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邱仁富 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):19-24
主导与引领有着本质的不同。引领必须从隐匿在主导的影子中游离出来,才能使主导增强针对性,也为引领性与多样性关系进入正轨提供条件。当代中国不能以社会主义核心价值体系去主导、而只能去引领社会思潮。社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮有两个层次:一是社会主义意识形态领域的引领,二是非社会主义意识形态领域的引领。必须要体现人文精神的时代特征、时代精神的人文特征和得到大多数人的认同,并注重对耻感的张扬。  相似文献   
惩罚性赔偿可否在国际商事仲裁中适用,我国尚无明确的立法与司法实践,国际社会对此也持谨慎态度。美国相关案例对此做出了肯定性判决,这对国际商事仲裁将会产生重大影响。从仲裁协议的效力、仲裁的法律适用以及仲裁裁决的承认与执行等方面,深入分析惩罚性赔偿在国际商事仲裁中使用所遭遇的障碍及其可能的解决途径.对于完善在不断融入世界经济大格局背景下的我国仲裁工作,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在我国反垄断立法过程中,行政性垄断的《反垄断法》规制条款一方面有"真正的经济宪法"之誉,另一方面又备受争议,引起媒体和社会舆论的关注。目前该法已颁布施行一年有余,如何有效全面地规制行政性垄断,其中对于法律责任的明确与承担显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
高职法律文秘专业课程体系结构的研究与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职法律文秘专业课程体系结构改革的实质,应当是以市场需求和毕业生就业为导向、以适应岗位需要为目标,满足学生的发展,符合专业人才培养目标的实现。通过确定专业人才培养目标,分析职业岗位群的能力要求;以就业岗位的职业工作任务为目标,合理构建课程结构体系;导入职业资格准入标准,构建"岗课证融通"的核心课程体系。  相似文献   
中国古代信访制度萌芽于原始社会末期,发展于西周至秦汉,基本完备于唐代。它所体现的"无讼"、"人治"等传统法律思想也伴随着中国社会的发展一直影响至今,当今社会信访问题已成为影响社会和谐稳定的一大因素。本文拟通过对信访的追根溯源,解读中国传统法律思想对当今中国信访制度产生的影响,以期从中找出促进现代法律文化建设的重要的现实价值。  相似文献   
法律知识的研究是厘清中国特色的社会主义法制理论的构成、来源、基础、核心体系等根本问题的一个重要环节。知识社会学可以在分析法律知识的生产体制和创新机制、法律知识传统、法律知识的社会接受模式、法律知识与其它社会知识的整合等方面发挥重要作用。知识社会学在上述领域的渗入对具有中国特色的社会主义法制理论的健全与发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
随着市场经济和公司制度的发展,一人公司以自身的特点赢得了投资者的关注,并被许多国家所认可。一人公司已在实践中对我国《公司法》实施提出了挑战。实践中,一人公司大量存在,完全禁止绝无可能。为了我国市场经济和企业的科学发展,应从法律上对一人公司进行规制,确认一人公司的合法地位,并加以积极规范以趋利避害。  相似文献   
加快东北老工业基地的振兴 ,这既是东北等地自身改革的迫切要求 ,也是实现国家经济社会协调发展的重要战略举措。东北老工业基地改造 ,只有以完善的法律保障体系为依托 ,具体通过法治环境、立法保障体系和司法保障体系三方面软环境的建设 ,才能取得实质成效  相似文献   
An assessment of the determinants of corporate social performance (CSP) in emerging economies is still too fractured. This article contributes to general management literature by developing an empirical model based on the existing theoretical models rooted in neo-institutional theory (legitimacy approach), stakeholders management theory, agency theory, the resource-based view of the firm, slack resources argument, and managerial control theory. A robust, multidimensional, unweighted disclosure index was used to measure CSP. This article provides a methodologically and empirically more rigorous assessment of determinants of CSP compared to previous studies by performing panel data regression analysis on 307 firms for 10 years. The results reveal that the presence of a legal framework, board attributes (board size, board diversity, board interlocking), women on board, ownership pattern, financial performance, firm attributes (size, age, leverage), and industry characteristics affect CSP significantly. These findings provide very important clues to design pragmatic strategies to improve CSP.  相似文献   
Currently there is a question of whether and how Afghanistan should engage non-state councils of elders to resolve disputes. In order to harness their benefits (e.g. efficiency), control their abuses (e.g. occasional controversial resolutions), and stabilize the resolution of disputes, some have argued that formal links should be established between the state judicial system and non-state councils of elders in Afghanistan. Others argue that mere informal links between the two systems should be established. Still others suggest that prior models of state engagement in Afghanistan should be revived. In Kyrgyzstan, just 65 miles north of Afghanistan, the Tsarist, Soviet and post-Soviet administrations have used various methods to engage non-state councils of elders. Despite these vastly different attempts at controlling local dispute resolutions, elders independently resolved disputes outside of Tsarist and Soviet control and continue to resolve disputes outside of post-Soviet state control in Kyrgyzstan. This phenomenon highlights the need for legitimacy in any models of state engagement that are considered for Afghanistan. If, as observed in Kyrgyzstan, people do not use state-sanctioned local councils in Afghanistan, then their purposes may be frustrated. Therefore, in addition to reviewing the experience with state engagement in other parts of the world, policy makers in Afghanistan should also review the historical and contemporary experience with state engagement in Kyrgyzstan. As the need for legitimacy is reconsidered and applied to the design of models for Afghanistan, it may be more likely that those models will be used by more people in Afghanistan and that their purposes will be furthered.  相似文献   
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