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荷兰的托管令是一项针对犯罪精神病人的保安措施,其宗旨一方面在于保护社会免受犯罪精神病人的进一步侵害,另一方面则通过对犯罪精神病人的强制医疗,使其摆脱精神疾病,复归社会。由于托管令不是刑罚,它不具有刑罚的报复性和惩罚性。出于防卫社会的要求,托管令的期限是根据他人或公众人身财产安全的需要来确定的。  相似文献   
一句话可以让你笑起来,一句话也可以让你跳起来。一句含义深刻、发人深省的话出现得是时候、是地方,就会像一次“爆炸”,震撼人的心灵。在我短短30多年的人生旅途中,就有这样一句话给了我深深的震撼。  相似文献   
子荷 《中国减灾》2007,(12):45-45
11月9~11日,重庆市家乐福超市沙坪坝店推出十周年店庆促销活动。10日推出一款菜油特价促销,原价每桶51.4元的5升桶装菜油只卖39.9元。当天早晨4时左右,就有大量市民前往排队等候。上午8时40分超市开门营业时,市民们已在店外排成了数十米长龙。随着人流的涌入,家乐福东门入口处因群众滑倒而引发踩踏事故,共造成3人死亡、31人受伤入院(其中7人重伤)。  相似文献   
子荷 《中国减灾》2013,(4):15-17
“掷出窗外”网站的创办人、28岁的复旦大学硕士研究生吴恒很喜欢看《舌尖上的中国》。他说,舌尖上有两个中国:一个是电视里的那个,有着悠久历史和传统美食文化的中国;还有一个是他网站上那样,黑心商人制造黑心食物并占有庞大市场的中国。毒奶粉、瘦肉精、地沟油、染色馒头、回炉面包、绝育黄瓜……说起食品安全,  相似文献   
子荷 《中国减灾》2005,(2):28-30
2004年岁末发生的历史罕见的大海啸,给印度洋地区带来了空前的大劫难.由于缺乏有效的预警机制等原因,这场灾害给有关国家造成了重大的人员和财产损失.截至1月25日,印尼官方宣布:印度洋海啸中总遇难者和失踪者人数可能已超过28万人.印尼卫生部于当日同时宣称:印尼在印度洋海啸中遇难和失踪者人数已达228249人,其中96232人在海啸中死亡并已被掩埋,另有132197人失踪.  相似文献   
Over the last decades, the importance of technical and scientific evidence for the criminal justice system has been steadily increasing. Unfortunately, the weight of forensic evidence is not always easy for the trier of fact to assess, as appears from a brief discussion of some recent cases in which the weight of expert evidence was either grossly over- or understated. Also, in recent years, questions surrounding the value of forensic evidence have played a major role in the appeal and revision stages of a number of highly publicized criminal cases in several countries, including the UK and the Netherlands. Some of the present confusion is caused by the different ways in which conclusions are formulated by experts working within the traditional approach to forensic identification, as exemplified by (1) dactyloscopy and (2) the other traditional forensic identification disciplines like handwriting analysis, firearms analysis and fibre analysis, as opposed to those working within the modern scientific approach used in forensic DNA analysis. Though most clearly expressed in the way conclusions are formulated within the diverse fields, these differences essentially reflect the scientific paradigms underlying the various identification disciplines. The types of conclusions typically formulated by practitioners of the traditional identification disciplines are seen to be directly related to the two major principles underpinning traditional identification science, i.e. the uniqueness assumption and the individualization principle. The latter of these is shown to be particularly problematic, especially when carried to its extreme, as embodied in the positivity doctrine, which is almost universally embraced by the dactyloscopy profession and allows categorical identification only. Apart from issues arising out of the interpretation of otherwise valid expert evidence there is growing concern over the validity and reliability of the expert evidence submitted to courts. While in various countries including the USA, Canada and the Netherlands criteria have been introduced which may be used as a form of input or output control on expert evidence, in England and Wales expert evidence is much less likely to be subject to forms of admissibility or reliability testing. Finally, a number of measures are proposed which may go some way to address some of the present concerns over the evaluation of technical and scientific evidence.  相似文献   
子荷 《中国减灾》2021,(2):12-17
春节期间,全国各地均会举办各种庆贺新春活动,热闹喜庆气氛洋溢;这些活动形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的地域特色,凝聚着中华文明的文化精华.但在阖家团圆、共庆新年的同时,关于安全这根弦却一点都不能松懈,唯有如此,大家才能过一个欢乐祥和的春节.  相似文献   
一位是前任男友。对自己念念不忘,情意耒了,苦心设局;一位是现任男友,将步入婚姻殿堂,却放任自己,深陷赌局——面对这样的局面。她的路在何方?  相似文献   
子荷 《中国减灾》2011,(7):23-24
中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,关于防灾减灾的思想、政策和方略已有3000余年的历史记录。爬梳自先秦以来的部分防灾减灾方略,我们不禁为古人的聪明才智所折服,也希望能够以古鉴今、以史明智。  相似文献   
众所周知,醉驾作为"马路杀手",是全球共同面对的一大社会难题。世卫组织的事故调查显示,大约50%-60%的交通事故与酒后驾车或醉驾有关,酒后驾车或醉驾已被列为车祸致死的主要原因。从全球范围看,各国对醉驾的惩罚措施也都体现了"从重从严"的特点。美国:酒后驾车一经查实,即上铐逮捕,并列  相似文献   
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