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构建人类命运共同体是新时代中国对外工作的总目标,共建"一带一路"是推动构建人类命运共同体的重要的具体实践平台。亚欧大陆是地理上"一带一路"倡议的中心所在,也是决定中国未来国际地位的关键区域。共建"一带一路"需要重点布局亚欧大陆。亚欧大陆的发展要重点关注中心"洼地",它将决定丝绸之路经济带的成功与否,其中俄罗斯是重点国家。作为亚欧大国的中国,可以"一带一路"为抓手,以亚欧大陆为舞台,以新型国际关系为理念,以周边外交和睦邻外交为策略,以人类命运共同体为战略目标,促进亚欧命运共同体的构建。  相似文献   
论丝绸之路经济带“五通”的法治建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建和优化共建丝绸之路经济带的“五通”法治环境,应重点加强政策沟通机制领域的法治建设,保障合作取得“最大公约数”;促进道路联通法治建设,确保陆海大道通衢联八方;优化经贸合作法律制度设计,打造拓展彼此市场的“金钥匙”;健全金融合作法律制度,为合作各方发展注入“金融活水”;完善人员流动和文化交流法治,健全“心相知、民相亲”的法治保障机制,积极为丝绸之路经济带高效可持续共建提供健全的法治保障和体制机制支撑。  相似文献   
China's initiative in establishing and promoting the development of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) is an interesting case study of China's attempt at regional institution building. China's increasing interest in Central Asia coincided with its gradual acceptance and rising enthusiasm regarding participation in regional organisations. The “Shanghai Five” mechanism and the SCO were seen as appropriate mechanisms for pursuing China's multiple interests in the region; their development was also in line with the improvement in Sino-Russian relations. Chinese leaders have skilfully developed the SCO's institutional framework, and they seem intent on getting good value for the resources spent. The leaders have also demonstrated considerable patience when the SCO's development encountered setbacks.  相似文献   
为了缓解云南省城市日益严峻的交通问题,以及满足公安交通管理实战部门对交通管理专业毕业生的需求。在开展好公安基础教育的基础上,力争加强培养学生理论与实践相结合的能力,使学生的语言表达能力、写作能力、组织协调能力得到必要的提高,为学生毕业后能顺利适应交通管理工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
对王羲之的晚年归隐,过去从书法家的角度解读居多。其实,王羲之生前最主要的角色在于集东晋名士领袖、政坛显要和王家代表于一身。由此观之,他的退隐便不是一个简单的决定,乃是数十年“出处两可”心路历程的凝结,其背后蕴含了厚重的思想文化内容,值得探寻、玩味。  相似文献   
公民按照交通用途利用道路被确认为是法律上的道路通行权.那么,为了交通安全和秩序的需要,采取适当的限制公民"平等通行权"的交通管制措施是合法的,也是必要的.但是,这种限制一旦过度,就可能超越其警察权的适当界限,并构成对"平等通行权"的侵犯,而违反平等原则.  相似文献   
实施城市“畅通工程”是 2000年全国公安交通管理工作重心。湖北省公安交通管理工作本着以江泽民总书记“严格执法,热情服务”方针,坚持为经济建设服务,为人民群众服务,已启动了城市“畅通工程”。在实施“畅通工程”过程中还存在着认识的误区,廓清思想认识误区,树立现代化交通管理概念,是解决“畅通工程”的根本方法。  相似文献   
The role of illicit drugs on driving, and particularly of cannabis and driving, is the object of increasing awareness. While there is increasing evidence of their effect on psychomotor performance and increased risk of involvement in traffic accidents, limited information is available concerning factors that can predict the likelihood of driving under the influence of cannabis. The present study aims to determine the past year prevalence of driving under the influence of cannabis, and of being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of cannabis, as well as to examine the correlations with a broad range of potential risk factors. A total of 2500 people, aged between 14 and 70 and living in Castille and Leon (Spain), were surveyed in 2004 with regard to their consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs. Among those who reported cannabis use in the previous year, further assessment was carried out. 15.7% of those surveyed reported cannabis consumption in the previous 12 months, of whom 9.7% reported driving a vehicle under the influence of cannabis during this period, on average eight times. One out of five (19.9%) reported being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of cannabis, on average five times in the previous 12 months. The predictors of driving under the influence of cannabis were the population size of community, the number of drugs consumed, reference to cannabis-related problems and to being a passenger in a vehicle driven by a person under the influence of alcohol. The data show that cannabis consumption and driving is common, and requires more attention from policy makers.  相似文献   
在当今世界经济中,旅游业是发展最快、对全球国内生产总值贡献较大的产业之一,已成为世界经济增长的重要动力。而旅游合作正在成为国家间双边及地区多边合作的重要方向。在最新的《2030年前白俄罗斯可持续社会经济发展战略》中,旅游业已被白俄罗斯确定作为国家经济发展的主要动力之一。尽管在基础设施、发展资金等方面还存在诸多困难,在国民经济贡献度、市场受欢迎程度、服务形式与水平等方面还存在诸多不足,但是其在资源、相关基础设施建设、政策支持等方面已具备较好的基础,发展前景广阔。中白旅游合作,在资源、政策、市场等方面已经具备了较好的合作条件。通过实施第三方市场联合开发、区域旅游集群建设、消费支付手段便利化以及创新产品宣传手段等措施,未来中白旅游合作有潜力成为继中白工业园之后中白间务实合作的又一亮点,进而成为“一带一路”合作框架下的新典范。  相似文献   
自习近平成为中国领导人以来,在外交领域积极发挥关键性的领导作用,首脑外交已成为中国外交的最高形式。习近平外交思想强调党对外交工作的绝对领导,强调维护首脑对外交工作的核心领导。习近平主席对于中白合作的倡议得到卢卡申科总统的认同和支持,首脑外交已经成为中白“一带一路”合作快速发展的关键性因素。中白克服了空间距离远、产业合作条件不佳的困难,在白俄罗斯首都明斯克市郊建设中白工业园,并被纳入“一带一路”建设框架内,目前该项目的进展迅速。中国与白俄罗斯的“一带一路”合作是远高于一般意义上的经济合作,是一种基于政治互信的合作。从中白合作中我们得出一个结论:因势利导和差异性的合作形式是“一带一路”建设的新特点。“一带一路”绝不仅仅是一条交通物流走廊,更是一种全球经济合作的新模式,是中国参与经济全球化的一种制度创新。  相似文献   
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