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Many commentators have pointed to the monstrous nature of sexual violence, with its related sense of pollution and disgust. In response, post-release regulation has a ‘hot’ quality: in the USA, sexually violent predator statutes, residency requirements, GPS satellite monitoring, and variations on the theme of community notification all speak of the expressiveness of the response. ‘Hot’ signifies and has embedded within it an ‘individualist’ rather than ‘structural’ account of action, emphasises a dramaturgical reading of the social world, and privileges the political rather than the problem-solving sphere. What has been far less explored, until recently, is research and prevention policy related specifically to the sexual violence itself, or the situation in which the offense occurs. By contrast to the ‘hot’ response, elision from offender to situation appears to betoken a ‘cold’ quality. This paper analyses the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of such a ‘cold’ situational approach, evaluates existing studies across settings, and assesses the implications of this problem-solving process for prevention policy and practice. It concludes by embedding the analysis within a broader precautionary politics of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ control.  相似文献   
Florida's innovative Law Enforcement Families Partnership (LEFP) was created to reduce and prevent officer‐involved domestic violence in the state. Administered by the Institute for Family Violence Studies at Florida State University and supported by the criminal justice and victim's advocacy communities, the LEFP is the first statewide project of its kind. It includes several components, the cornerstone of which is an online curriculum that teaches officers about the dynamics and consequences of domestic violence perpetrated by officers. This article describes the project and early data from the surveys attached to the curriculum.  相似文献   
家庭暴力这一带有普遍性的丑恶现象,是一个全球性的社会问题。家庭暴力侵害着妇女的身心健康、破坏家庭和睦、危害社会稳定,为社会所不容。本文将从李阳家庭暴力事件入手,分析我国家暴立法和执法中的不足,简要分析我国与其他国家在处理家暴问题上存在的差距,就如何预防和制止家庭暴力作简单的探讨,呼吁全社会对家庭暴力问题的共同关注和协助,共同来预防和消除家庭暴力。  相似文献   
在我国犯罪防控的诸多措施与机制中,基层公安机关即基层派出所的犯罪治安预防以其最贴近社会面、最贴近社会底层而在犯罪防控体系中发挥着中流砥柱的作用。基层公安机关除了常规的警务日常管理工作与治安案件处置外,其针对犯罪而采取的治安预防工作不仅能使地区发案率下降,而且一旦发生恶性案件,日常良好的防控工作也会为案件的侦破提供快速反应的基础以及协作刑侦部门破案的高效率性。目前,基层公安派出所的工作机制与犯罪防控基本要求的不匹配现象仍然存在,怎样使基层公安机关在犯罪防控工作及在协助刑侦部门案件侦破工作上做到基础扎实、反应快速、协作高效,减少社会恶性案件的频繁发生,并提高配合刑侦部门的侦查工作的能力,是摆在基层公安机关尤其是公安派出所面前的难点与重点。  相似文献   
目的:通过本课题研究,探索我区医疗纠纷、事故防范的有效机制与手段,降低医疗事故的发生,确保医疗安全。方法:以2004年8月课题立项研究为时间界限,设对照组与干预组,对照组:取自2002年9月--2004年8月间所引发医疗纠纷、事故的主要原因作研究对比材料;干预组:取自2004年9月-2006年8月间的相关材料,二组资料作回顾性对比分析。结果:通过法制宣传、业务培训、专题研讨、学术交流、案例分析、加强督查等一系列干预措施。医疗投诉、受理鉴定、事故的发生率分别下降10.0%、44.5%、15.4%;医疗总体质量提高5.1%、社会满意度得到进一步提高。结论:提高医务人员的业务素质、强化防范意识、规范操作流程、改善暇务态度是降低医疗纠纷、事故的关键所在。  相似文献   
This article focuses on the nature of nonviolent communication, specifically how to practice such in our everyday lives. Emily Gaarder discusses a theory and method developed by Marshall Rosenberg of the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She offers practical measures that enable anyone interested in nonviolence to assess whether their ways of speaking are nonviolent and how they might modify their language to interact with others peaceably.  相似文献   
近年来,云南省普洱市边境地区特殊群体参与毒品违法犯罪的情况日益突出。本文分析了当前普洱边境地区涉毒特殊群体的现状和主要特点并结合公安边防部队的工作实际提出了相应的防控对策。  相似文献   
物流金融业务作为一种较新的金融及物流创新服务产品,不仅解决了部分中小企业融资难问题,而且给商业银行带来了新的赢利增长点,为银行业的金融创新提供了条件。但是这种新兴的业务也会使商业银行面临质押物的风险、信托责任缺失风险、风险指标失灵风险、信用环境软约束风险和物流企业的管理体制风险。分析这些风险,并提出相应的规避和防范措施。  相似文献   
建设高校治安防控体系是维护高校安全,治安防控社会化的一项重大举措。以“发案少,秩序好,校园安全稳定,师生员工满意”为目标,坚持“以人为本,强调法制,防范为主,内主外辅”的原则,有效组合预警系统、巡逻防控、要害保卫、内外协作四大网络防范力量,科学实施治安责任、群防群治、快速反应、奖惩考核、宣传教育、人员管理等六个方面的长效管理。  相似文献   
通过对上海市黄浦、卢湾、静安三个中心城区2003年以来部分侵财刑事案件的发案进行的分析,中心城区侵财类刑事发案总量逐步趋于稳定,但盗窃类案件仍居高不下;形形色色的诈骗案层出不穷;“两抢”案件发案总体稳定,并呈下降趋势。侵财案件高发不是偶然的现象,而是有着深刻的社会经济、管理以及人文背景。必须真正树立并贯彻“以打促防,打防结合”的观念,变被动防为主动防;以动制动,提高对侵财案件的打防力度;综合治理,动员社会资源共同推进防范工作;完善司法规定,提高执法机关的执法效率和打击力度。  相似文献   
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