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Innovations in artificial intelligence are enabling a new class of applications that can negotiate with people through chat or spoken language. Developed in close collaboration with behavioral science research, these algorithms can detect, mimic, and leverage human psychology, enabling them to undertake such functions as the detection of common mistakes made by novice negotiators. These algorithms can simulate the cognitive processes that shape human negotiations and make use of these models to influence negotiated outcomes. This article reviews some of the scientific advances enabling this technology and discusses how it is being used to advance negotiation research, teaching, and practice.  相似文献   
Social media is changing not only the atmosphere in which international negotiations take place; it is also changing the very substance of the deals. Because of the pace and proliferation of social media, negotiators must read “weak signals” early on—and anticipate a quickly organized, highly motivated opposition. However, diplomatic negotiators still lack the tools to engage in this sort of anticipatory strategy design. This article examines two recent cases, one involving the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the other involving a German Constitutional Court’s ruling on the European Central Bank’s Public Debt Purchasing Program, in which social media had a highly disruptive, unanticipated impact on international negotiations—to the point of forcing negotiators’ hands—and suggests institutional remedies to better anticipate the catalytic impact of advancing technology on diplomatic interactions.  相似文献   
谈电子商务中消费者隐私权的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务以互联网为交易平台,而互联网对现行的隐私保护制度的根本影响则主要体现于它使个人隐私的经济价值得到极大的提升,从而使得现代社会对包括个人隐私在内的信息的需求与个人需要保护隐私之间的矛盾更加突出,以至于对现行消费者隐私权益的法律保护带来严重冲击。文章在对电子商务背景下消费者隐私权益保护中出现的问题进行深入分析的基础上,适当借鉴国外立法经验,以期对将来相关立法有所裨益。  相似文献   
中国加入WTO之后,一些国家的环境贸易壁垒将进一步威胁我国的外贸出口。为此,我们应该研究运用WTO相关环境政策法规和争端解决机制来应对面临的环境贸易壁垒。还应注意团结广大发展中国家,积极参与包括环境贸易在内的新一轮WTO多边贸易谈判,做游戏规则的制定者和相关谈判的智者。  相似文献   
命令提交电子证据是刑事侦查中一种特殊的证据收集措施,是由侦查机关依照法定程序命令有关单位和个人提交与案件相关的电子数据,与搜查、扣押措施相比,它能更有效地、迅速地获取电子证据,同时最大程度地保障人权,但是其适用也有一定的限制条件。欧洲理事会《关于网络犯罪的公约》中的提交令措施是该公约缔约国设置本国的命令提交电子证据措施的最低立法标准,通过将其与我国的调取证据制度进行比较,可以借鉴其成功之处,以完善我国相关立法。  相似文献   
信息技术的发展催生了电子商务,它使企业所处的内外环境都发生了重大的变化。面对这些变化,企业家必须树立正确的经营理念,才能使企业在新的环境中得以生存并且能够更好地发展。与传统的经济环境相比,信息意识、文化意识与合作意识是电子商务环境下企业家最应当注重的经营理念,它们对于新环境下企业的生存发展有重要的意义。  相似文献   
杨光 《政法学刊》2013,(2):112-117
网络证据是在网络条件下存在的用于证明案件事实的材料,它具有流动性强、存在范围广、信息量大、形式多样、超文本等特点。与传统的证据相比,它又具有数字性、准确性、依赖性、稳定性、多媒体性、传输快捷性、可分离性等特征。相对于电子证据,网络证据在生成的主体与场所上,在传输的环境、速度和范围上,在收集的主体、场所及方式上,在证据的保全和审查判断上等方面都表现出自身的特性。  相似文献   
认罪认罚从宽制度实施以来,在提高诉讼效率方面效果显著,但同时也伴随着架空程序正义的风险,律师实质性参与是认罪认罚从宽程序之正当性基础。加之认罪认罚从宽制度推动着协商性司法的进程,中国特色的控辩协商机制来日可期,律师的有效参与更应成为完善制度构建的应有之义。然而司法实践的现状与制度设计的初衷相去甚远,律师分别在侦查、审查起诉、审判各诉讼阶段发挥不同作用的同时也面临不同的参与困境。结合域外经验加以审视,认罪认罚从宽制度框架下的律师参与存在辩护理念和立法规制的双重缺失。具体而言,应推动有效辩护的理念建构和精细值班律师的制度建构,探寻律师实质性参与认罪认罚从宽程序的合理路径,从而有效保障被追诉人的诉讼权利,助力认罪认罚从宽制度的健康推进。  相似文献   
在法律与电子法务专业教学中需注重理论与实践的结合,案例教学法正是最佳的选择。在选择案例方面所选案例应该是原始的、未经任何改变的材料,应具有结论的不确定性。在讲授分析案例时需注意掌握案例分析的一般方法,将法律、法理与案情相结合,注重案例讨论组织的规范性,注重培养学生使用电子网络数据库查找案例的能力。  相似文献   
A massive open online course (MOOC) entitled “Shaping the Future of Work” (offered through MITx, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's online learning division) has been the context for a multiparty simulation designed to produce classroom negotiation results that will have social impacts. After running the course in the MOOC context three times and in face‐to‐face settings eight times, we noticed that key themes emerged. Participants have brought their own workforce perspectives to their simulation roles as employers, worker representatives, elected officials, and educators. They have called for reciprocal agreements centered on fair treatment and representation in the workplace, improved organizational performance, investments in skills and capabilities, aligned rewards and benefits for workers, and work–life balance in communities. We continue to use the simulation in the classroom and are exploring ways to expand its use. In the meantime, in this article, we discuss how the insights gleaned from this simulation could be used to crystallize and advance a new social contract at a time when the public policies, institutions, and organizational practices governing employment relations have not kept up with the dramatic changes taking place in the workforce, nature of work, and overall economy.  相似文献   
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