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船舶互有过失碰撞所致油污损害的责任主体   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文通过对一具体油轮碰撞案例分析 ,对造成海域污染是否应由碰撞两船的所有人对油污损害直接承担连带责任 ;以及污染环境侵权行为适用无过错责任原则是否应排斥过错责任则适用及对于无过错责任原则在我国侵权行为责任体系中的地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   
1994年颁布的《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》,确立了强制婚检法律制度。2003年发布的《婚姻登记条例》不再将婚检报告作为婚姻登记的必备条件,2005年6月24日通过审议的《黑龙江省母婴保健条例》明确规定:“本省实行婚前医学检查制度”。笔者仅从法律角度探讨我国强制婚检是否应当设立以及是否在前述法律法规中存在法律冲突。  相似文献   
中亚华裔东干文学和中国俄裔侨民文学是20世纪中、俄文学交流中两种特殊的文学样态。两种文学在形成的历史时段、发展的空间分布和文学的生存环境等方面都存在可比性。两种文学都受中国文化和俄罗斯文化影响,反映了中俄文化的碰撞与交融对文学作品的影响。历史文化语境和作家写作姿态两方面的原因,导致了两种文学存在差异。比较这两种文学能发现20世纪的中、俄文学交流存在多种艺术形式。  相似文献   
Three-dimensional scanning and documentation methods are becoming increasingly employed by law enforcement personnel for crime scene and accident scene recording. Three-dimensional documentation of the victim's body in such cases is also increasingly used as the field of forensic radiology and imaging is expanding rapidly. These scanning technologies enable a more complete and detailed documentation than standard autopsy. This was used to examine a fatal pedestrian-vehicle collision where the pedestrian was killed by a van while crossing the road. Two competing scenarios were considered for the vehicle speed calculation: the pedestrian being projected forward by the impact or the pedestrian being carried on the vehicle's bonnet. In order to assist with this, the impact area of the accident vehicle was scanned using laser surface scanning, the victim was scanned using postmortem CT and micro-CT and the data sets were combined to virtually match features of the vehicle to injuries on the victim. Micro-CT revealed additional injuries not previously detected, lending support to the pedestrian-carry theory.  相似文献   
The wooden plank fence presents a deadly but unrecognized hazard to motorists. We hypothesize that fence plank injury is prevalent and results in significant morbidity and mortality. Databases of the University of Kentucky's Level I Trauma Center and the Fayette County Coroner were retrospectively analyzed over a 12-year period (1995-2006). One hundred and twenty-eight subjects were involved in vehicle contact with wooden plank fences. One hundred and twenty-three subjects were evaluated at the Emergency Department of our trauma center; 35 (27%) had a patient-plank interaction (PPI). Men (30/35) were more frequently involved (86%), and average age was 32.8 years. Thirty-two (91%) were drivers; 14/35 (40%) died from PPI-related injuries. The most common cause of death was blunt head trauma in 13 of these 14 fatally injured subjects (93%). This study provides new data underscoring the frequency, lethality, and economic consequences of this injury mechanism. Further research is needed to quantify the national prevalence of this problem and develop injury-mitigating strategies pertaining to roadway or fence design.  相似文献   
在中国的法律体系下,船舶本身显然不能成为责任主体。如何确认隐藏在船舶背后的责任主体,理论界和司法界的讨论经久不衰,并各持己见。运用《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》的有关规定和理论认识,提出船舶所有人、光船租赁人、船舶经营人、管理人及有过错的其他人连带承担过失船舶的碰撞责任,其责任承担的基础在于其是否实际控制、管理船舶,而不能以船舶所有权、光船租赁是否登记判断其所应负担的法律责任。  相似文献   
针对船舶在光船租赁期间发生碰撞,碰撞船舶办理光租登记与否究竟对认定碰撞责任主体有何影响这一问题,分析在光船租赁条件下认定光船承租人为碰撞责任主体之法理依据,阐述光船租赁登记的性质及作用,并在此基础上,论证光船租赁登记对认定船舶碰撞责任主体的影响,提出船舶在光船租赁期间发生碰撞,无论碰撞船舶是否已办理光船租赁登记,光船承租人均为当然的赔偿责任主体的结论。  相似文献   
多车追尾事故的鉴定往往涉及追尾的顺序问题。利用现场散落物的分布形态可以解决这一问题。现场勘查重点是把握散落物的分布状态,从中发现车辆的运动轨迹,并根据事故车体的典型部件,测量出其部件的水平距离,从而可以判断事故嫌疑车的车速;事故车辆上遗留的散落物往往也是确认肇事车辆的主要证据。  相似文献   
This retrospective study examined population demographics associated with motor vehicle collision (MVC) fatalities over a 5-year period in the Hamilton-Wentworth Niagara region. Variables were drawn from the five factors proposed by Fierro (1) for investigating deaths caused by transportation: human, chemical, environmental, vehicular, and highway. Factors analyzed included age, gender, position to the vehicle, site(s) of injury, toxicology, environmental contributors, and vehicular findings. From 1999 to 2004, there were 321 MVC fatalities that primarily involved males 20 to 29 years of age and commonly drivers or pedestrians. Cars and trucks were the most frequent vehicles. Fatalities occurred most often on local and regional roads on Fridays and Sundays between 6 pm and 6 am. Mechanical failure and weather conditions were not significant contributors. Toxicological analyses (275/321) were performed on the majority of the study population. Ethanol was present in isolation and with other substances, especially cannabis, mostly in male drivers 20-59 years of age.  相似文献   
就《最高人民法院关于审理船舶碰撞纠纷案件若干问题的规定》所涉及的一些问题进行讨论,包括船舶碰撞的责任主体、货物索赔的责任、比例责任的适用、碰撞产生的限制性债权等,指出该规定的一些内容不仅没有很好地解决司法实践中已经存在的一些老问题,而且还在一些方面带来若干令人困惑的新问题。  相似文献   
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