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美国通过加入TPP从实质上确立了"重返亚洲"的全球战略调整,在更大程度上加快了对亚太地区经济一体化进程的干涉。美国主导下的TPP对东亚区域经济合作机制的发展产生了重要影响,也给中国的整体和局部FTA战略带来了诸多的不确定性和挑战。中国必须正确认识美国在东亚地区的经济战略转变以及TPP扩张带来的潜在影响,在此基础上对FTA战略做出合理的调整。中国的FTA战略重心仍应保留在东亚地区,提高国内企业对FTA的利用率,同时跟踪研究TPP的最新进展,为以后加入TPP谈判做好相应的准备工作。  相似文献   
The highly connected nature of the current era has raised the need for more secure systems, and hence the demand for biometric-based authentication methods. In 2013, the Mauritian Government invested massively in the collection of data, and implementation of the national biometric identity card scheme. The latter has suffered a number of contestations among the population, and several cases were consequently filed at the Supreme Court of Mauritius to oppose the use of this biometric card. The main concern was the collection of biometric data which posed threats to the privacy of individuals. Additionally, the collection and retention of biometric data lead to security issues. In this paper, the challenges with respect to the usage of the biometric card are analysed. The laws governing data protection are discussed, together with the legal framework used for data collection and retention. Following the court decisions, several amendments have been made to the existing laws in order to cater for the usage of biometric data for the public interest. Finally, recommendations are made with regards to a legal framework which will enhance the security of biometric data, and eventually encouraging public acceptance of this biometric identification system.  相似文献   
Credit card fraud is a new type of fraud amended into the Criminal Law of China in 1997. The “credit card” under credit card fraud is interpreted as a very board concept, which includes debit card and virtually all electronic payment cards used in ordinary payment, credit loan, transfer and settlement of account, cash deposit and withdrawal. Therefore, it is necessary for the legislature to revise “credit card” under this special fraud into “electronic payment card,” and “credit card fraud” into “electronic payment card fraud,” which will be understood easily and precisely. “Use” and “fraudulent use” of credit card under this fraud is defined as ordinary use of credit card, including withdrawal cash with authentic or forged credit card from ATMs. It is unreasonable to define “malicious overdraft” as a form of credit card fraud under the Chinese Criminal Law. In the future amendment, this kind of criminal conduct shall be separated as independent named as “malicious overdraft” or “abuse of credit card” under the Criminal Law with less stiff statutory punishment than that of credit card fraud. Besides, under the Chinese Criminal Law, stealing credit card and using it is held as “theft,” which is neither reasonable nor logical. Therefore, it should be revised in the future criminal law.  相似文献   
新贸易环境下中韩FTA促进战略评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雪威  吴昊 《东北亚论坛》2013,(3):62-71,128
中韩建交20年来,双边经贸关系发展迅速。近年来,随着中韩贸易环境的变化,两国出于经济、政治、安全利益的需要,在进一步加强合作以缔结中韩FTA方面逐渐达成共识,继而推动中韩FTA步入实施阶段。中韩FTA生效后,将会给两国带来巨大的经济效应,预计对两国GDP增长、消费者福利增加、市场占有率提高等都会产生积极影响。中韩两国处在不同的产业发展阶段,在贸易自由化程度和范围方面存在着差异。在谈判过程中,两国还会存在不少争论焦点,对于具体实行效果也会存在一些担忧,有待两国本着合作互利的原则通过协商加以解决。  相似文献   
中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立对于其缔约国的经济发展,对世界区域经济一体化具有重要的作用。但是,伴随其经济发展、贸易交往的频繁,其商贸争端也增多。仲裁作为一种解决商贸纠纷的手段,对区域内经济和谐稳定增长、商贸关系发展良好有着不可替代的作用。本文旨在分析商贸争端的仲裁解决机制。  相似文献   
Since the Korean criminal DNA database was launched in 2010, we have focused on establishing an automated DNA database profiling system that analyzes short tandem repeat loci in a high‐throughput and cost‐effective manner. We established a DNA database profiling system without DNA purification using a direct PCR buffer system. The quality of direct PCR procedures was compared with that of conventional PCR system under their respective optimized conditions. The results revealed not only perfect concordance but also an excellent PCR success rate, good electropherogram quality, and an optimal intra/inter‐loci peak height ratio. In particular, the proportion of DNA extraction required due to direct PCR failure could be minimized to <3%. In conclusion, the newly developed direct PCR system can be adopted for automated DNA database profiling systems to replace or supplement conventional PCR system in a time‐ and cost‐saving manner.  相似文献   
涉自贸区行政诉讼被告资格制度是上海自贸区司法制度中的重要组成部分。涉自贸区行政诉讼被告具有复杂性、多样性和创新性三个特征。传统意义上将行政主体资格与行政诉讼被告相等同的范式在当下受到了越来越多的挑战,同样体现在涉自贸区行政诉讼中。建设上海自贸区本身是在全面深化改革的时代背景下的制度创新,为此必须对涉自贸区行政诉讼被告资格制度进行大胆改革。笔者认为涉自贸区行政诉讼被告资格的认定应当在坚持司法便民、司法效率和救济有效三个原则的前提下,有选择的借鉴国外的先进经验,综合运用行为标准、权力标准以及公务标准等多重标准,在各种具体情形下分别准确认定。  相似文献   
顺应公安民警走访联系群众工作常态化、制度化的要求,适应社区警务模式的需要,创设社区民警"就地访谈"工作法很有必要。"就地访谈"是指社区民警在当班巡逻的过程中,基于自主判断,任意选择一个对象,在表明身份和说明意图后就地与其交谈,以期获取警方所需信息的过程。"就地访谈"工作法有自己的特色,区别于现场访问、入户访谈(调查)以及盘查。社区民警进行"就地访谈"要掌握一定的要领,对"就地访谈"获取的信息也要进行科学的加工处理和存储,并实现信息共享。  相似文献   
解决好海外能源投资中出现的法律问题是我国海外能源投资顺利进行的主要保障。海外能源投资出现的法律问题实质上涉及到资本输出国的相关完善的立法以及对于东道国相关外资法律规定的应对。据此对于如何完善我国资本输出的相关立法以及应对发达的东道国的外资法进行抛砖引玉的研究。  相似文献   
拾取他人信用卡并在ATM机上取走大量现金的行为,不能简单地套用刑法第196条第三款之规定,也不能将ATM机的人工智能和“冒用”的含义在法律概念上扩大化,从而该认定为信用卡诈骗罪。ATM机是银行的业务工具,而绝非银行的“电子代理人”,ATM机在目前的条件下绝对不可能被骗.在ATM机上取出的钱属于信用卡失主所有,取款的行为违背了失主的意愿并属于秘密窃取,完全符合盗窃罪的构成要件。  相似文献   
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