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The article uses the Iraq example to show that the project of imposing democracy from outside by force is inherently contradictory and likely to fail, for reasons that go beyond the particular circumstances of the country or the Middle East. The paper then reviews a number of historical cases that have been supposed to show that democracy can result from armed invasion, and concludes that this was only so because in no case was imposing democracy the prime purpose of an invasion. Finally, it draws attention to the consequences for the quality of democracy at home in the countries most responsible for seeking to export democracy by force of arms.  相似文献   

This article begins by arguing that the image of a political party is of strategic importance in its pursuit of electoral success. More specifically, it is argued that important influences on party image are ‘politically relevant’ events. The paper then develops a conceptual model of how the images of political parties are influenced by such events. It considers internal and external factors that influence the power of a given event to affect party image. Next, the process of image transfer itself is discussed along with the factors that influence the way credit/ blame is apportioned from an event. Then, ways of dealing with ‘negative’ events are considered. The overall model is used to analyse a specific political event (the Iraq war) and assess its likely impact on party image. The article concludes by assessing the model's efficacy and limitations in analysing the case used and with events per se. Finally, future research ideas prompted by the paper are discussed.  相似文献   

This essay discusses several issues involving the theory of post-conflict reconstruction, and suggests that the concepts of reconstruction and of economic development be carefully kept apart. It explores the question of what moral and legal obligations to reconstruction the occupiers incur. Using Iraq as a case study it presents two scenarios for reconstruction: a ‘triage’ approach which relies heavily on prioritization and recognition of inherent limitations, and a ‘scattergun’ approach, exemplified by current efforts in Iraq. The latter, the essay concludes, is ineffective as a tool for reconstruction. Reconstruction has its own intrinsic merits, but using it to win the ‘hearts and minds’ of a population in order to gain support for the occupiers is unlikely to succeed.  相似文献   
正THE Nanjing Massacre refers to the 40-day slaughter committed by the Japanese army in the early stages of their invasion of China,which cruelly claimed the lives of more than 300,000 civilians and captured soldiers.One third of the city was razed and property losses were beyond count.Some believe that the Nanjing Massacre,along with Auschwitz Concentration Camp and bombing of Hiroshima(the first use of atomic weapons in combat)were the three  相似文献   
正Mrs.Song was expert at cooking f ish soup.She lived in Bianjing(today’s Kaifeng in Henan Province),capital of the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127).After the Northern Song collapsed following the invasion of the Nuchen people,and the ensuing Han regime,the Southern Song(1127-1279),moved its capital to Lin’an in Zhejiang Province,Mrs.Song and her family migrated with other patriotic citizens to the south,and settled down by the West Lake in Hangzhou to establish her own f ish soup stall.  相似文献   
吉朝珑 《河北法学》2008,26(5):113-116
电脑的普及和网络的快速发展,使人们与网络的联系越来越密切。网络在带来极大便利的同时也带来了诸多负面问题。其中关于网络隐私侵权问题在近年备受关注,但多属公法角度的探讨。从私法角度切入阐述网络隐私权的概念、客体和内容;探讨网络隐私侵权行为之构成、行为违法性之阻却及网络隐私侵权的法律规制。  相似文献   
美国是在特定的国际背景下发动伊拉克战争的。而新兴工业革命时代的到来及美国将高新技术产业化 ,进一步增强了其超级大国的经济与军事的实力地位。美国对伊动武 ,是实现其构建帝国战略目标的重要步骤 ;具体到伊拉克 ,则旨在那里用枪杆子输出美式民主制度 ,争夺石油仅为其次要目的。美国发动伊拉克战争 ,将严重动摇联合国的地位 ,已经并有可能进一步在联合国内形成欧洲大陆轴心和大洋轴心之争  相似文献   
当代世界面临的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界多极化趋势日趋明显,但美国单边主义对多极世界的发展形成挑战。伊拉克战争后,由于受自身力量的限制和国际反恐合作的需要,美国外交政策发生变化。中国和俄罗斯作为两个大国对国际社会的稳定产生积极作用。  相似文献   
我国是世界上物种多样性最丰富的国家之一,同时也是生物多样性遭受威胁较大的国家之一。笔者在介绍我国物种入侵现状、国际社会在保护生物多样性方面的努力以及我国检疫历史、检疫制度的作用后,阐述了为保护我国生物的多样性,除了加入相关国际条约外,我国应当尽力完善动植物检疫制度以及如何完善我国的动植物检疫制度。  相似文献   
防卫权行使的时间条件是不法侵害已经发生而尚未结束.然而如何确定不法侵害的开始和结束时刻,理论界对此莫衷一是.对正当防卫本质的理解,有利于深刻地把握不法侵害的内涵,从而科学地确定其发生和结束的时间界限.  相似文献   
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