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处在全国禁毒前沿的云南公安机关在总结 10多年来禁吸戒毒工作经验中由基层首创、并进行试点的基础上 ,走出了一条“外循环”转“内循环” ,实行劳动康复管理模式的禁吸戒毒工作新路子。自 2 0 0 1年全省推行对吸毒人员的收戒方式“外转内”以来 ,实践证明 :工作开展好的地方 ,通过全员收戒吸毒人员 ,实现社会面上无吸毒人员的目标 ,就能够遏制社会面上的毒品需求 ,有利于逐年减少吸毒人员 ,为创建“无毒县市”、“无毒乡镇”、“无毒社区”奠定良好的基础 ,促进整个禁毒斗争的顺利开展。  相似文献   
思想政治工作"与时俱进"原则的精髓就是解放思想、实事求是,就是从群众中来,到群众中去.它既是马克思主义的思想路线和科学方法论的核心,也是思想政治工作必须把握好的基本原则.要在思想政治工作实践中真正贯彻好"与时俱进"原则,关键要在理论和实践上做到以下"四个适当"一、思想政治工作的定位要适当,对思想政治工作地位和作用的理解要"适当",这是贯彻好思想政治工作"与时俱进"原则的前提;二、思想政治工作在举措上要"适当",即政策对路,措施得力,落到实处,要"管用".这是贯彻好思想政治工作"与时俱进"原则的关键环节;三、先导性是思想政治工作把握度量、体现"适当"的基本要求,也是贯彻"与时俱进"原则的重要内容;四、思想政治工作在覆盖范围上的适当性要求.顺应思想政治工作的时代性要求,建立健全覆盖全社会的思想政治工作网络,是在实践中贯彻好"与时俱进"原则的题中应有之意.  相似文献   
试论思想政治工作中的动力原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治工作实际上就是一门研究和制造"动力"的学科,思想政治工作的主体,有必要了解力学原理,掌握动力原则,把握力的大小、方向、作用点这三个要素,找准施、受契合点,发挥思想政治工作的动力效应,充分调动群体成员积极性,改变原有惯性状态,形成加速度,达到管理效能。  相似文献   
普京继承了叶利钦的“双头鹰”外交,同时又做了较大调整,在“国内目标高于国外目标”的前提下,将对外政策紧紧扣住保障国家安全和服务国家经济发展这两个主题。强调“务实、经济效益和国家利益至上”,突出外交的经济内涵。在维护国家核心利益的基础上,积极推进灵活务实的全方位平衡外交。  相似文献   
黄冬云 《政法学刊》2001,18(4):93-95
在职公安学员的英语教学一直是困扰成人英语教师的一个难题.在职公安学员的英语基础较差,学习积极性不高.教师要深入细致地研究和了解教学对象,培养和激发学员学习英语的兴趣,更新教育观念,改善"教"法,教会"学"法,同时也需要教学部门与学生管理部门的充分配合.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the role of internal European Union (EU) policies and measures in implementing the target for greenhouse gas mitigation in the Kyoto Protocol. It starts with a discussion of the EU Burden Sharing Agreement, which distributes the target between Member States. This leads to a review of the appropriate level of implementation of policies, i.e. at the EU level or Member State level. There is a role for the flexible mechanisms of the Protocol, particularly emission permit trading, in complementing Member State policies at the EU level. The implementation is to be done against the background of three major factors which may have an important bearing on the policies: the probable long-term requirement of substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions a changing structure of energy markets, following liberalisation of the gas and electricity markets EU enlargement to include economies in transition with the potential for further substantial reductions in emissions.The paper concludes with a discussion of ancillary benefits of the policies that may be substantial and a summary of the position as regards the "unfinished business" of the Protocol to be discussed at the Conference of the Parties in the Hague in November 2000.  相似文献   
Recently, several new pieces of water legislation have been promulgated in both Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa. The new acts are an attempt to correct injustices of a colonial past and to trigger development towards effective, equitable and efficient integrated water resources management influenced by the policy decisions in Agenda 21 and the need to respect economic and social human rights. This article aims at identifying and describing factors of prime importance in the process of legal and institutional reform. Major factors are earmarked and derived from the proceedings in Zimbabwe and are compared with the situation in South Africa. Thorough analysis by the author of proceedings, preambles, memoranda, legislation and addenda has induced roughly 5 major reform issues: The call for equitable water distribution based on a widely consented water resources management strategy; The need for effective and efficient integrated water resources management conducive to stakeholder participation through decentralisation processes; The redressing of legal shortcomings in former water legislation with the emphasis on the introduction of integrated approaches; The introduction of instruments of cost recovery for water resources management; The need to develop human resources capacity and institutional strength within the implementing agencies.For both Southern African states, these issues appear to be of comparable importance as major triggers for legal and institutional reform, although not always in the same sense.The resulting most important legal and institutional changes are presented, discussed and compared. Finally, prospects for and constraints on implementation of the new water legislation in these countries are compared.  相似文献   
毛泽东同志作为中国历史上空前的伟大人物,不仅因为是党、军队和国家的缔造者,而且也是当代中华民族精神的再塑者,他的人格、他的事业、他的思想集中体现和反映了中华民族精神的内涵与要求。在建党80周年之际,这一珍贵的历史遗产对我们在新形势下的社会主义现代化建设事业仍然具有重大的理论和现实意义,应该引起足够的重视。  相似文献   
“依法治国“和“以德治国“相结合的治国方略,是对中国古代“礼法结合“治国思想的批判继承.法治社会下的“以德治国“思想继承了传统“德治“思想的精髓,符合时代发展的要求,也是对邓小平“两手抓,两手都要硬“思想的践行和发展,代表了先进文化的发展方向.  相似文献   
结合党在21世纪的重大使命,提出了培养造就高素质干部队伍在理论素质、政治素质、思想素质、作风素质、能力素质等方面的具体要求;提出按照"三个代表"要求,改革和完善党的干部选拔任用机制与制度;要进行观念创新,提高选拔任用干部的透明度和民主化程度;要抓紧建立和健全干部"能下"的各项制度;要加强对年轻干部的实践锻炼,并在实践锻炼中考察、培养和选择干部.要从严治理党的干部队伍.  相似文献   
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