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社会“多元化”对当代大学生的思想道德和价值取向产生了负面、消极的影响,面对这种影响,大学生思想道德教育应通过拓宽渠道和途径,用中华民族传统道德文化和社会主义道德文化对大学生加以积极引导,使他们正确认识自我,正确认识个人和社会的关系,摒弃错误和落后的文化思想,树立起正确、积极的思想,从而提高思想道德素质,全面成才。  相似文献   
在中国的传统家庭教育思想中,诸葛亮的家庭教育思想是比较有代表性的。其教子育人思想集中体现在《诫子书》《又诫子书》和《诫外生书》等书信中。从治学之规、立身之道,到待人接物、约制酒量,诸葛亮都不厌其烦,谆谆教诲。这些凝结了诸葛亮心血和智慧的人生箴言,至今仍具有鲜活的生命力。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我们党在社会主义道德体系构建过程中,改变了过去共产主义道德宣传教育中“一刀切”的做法,在注重人民群众道德的层次性和多样性的基础上,一方面将共产主义道德的核心内容继承下来,另一方面也将原来被无限拔高的、本属于基本公民道德规范的内容进行了必要的发扬和细化,使之更具时代性。我们在将共产主义道德中的部分内容(如“毫不利己,专门利人”、“大公无私”)作为人类道德最高形态看待的同时,也应注重将其其中的主体内容视为中国革命道德,并将其作为民族精神加以宣传和弘扬。  相似文献   
"权利消减"的时效构成背离了人类的一般道德情操和自然正义观念,而"公益"、"社会秩序"、"信赖保护"、"社会效率"、"不保护权利上的休眠者"等都不能使该构成正当化。将时效定性为"权利推定"的制度,克服真正权利人或已免责义务人的举证困难,将从根本上去除时效制度的反道德性,使其成为"人类权利的保护神"。  相似文献   
群体性事件基本上属于人民内部矛盾。因此,在处置过程中应最大限度地运用解决人民内部矛盾的方法和手段。劝说就是其一。影响劝说的因素主要有劝说者、被劝说者和劝说环境。要获得理想的劝说效果,必须运用得体的劝说技巧,如培养个人魅力、动之以情、晓之以理、情理相济、标签法、以害怵之法等。  相似文献   
选用干部"以德为先"思想经历了一个发展沿革的过程。在这个过程中,毛泽东提出了"任人唯贤"、"德才兼备"、"又红又专"思想,陈云提出了"德才并重、以德为主"思想,周恩来提出"政治上可以信任是挑选干部的先决问题",邓小平提出干部队伍建设的"四化"方针并强调"首先是要革命化",江泽民提出以"讲学习、讲政治、讲正气"促使干部立德,胡锦涛明确提出坚持"德才兼备、以德为先"用人标准。  相似文献   
This article proposes to move beyond the categories of altruism and self-interest in the analyses of the motives for development cooperation. This opposition ignores the inherently moral nature of development policy. The article illustrates the shortcomings of such a perspective by tracing the metaphor of the merchant and the clergyman as archetypical figures shaping Dutch development policy. Through these images the suggestion of an opposition between moral and amoral motives in the history of development has gained a strong foothold within the interplay of scholars, policy makers and public opinion. We go on to assess claims about economy, security, solidarity, prestige and guilt, and ecology, which have been brought forward to legitimise Dutch foreign aid. This analysis calls for research on the dynamics of the transnational exchanges of ideas, interests and expectations, especially during episodes when the moral validity of policy has been explicitly contested.  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):88-106

This essay develops an account of the link between Kant's aesthetics and his ethics. It does so by articulating a Kantian account of moral psychology by way of aesthetic reflective judgements of sublimity. Since judgements of sublimity enrich the picture of a Kantian subject by forcefully revealing the unbounded power of the faculty of reason, I investigate the possibility that judgements of this kind could serve as a basis for moral motivation. The paper first shows how judgements of sublimity help a subject recognize reason's unbounded nature, and proceeds to analyse the practical effects of a subject judging itself sublime. When judgements of sublimity have as their object the unbounded and unsythesizable power of reason, they may thereby serve as the basis for both the recognition of our moral vocation, and the grounds for determining the will to act from respect for it. Since a judgement of sublimity produces for Kant the experience of an enlivening emotion and an outflowing of vital forces, the paper then develops Kant's concept of “life” motivated by a recognition of its practical orientation. In this way sublimity rather than beauty can be interpreted as symbolic hypotyposis of morality. The paper then takes up less favourable interpretations of the practical effects of self-predicated judgements of sublimity, and constructs critical responses to such positions. I conclude, following Adorno, by stressing the historical and social dimension of the capacities for both making sublime judgements, and being morally enlivened by them.  相似文献   
政德亦即为政之德、从政道德。作为执政党,党员领导干部的政德始终与政权安危、国运兴衰、百姓福祉紧密联系在一起。在新的时代背景下,加强干部队伍政德建设,需要在准确把握领导干部政德内涵的基础上,引导党员领导干部自觉加强政德培育和修养,坚持育德、注重用德、科学考德、强化管德,形成重德修德育德的良好机制。  相似文献   
随着我国“建设社会主义法治国家”宏伟目标的明确提出,我国的法治进程得到不断推进。但是,“人治”观念的影响、民主政治的不健全、道德与法律在法治进程中同时并存、法律移植与本土化的矛盾、乡土社会实施法律的艰难以及法的实效的不理想却造成我国法治进程比较缓慢。因此,我国应加强“法治”观念,真正使民主制度法律化,正确处理道德与法律、法律移植与本土化之间的关系,促进国家法在乡土社会的实施,尽量通过提高立法技术等措施保证法功能、目的的实现,进而使我国的法治建设取得更大的成效。  相似文献   
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