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Richard Drayton 《圆桌》2016,105(1):21-27
The Commonwealth in the Twenty-First Century finds itself in a difficult predicament. Neither in the 'Global North' nor the post-colonial 'South' do its stakeholders invest in the organisation as a key instrument for international governance. The space which it once occupied as a mediator between rich and poor nations has either closed or been taken over by other entities. But might the Commonwealth find a new role for itself by returning to its roots as a vehicle for the exploration of the commonweal, in particular as a focus of contemporary attempts to democratize the international system? The story of the Commonwealth itself, from its origins as project for a racial imperial oligarchy in the nineteenth century to struggles for its renegotiation as a space of equality, first of 'white dominions' with Britain, and second in the era of Decolonization, is a parable of how rights and participation can be widened. Might the Commonwealth in the Twenty-First century not drive new global conversations about inequality, social and economic rights, and different cosmopolitan futures?  相似文献   
Due to the lack of family drug treatment courts, families are often torn apart when a parent has a substance abuse problem. Children of substance abusers are often abused and neglected. However, children in these tough living situations fear seeking help because they do not want to be the reason that their family is torn apart and they are placed in the foster care system. This Note proposes a federal statute that requires all states to implement family drug treatment courts. These courts allow families to stay intact while providing the parent with the help that he or she needs.  相似文献   
种族灭绝罪被视为违反绝对法的犯罪,但是它至今仍是单一法律文件规定的犯罪。构成种族灭绝罪要求行为人蓄意全部或局部消灭某一民族、人种、种族或宗教团体。其具体行为方式包括杀害;造成严重的身体或心理伤害;故意使该团体处于某种生活条件下,以毁灭其全部或部分的生命;强制施行办法,意图防止该团体内的生育;强制转移该团体内的儿童至另一团体。  相似文献   
西方法哲学思潮与国际私法理论流变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
源远流长的自然法思想为 1 4世纪意大利法则区别说的诞生提供了理论资源 ,而当 1 9世纪分析实证主义法学在西方大行其道时 ,德国的法律关系本座说适时而生 ,它们促进了国际私法成文立法的发展 ,而 2 0世纪法社会学理论在西方的兴起 ,给国际私法提供了崭新的处理法律冲突的智慧和经验。  相似文献   
廖凡 《比较法研究》2021,(1):167-179
不可靠实体清单制度的基本定位是对他国歧视性的出口管制及其他制裁措施的反制。就否认和抵消他国相关国内法措施的域外适用效力而言,不可靠实体清单与欧盟阻断立法有相通之处,但运作逻辑不尽相同。本质上,不可靠实体清单制度是要对外国实体施加压力并形成威慑,促使其在遵守外国政府的管制和制裁要求时,更加中立、慎重和克制。外国实体被列入不可靠实体清单后,其所产生的法律后果可以包括进出口管制、投资限制、入境/居留限制、风险警示、民事诉讼等。不可靠实体清单制度在实施过程中应当注意原则性与灵活性相结合,赋予主管部门必要的自由裁量权,重在发挥威慑作用。同时,有关执法部门应特别注意遵照正当行政程序的要求,保障相关外国实体的申辩权和异议权。  相似文献   
本根据实例探讨了误期损害赔偿金法律意义,结合大陆法系和英美法系的对比,论述了违约金的概念和特征、违约金的性质、违约金和罚金的区别。主要阐明了无论是大陆法系还是英美法系的国家,从实际运作来看,对违约金进行干预是必要的。法院应该减少不合理的违约金数额,使违约方从不得已而同意的、显失公平的高额违约金责任的束缚下解脱出来,这对维护公平、诚实、信用原则,规范市场秩序,促进经济发展,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
正义是刑法与生俱来的品格,刑法现代化的过程就是彰显刑法被专制社会抛弃的正义品格的过程。刑法现代化进程发端于罪刑法定原则的确立,但是有其深层的制度和经济根源。物质基础决定了一国法律制度的构建,取舍的标准即正义,终极状态是接轨。司法是实现正义的关键所在,但是司法只能让人被动守法,主动自觉守法的状态有赖于公民对法律的信仰——培养信仰的途径不是简单地将刑法神圣化,而是先将刑法平实化。  相似文献   
A parent's right to maintain a relationship with his/her child lies within the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; however, this right does not apply to every type of parent. Although the U.S. Supreme Court granted same‐sex couples the right to marry, they still face parental rights issues when their child(ren) are nonbiological or nonadoptive because they lack standing for custody and/or visitation as de facto parents. Moreover, the rise of nontraditional same‐sex‐couple families has been placing states in a predicament, and the lack of uniform rights for de facto parents creates great inconsistency across the United States. The creation of a uniform statute with specific elements distinguishing de facto parents from mere caretakers will grant same‐sex nonbiological parents standing and create uniformity across the United States.  相似文献   
刘健 《现代法学》2007,29(5):136-142
关于国际刑事法院管辖权与联合国安理会职权的关系,《罗马规约》作出了妥协性的规定,二者的关系既表现为平等与协作,又反映出相互间的适度制约。这种妥协性的规定反映了国际社会现实,体现了国际刑事法院司法职能与安理会政治职能的相对分离和互动,具有现实合理性。  相似文献   
廖敏文 《现代法学》2003,25(6):187-193
国际刑事法院是否成功的关键取决于《罗马规约》的缔约国和国际社会与之真诚的国际合作与司法协助。反之 ,国家也应根据国际法的基本原则善意履行其自愿承担的义务 ,向国际刑事法院提供国际合作与司法协助。本文通过阐述《罗马规约》有关国家与国际刑事法院的国际合作与司法协助方面的实体性和程序性规定 ,说明国家在国际刑事法院调查、起诉和惩治国际社会关注的最严重的国际犯罪中的作用和义务  相似文献   
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