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5月26日,中共中央政治局召开会议,研究改革收入分配制度和规范收入分配秩序问题。中共中央总书记胡锦涛主持会议。 会议强调,改革收入分配制度,规范收入分配秩序,构建科学合理、公平公正的社会收入分配体系,关系到最广大人民的根本利益,关系到广大干部群众积极性、主动性、创造性的充分发挥,关系到全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业的全局,必须高度重视并切实抓好。要坚持和完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,坚持各种生产要素按贡献参与分配,在经济发展的基础上;更加注重社会公平,合理调整国民收入分配格局。加大收入分配调节力度,使全体人民都能享受到改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的成果。要积极推进收入分配制度改革,进一步理顺分配关系,完善分配制度,着力提高低收入者收入水平,扩大中等收入者比重,有效调节过高收入,取缔非法收入,努力缓解地区之间和部分社会成员收入分配差距扩大的趋势。  相似文献   
为什么第二次世界大战后,日本、西德等物质资本遭受巨大损失的战败国能一跃而起成为世界经济发达国家?  相似文献   
I have the privilege of visiting China four or five times a year,usually for business meetings in Beijing,but with the occasional opportunity for a purely social outing.Always,there are surprises.Always,I encounter something new and fascinating.And always,someone observes that still, after all this time,I speak very little Mandarin.My response is  相似文献   
一、苏联解体后的远东教育 苏联解体对整个俄罗斯社会产生了深刻影响,对教育的影响尤为深刻。与发达工业化国家相比,苏联解体后的俄罗斯对教育的投资远远落后于经济发展的速度。1992年俄罗斯通过了教育法规,按照该法规的要求,俄罗斯对教育的投资应不低于整个国民收入的1/10,而结果却远非如此,1992、1993和1994年,教育投资只占国民收入的4.6%、5.8%和3%,远东的状况更糟。  相似文献   
正REGARDING China’s economic and social outlook,there are two contending views in the domestic and overseas academic world.One predicts that China will get affluent before becoming an aging society,and the other holds the opposite opinion.A comprehensive and dynamic analysis is needed before reaching a conclusion.Complex Factors in Economic Growth Total Factor Productivity(TFP)is the most accepted measurement through which to judge total inputs’output productivity,that is,the ratio of total output to total inputs.TFP includes technological progress,organizational innovation,professionalism,etc.An increase of this index refl ects the progress of science and technology.High  相似文献   
正SINCE its establishment in 1947, the Winglaiyuen restaurant has become a well-known Hong Kong brand with an international reputation. Its development and expansion is largely due to one woman’s single-minded devotion.She is Wang Xiaoling."Running a successful restaurant is lucrative, but also hard work, because it demands whole-hearted devotion. Many brands build  相似文献   
正SEVERAL months ago,Chen Wei and former university classmate Hu Yulin got married.Looking back on their lives together in university,Hu had a crush on her,but she had no feelings for him–yet.Born into an impoverished rural family,Hu Yulin was quite small when he became entranced by the melodies of a flute vender,so he bought a flute for two yuan.He recalls,"From then on,I taught myself,for there was no one to teach me."At the age of 17,Hu went to Beijing to be mentored.With Chen e oking their t feelings mpoverished rural famquite small when he d f o e n on,or there was e."7,Hu went to ntored.With  相似文献   
正THE modification of China’s birth control policy which allows couples where either parent is a single offspring to have a second child came into force at the end of 2013.Although many young couples are indeed eager to have a second child,there are also plenty who are not.For many,whether or not to give birth a second time is a weighty decision.Avoid Only-Child Loneliness Guo Qian,30,formally announced her intention to conceive and give birth to a sibling–with luck a sister–for  相似文献   
A lot of Chinese painters today work in a realist style because they believe it is more objective in dealing with current events and that seems to be popular. I work in an expressionist style and thematically, I deal with that which is eternal.  相似文献   
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