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“两廊一圈”与中国—东盟区域性物流中心建设   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
一、广西构建中国-东盟区域性物流中心应以"两廊一圈"合作为切入点 开拓东盟市场,广西具有明显的区位优势.中国-东盟博览会落户南宁也使广西具备了制度安排上的优势.但是由于广西经济发展水平不高、产业基础薄弱,各种优势未得到充分发挥.在这种情况下,广西构建中国-东盟区域性物流中心初期,不宜向东盟10国全线铺开,而应以"两廊一圈"合作为切入点.  相似文献   

索马里族问题的复杂性集中表现在它是一个跨界民族.埃塞俄比亚境内的索马里族问题主要体现在,以欧加登民族解放阵线为代表的地方民族主义者要求分离,且对埃塞国家的向心力渐行渐远.如果这种趋势继续发展下去,将严重到危及埃塞领土主权的地步.虽然埃塞境内索马里族成功分离的可能性很小,但索马里民族问题处理不当会使民族和边界问题升级.相对于埃塞严峻的人口、贫困、就业等问题而言,埃塞政府目前在解决索马里族问题方面尚未形成一套成熟且行之有效的策略和可预期的时间表.  相似文献   

邱孝高,1938年8月出生,重庆市开县人.1965年于四川大学生物学系动物学专业毕业.中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所研究员,中国畜牧兽医学会口蹄疫学分会第三、四届理事会秘书长.  相似文献   

陈广印,1932年生于陕西省华县.1957年8月毕业于西北畜牧兽医学院兽医系,同年分配到中国农业科学院地兰州兽医研究所工作,1992年晋升为研究员,享受政府特殊津贴.  相似文献   

外高加索地区不仅具有重要的地缘价值,而且还蕴藏有丰富的能源,一直是兵家必争之地.冷战结束以后,特别是九一一以后,美国携北约进入该地区,借"反恐"之名,加快了向该地区渗透的步伐.北约主要采取了这些具体措施:加强与外高国家的军事合作;保障能源通道的安全;参与解决地区热点问题;建立特别对话机制.北约向外高地区的扩展,将产生广泛和深远的影响,特别是对俄罗斯影响最大;同时还将对伊朗、中国的安全和稳定产生直接或间接的影响.北约向外高的扩张虽然是一条漫长的道路,但在当下的研究和关注是十分必要的.  相似文献   

<媚珠-仲始>是越南流传广泛、影响深远的民间传说,在<岭南摭怪>中它属于<金龟传>中的一部分.越南学者认为,<金龟传>实际上书写的是安阳王的成败史,前半段写西瓯越部落首领蜀泮秉承祖父遗愿出兵战胜雄王,建立瓯雒国并自立为安阳王,在清江使者金龟的帮助下斩除妖魔,建成螺城的故事;后半段写安阳王与赵佗交战,赵佗设计让儿子仲始入赘瓯雒国,最终盗得神弩,打败安阳王的故事.  相似文献   

雨桦 《新青年》2008,(5):50-51
小鱼是一位相貌平平的女孩子,嫁了有钱有闲又帅气的老公,令女友们嫉妒得哇哇直叫.且不说婚后老公对她如何体贴呵护,结婚三年了,一直处于相看两不厌的甜蜜状态里,出成双,入成对,完全没有N年之痒的样子.他们走在一起,小鱼的相貌和她老公的外形实在是不敢恭维,可是,人家就是恩恩爱爱,你能怎么着?在外遇比吃包子都平常的年代里,一个相貌平常的女孩子想让有钱有闲的中产男人死心塌地的爱上自己,绝不是一件容易的事,有女人不惜丰乳隆胸,开膛破肚,有的甚至牺牲掉了健康,一样没有留住男人善变的心,而小鱼却轻松俘获了男人的心,请看她的恋爱秘笈.  相似文献   

本文研究亚洲地区的核问题,分析亚洲核扩散的安全动因与地区关联,并从世界范围内所有弃核事件中提取弃核规律,总结出成功弃核的两项必要条件,即体制更换导致安全观念变化与存在严重及可信的威胁.在理论上,这项抽象为弃核的充分条件预留空间,即为朝鲜未来可能的弃核保留可能,尽管这种可能并不十分现实.用同一规律比照,阻止伊朗发展核武则更具可能.  相似文献   

Sino-Latin American relationship is developing in a comprehensive, wideranging, and multi-level way. Due to the differences in ideology, views on regional policy, intraregional development as well as each country's regional positioning and own situation, the regional cooperation organizations with the growth of their number lack necessary communication and contact among one another. China needs to build an overall Sino-Latin American cooperation framework facing the future from the strategic point of view.  相似文献   

(2010年10月1~31日)●1日,柬埔寨国会举行全体会议,审议并一致通过《东盟与澳大利亚和新西兰建立自由贸易区协议》。柬埔寨商业部国务秘书金西童当天表示,这一协议是东盟与澳大利亚和新西兰领导人于2009年2月在泰国举行的第十四届东盟峰会期间签署的。  相似文献   

The universality of human nature determines the universality of values and its particularity determines the diversity and plurality of values that is the fundamental determinant of security problems among different value systems. In a narrow sense, value security refers to a situation in which value concepts of a state, region, or a nation, social class are not under threat from the external adversaries, which is called conceptual value security. In a broad sense, value security refers to the consistency between the system of realistic value security and that of conceptual value security. National value security encompasses both value security in a nation-state and security of national values, in which the former is featured by the recognition and acceptance of a prevailing value in a nation-state, and the latter is characterized by the sovereignty of national values. Due to the fact that the issue of value system is a meta-theoretical one and the security of conceptual value system is part of cultural security, value security holds a core position in cultural security and is an important component of overall national security system. Additionally, value security embodies the security of value pursuits and value criteria in different spheres of the overall national security system and therefore, it is also an indispensable and flexible support to the overall national security.  相似文献   

邱红 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(4):33-37
人口之窗是指在人口转变过程中出现的一个特殊时期,此时,较多的劳动力人口抚养较少的老龄人口及年少人口。很多国家的发展证明,人口之窗对于一国的经济发展贡献很大,因此,又被称为“人口红利”。目前,我国人口正处于人口之窗的黄金时期,提高劳动力素质,发挥劳动力资源优势,是振兴东北经济的关键。  相似文献   

Development today is a radical and intrusive endeavour. Reflecting the interest of homeland security, it is embarked upon transforming societies as a whole within the global borderland. In attempting to secure the future, however, it is reaching backwards to reconnect and rejuvenate earlier colonial modes of governing the world of peoples. This article is a modest attempt to recover part of this genealogy. The concept of biopolitics is introduced and defined in relation to the differences between developed and underdeveloped species-life. In distinction to the life-supporting technologies associated with mass society, development is a biopolitics of population understood as self-reliant in terms of basic economic and welfare needs. The security function of such a biopolitics is that of bettering self-reliance as a means of defending international society against its enemies: it is the art of getting savages to fight barbarians. To give historic depth to this strategization of power, such a manoeuvre is demonstrated in the relationship between colonial Native Administration and insurgent nationalism. It is then used to provide a critical commentary on the interconnection between development and security, in particular, the relationship between sustainable development and internal conflict that shapes current perceptions of global danger. The conclusion briefly considers the cost of this episodic inheritance: a small part of the world's population consumes and lives beyond its means within the fragile equilibrium of mass society while the larger part is allowed to die chasing the mirage of self-reliance. Rather than addressing these divergent life-chances, the securitization of development is further entrenching them.  相似文献   

Ethnocentrism, the tendency of some people in society to regard all aspects of their culture as superior to that of other culture groups, can have a detrimental effect on intercultural communication. Ethnocentrism discourages contact and communication between members of different culture groups, whereas intercultural communication contributes to a greater understanding between diverse groups. Ethnocentrism is largely a negative attitude towards out-groups, embedded in a belief and value system that is regarded the best under all circumstances. It is acquired by individuals through informal and formal education. Ethnocentrism is reinforced in society in many ways but particularly by membership of in-groups. It has close links with stereotypes and prejudice as is reflected in a culture group's attitudes, values and beliefs. It is difficult to change, largely because it is seen as a way to maintain cultural identity and because people are subjected to the principle of selectivity. Political, national and belief ethnocentrism pose the greatest threat to intercultural communication.  相似文献   


The idea that there is one cohesive Islamist movement with a clearly defined plan to conquer power in Libya is a deeply flawed argument. It is one that, among other causes, is at the basis of the current divisions in the country and its civil strife. The Islamist movement in Libya, on the contrary, is a highly heterogeneous reality. Understanding this divisiveness is fundamental to the elaboration of a strategy for reunification and the establishment of law and order. Such a strategy should be based on the principle of incorporating those Islamists who accept the democratic process and isolating the more extremist ones.  相似文献   

International Studies is on the cusp of a debate between para-keepers , observers who are steadfast about maintaining the prevailing paradigms and deny that globalization offers a fresh way of thinking about the world, and para-makers , who bring into question what they regard as outmoded categories and claim to have shifted to an innovatory paradigm. This distinction is a heuristic that allows for various gradations and dynamic interactions between the keepers and the makers. It helps to identify anomalies in and discomfort with International Studies. Partly as a response to these problems, globalization studies has evolved and may be tentatively delimited by a distinct set of characteristics. But, in the near term, there is no looming Kuhnian crisis in the sense of an impending overthrow that would quickly sweep away reigning paradigms. Given that systematic research on globalization is only slightly more than a decade in the making, it is most likely that International Studies has entered an interregnum between the old and the new. At this time, as a paradigm, globalization is more of a potential than a worked-out framework. It may be best understood as a proto-paradigm.  相似文献   


This article, which is based on a focused synthesis of a range of historical, political, policy, regulatory and other factors, proposes a normative policy model for community radio broadcasting in Zambia. It starts with a historical analysis of the factors that have influenced the development of community radio broadcasting in the country, particularly in the period before and after 1991. It is argued that community radio broadcasting in Zambia is largely reflective of the state-centric policy-making regime. This policy-making regime is itself a legacy of British colonialism. The policy proposal put forward in this article is informed by the assumptions of the group and organised anarchy models of policy-making and seeks to promote community radio broadcasting in terms of its vision, regulatory structures, funding, training, technology, production of local content and research.  相似文献   

Within the political configuration of advanced Western democracies, analysts agree that technology is a significant empowering force for organization and mobilization of political parties. However, it is clear that information technology is deployed and employed within a larger political culture, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that political culture has a mediating effect on the role of information technology and political practice. This essay presents a case study from the Republic of Singapore, a nation that has a vastly different political culture from the Western nations, to examine the ways in which assumptions about technology affected both the deployment and regulation of the Internet as a political force during the 2001 general election. Contrary to assumptions and arguments that the Internet has similar qualitative impacts across national boundaries, this essay argues that political culture, including regulation, plays a significant role in contextualizing and limiting the effects of new media on political practice. The results demonstrate significant national differences in the ways in which the Internet is used in campaigns, in soliciting feedback and discussion, and in establishing a political profile.  相似文献   

西伯利亚地区面临人口危机   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
俄罗斯经济转轨以来 ,西伯利亚地区人口形势不断恶化 ,已处于危机之中 :人口持续减少 ,劳动潜力被破坏 ,而且 ,据俄专家估计 ,未来 15~ 2 0年西伯利亚人口将继续减少。西伯利亚地区长期存在的劳动力不足问题更加尖锐 ,并对整个俄罗斯构成了威胁。人口问题成为制约西伯利亚地区经济社会发展的突出问题之一和亟待解决的一项首要任务  相似文献   

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