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据《21世纪经济报道》报道.执行多年的疾病住院按发生各项费用总和在出院时结算总费用的模式.将被一种完全不同的预付费制度所取代。一直困扰社会医疗保险和商业保险机构的过度医疗问题.将会因此受到遏制。  相似文献   
近年来,随着移动网络、移动支付技术的发展以及人们消费能力和消费意识的变化,"内容付费"方兴未艾,互联网时代海量信息与有限时间及注意力资源的矛盾凸显。文章旨在对"内容付费"展开本质分析与评价,进而探索如何参照互联网思维及商业逻辑,创新高校网络文化建设和网络思想政治教育。  相似文献   
正2014年2月18日,福建省省医保中心主任陈成武率财务科、医保科等相关科室负责人到宁德市医保中心调研医保总额控制工作情况,市人社局黄丽玉副局长、医保科卓怡建科长陪同调研,市直部分定点医疗机构代表参加了此次调研会。会上,宁德市人社局、医保中心分别汇报了2013年医保费用总额控制的情况及目前总额控制工作面临的问题和采取的措施,  相似文献   
新修改的《水污染防治法》中确立了环境行政代执行制度,文章中以《水污染防治法》为例展开分析了环境行政代执行制度的构成、特点、性质。通过对现行立法的剖析,阐释了此项制度在各类环境污染治理方面普遍适用的必要性,指出了该制度普遍适用中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
<正>CCTV-3、5、6、8频道的收费悖论编辑同志:你好。众所周知,CCTV-3、5、6、8频道是需付费收看的加密电视节目。可是,在国家广播电影电视总局7月31日公布的《付费频道名录(截至09年7月)》里,全国播放的付  相似文献   
倪莞 《法庭内外》2020,(3):12-15
随着互联网技术的更新迭代以及知识付费理念不断深入人心,在线教育、网络课程一类的特殊商品也越来越普遍。而当前,为战胜疫情起见,学校延迟开学,各类教育机构纷纷推迟复工,许多家长将目光投向了在线教育,未复工复学的白领及高校学生也选择购买网络课程充实自己。当“教育服务”成为一种商品,其在丰富消费者选择、极大便利生活的同时,也可能会出现纠纷和权益保护的问题。  相似文献   
Antitrust authorities in both the United States and Europe have expressed deep concern over settlements of antitrust cases in the pharmaceutical sector, settlements involving "reverse payments" from plaintiffs to defendants, large sums paid by branded pharmaceutical companies to generic competitors in exchange for promises to stay offthe market. Such "pay-for-delay" settlements have proliferated in the United States since Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals have found them unproblematic despite the Federal Trade Commission's persistently strong position that they violate the antitrust laws. These cases arise at the intersection of three statutory regimes seeking to promote innovation, three clusters of doctrine and policy that have interacted only to reach impasse: the Patent Act, the 1984 amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and finally the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Antitrust is a late comer to the fierce competition over patented drugs, competition that permeates the approval process in the Food & Drug Administration [FDA], competition that is restrained by these pay-for-delay settlement agreements. To set the stage, we begin with the Patent Act and its relationship to the FDA approval process. The story of pay-for-delay settlements then proceeds to the settlement agreements and their antitrust implications. We conclude that the best solution in these antitrust cases would be adoption of the FTC's approach of presumptive illegality. Together with an amendment proposed to fix the food and drug act, the presumptive illegality of pay-for-delay settlements under the antitrust laws would make the market for pharmaceuticals more price competitive, open weak patents to serious challenge, and as a result save consumers billions of dollars annually without taking from branded drug companies legitimately earned incentives to engage in research and development.  相似文献   
从2008年6月欧盟法院就法国最高法院向其"请示"的Erika轮油污案之裁决入手,分析油污民事责任公约的立法背景,指出在民事责任公约的体系之下承担污染损害责任的应该是船东,而不应向作为货方的石油公司进行索赔。欧盟法院所认定的石油公司可被视为欧盟废弃物相关法律之下的废弃物制造者,以及石油公司可能需要就因船舶溢油事故导致的海域石油污染损害负责之观点与现行的油污民事责任公约相悖。  相似文献   
日前.青海省发改委等五部门联合发布了《青海省21类重特大疾病住院医药费用单病种限额付费标准》.为重特大疾病医疗保障提供支付依据.该《标准》规定,血友病、唇腭裂、I型糖尿病等17类疾病的单病种限额付费标准.以测定的三级甲等医院住院医药费用单病种限额付费标准为基数.按照医疗机构等级收费标准下浮比例分别确定了在其他二、三级医院的住院医药费用单病种限额付费标准.即三级乙等医院按照三级甲等医院限额标准的基础上下浮5%确定;二级甲等医院按照下浮20%确定:  相似文献   
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