularly economic power, supported by cultural and assurance diplomacy, even though diplomatic and economic coercion have been exercised occasionally. China has once again become the biggest economy in Asia. Yet, neither the new power configuration in Asia nor China’s own ambitions point to a return to the old ‘Middle Kingdom’ with China holding a dominant position in its neighbourhood. China will most probably continue to see itself as a self-restrained regional power in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

杨然 《东南亚纵横》2011,(12):57-59
近年来,越南在广义文化方面出现了一些新发展、新概念、新领域,如旅游文化、商业文化、交通文化、外交文化等。越南将文化外交视为其外交的三大支柱之一,让文化为国家的对外交往服务,与中国的文化外交比较密切。  相似文献   

"有主见的外交"的新理念是安倍首相面对小泉内阁外交的困境和僵局寻求突破的产物,既是对小泉内阁外交路线的一种修正,也是安倍首相个人风格特点的一种彰显。其基本内涵包括:加强亚洲外交改善睦邻关系,提升欧洲外交拓宽战略空间,维持日美同盟提高自身地位,扩大国际影响加大"争常"力度。这一理念对新内阁以来的日本外交已经产生了一定的积极影响,但受制于国内国际诸多因素,也面临着严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

The successful hosting of the CICA summit has drawn great attention The attention to China's "host diplomacy". Analyzing new features of China's "host to "host diplomacy" during this new period, this paper will look at the opportunities and challenges facing China's "host diplomacy" and discuss the problems that China should address in order to do a better job in this regard and bring its "host diplomatic advantages" into full play.  相似文献   

China's efforts to safeguard its maritime rights have been attacked by some Western countries which claim its actions impede the freedom of navigation. As a rising power, it is necessary for China to take a new look at the international legal framework for navigational freedom and China's policy choice.  相似文献   

18世纪初,在中俄两国交往日益频繁的时代背景下,中国开始培养自己的俄语人才,从俄罗斯文馆到京师同文馆再到京师大学堂译文馆,清代中国俄语教育在纽织形式、地域分布、教育目标、教学内容等方面都进行了明晰的规划,培养出了一大批外交和翻译人才,并为我国现代俄语教育的形成与发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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