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现代社会行政自由裁量权不断扩张,给社会带来诸多负面影响。为了效率的要求和实现个案的正义,必须对之进行规范,其中司法控制是一个重要的手段。本文从对国外司法控制模式的研究出发,结合我国的现状,探寻适合我国行政自由裁量权的司法控制途径。  相似文献   
行政自由裁量权是政府得以存在的生命源泉,所以它有其存在的必要性,但是没有限制的权力随之带来权力的滥用,因此有必要对行政自由裁量权进行有效的监控。  相似文献   
酌定量刑是法律赋予法官的自由裁量权,目的是根据个案的情节,作出准确具体的裁量,在司法实践中发挥着重要的作用。但由于酌定量刑法律没有明确其概念和范围,法官在适用时带有很大的随意性,因而易引发争议。文章通过分析酌定量刑情节的功能,对实践中存在的问题提出了完善的对策。  相似文献   
暂缓起诉作为起诉便宜主义的一种表现形式在世界各主要发达国家得以建立。比较德、日、美三国暂缓起诉制度,发现三国在暂缓起诉的适用范围、考验期、本国国民对这一制度的接受程度以及对暂缓起诉的监督和制约四个方面存在着一些差异。造成这些差异是因为三国的法律传统、诉讼理念等存在较大区别。我国目前的司法形势与日德两国暂缓起诉制度得以实行的司法形势有相似之处,因而我国应当在考虑自身法律传统、诉讼理念的基础上确立暂缓起诉制度,扩大检察机关裁量不起诉的适用范围。  相似文献   
《治安管理处罚法》的颁布,在一定程度上扩张了公安机关治安处罚裁量权的范围、方式与程度,从而也引发了关于这种扩张是否具有合理性,是否能够有效保护公民权益,以及如何对其进行控制与监督等诸多问题的思考。有必要通过对治安管理处罚制度中行政裁量权价值的理性考量,在对比新旧法律规定的基础上,进一步分析这种扩张的合理性与必要性。同时有必要建立一种立法、行政和司法三位一体的监督控制体系来防止裁量权的滥用,督促这种权力始终运行在维护公民权益的最终价值轨道上。  相似文献   
论辩诉交易制度及在我国公诉中的适用可能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辩诉交易权是检察机关自由裁量权的应有之义 ,辩诉交易制度在英美法系的美国和大陆法系的德国都获得了长足发展。起诉便宜主义及检察机关依法拥有撤回和变更起诉的权利在我国刑诉法上的确认 ,为辩诉交易制度在我国的确立提供了理论依据 ,实践中也有适用辩诉交易的可能。  相似文献   
论医师的说明义务--以"充分说明后同意"法理为基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医师在医疗行为时负有说明义务,在“充分说明后同意”法理基础上对说明义务研究,考虑医事父权与病人自主权、医师说明义务与患者同意(承诺)、医师自由裁量权与病人自主权等影响因素,从而得出说明义务的类型、内容、判断标准以及违反的法律后果。  相似文献   
In the 1920s,the doctrine of prosecuting discretion was gradually confirmed in the laws of civil law countries. Shortly thereafter, it was accepted by the legislators of the Republic of China as well.In the criminal procedure law of the Republic of China, the doctrine of prosecuting discretion was mainly reflected as petty misdemeanor non-prosecution, which was first established in the Criminal Procedure Law of 1928 and had been modified several times since then. By these modifications, the considerations and specific procedures about petty misdemeanor non-prosecution were improved, but the scope of application of the system had been limitedthroughout the time. At the practical level, the applicability rate of petty misdemeanor non-prosecution had been very low, which made it difficult to fulfill its due value.  相似文献   
<行政诉讼法>第五十四条中关于对行政自由裁量权司法控制的规定,已不能满足加强对行政自由裁量权司法控制的现实要求.因此,必须完善对行政自由裁量权的司法控制.  相似文献   
The main challenge of the scholarship with administrative discretion is how to reach the appropriate balance between a commitment to legislative preferences and flexibility in regulating diverse targets in constantly changing environments. This article focuses on how regulators and courts interact in influencing the potential for administrative discretion in U.S. environmental policy. It creates an analytical framework highlighting the construction of substantive rules by an agency, the interpretation of agency rulings by courts, capacity of an agency for implementation, and legislative responsiveness to agency rulings. It analyzes several cases of the introduction of incentive-based economic instruments administered by the Environmental Protection Agency in air and water policies. The cases reveal the intensified and expanded production of substantive regulations by the agency and the trajectory of a struggle in the judiciary to advance both the legislative intent and the substantive goal of protecting the environment in a more cost-effective and less burdensome way.  相似文献   
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