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Analysis of impurities in seized MDMA tablets can be used to determine the synthesis method used and to identify links among exhibits. However, no standardized method exists to generate impurity profiles, limiting comparisons among different laboratories. This research investigated the effect of extraction procedure and gas chromatography temperature program on the resulting impurity profiles. Five exhibits were extracted using liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) and headspace solid‐phase microextraction (HS‐SPME), then analyzed using two different temperature programs. Profiles were statistically assessed using principal components analysis. While LLE was more reproducible, more compounds were extracted using HS‐SPME, thus providing more informative chemical profiles. The longer temperature program (53 min vs. 36 min) allowed greater discrimination of exhibits, due to improved precision as a result of an extended hold time (12 min). This research further highlights the need for standardized extraction and analysis procedures to allow comparison of chemical profiles generated in different laboratories.  相似文献   
A multistep classification scheme was used to detect and classify ignitable liquid residues in fire debris into the classes defined by the ASTM E1618‐10 standard method. The total ion spectra (TIS) of the samples were classified by soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) with cross‐validation and tested on fire debris. For detection of ignitable liquid residue, the true‐positive rate was 94.2% for cross‐validation and 79.1% for fire debris, with false‐positive rates of 5.1% and 8.9%, respectively. Evaluation of SIMCA classifications for fire debris relative to a reviewer's examination led to an increase in the true‐positive rate to 95.1%; however, the false‐positive rate also increased to 15.0%. The correct classification rates for assigning ignitable liquid residues into ASTM E1618‐10 classes were generally in the range of 80–90%, with the exception of gasoline samples, which were incorrectly classified as aromatic solvents following evaporative weathering in fire debris.  相似文献   
党的十八大以来,习近平同志对群众工作提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新要求,深刻论述了群众工作的重大意义、指导思想、目标任务、方式方法等重大理论问题,精辟阐述了坚持群众路线、树立群众观点、坚定群众立场、增进群众感情等重大实践问题,是我们做好新形势下群众工作的科学指南和重要遵循。  相似文献   
群众路线,是毛泽东思想的灵魂之一。毛泽东投身革命之后,逐步认识到人民群众是历史的创造者,并把这一马克思列宁主义基本原理自觉地运用到党的全部活动之中,完整、系统地提出了党在一切工作中的群众路线理论,这是我们党长时期处于敌大我小、敌强我弱的艰苦环境下进行革命活动的无比宝贵的历史经验总结,必须继续继承和发展。  相似文献   
群众路线教育要有针对性地解决党员干部存在的突出问题,要为长远加强党的作风建设打下良好基础。制度建设是对"四风"问题"治本"的可靠保障,将作风建设引向深入的目的是教育党员干部发扬艰苦奋斗精神,固化"为官不易"成果是不断地将作风建设引向深入的一种境界。要在世界观改造、抓教育抓实践、扎紧关住权力的制度笼子、不断地将作风建设引向深入这四个环节上狠下功夫。要通过理论建设、实践活动和制度约束三种重要方式,把每一个环节的工作都做好做到位。  相似文献   
随着改革开放的不断深入和我国市场经济的快速发展,日益增多的集体劳动争议、群体性劳资纠纷使当下我国劳动纠纷案件成为了热点,主要表现在集体性讨要拖欠工资、双倍工资、经济补偿金以及要求补缴社保等领域,如果没有一个有效的解决机制控制问题的蔓延,则容易造成更大的集体性纠纷。当前,我国尚未建立起发达的社会诚信考察制度,加之法治监督环节的疏漏,致使本已繁多的集体劳动纠纷,变得涉案当事人众多、案情复杂多样、社会关注度高、涉及问题敏感。因此,尽快研究群体性劳动争议解决机制,十分必要。  相似文献   
边境地区群体性事件的特点及预防对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从归纳边境地区群体性事件的概念出发,总结了群体性事件的环境特定性、表现形式激烈性、主体层次性和情绪互动性等特点,究其原因,主要是民族差异、社会矛盾复杂、基层组织涣散和群众利益诉求渠道不畅等问题所致,应明确公安边防机关的职能,畅通民意表达渠道,及时化解矛盾,以维护中国边境地区的安全稳定和经济发展。  相似文献   
做好信教群众工作,引导信教群众正确认识理解宗教的本质;充分发挥宗教在教化群众中的积极作用;发挥宗教的社会整合作用、道德教化作用、心理调适作用、文化促进作用和政治影响作用;全面贯彻落实党的宗教工作基本方针;落实党的宗教信仰自由政策,切实维护宗教界和信教群众的合法权益,积极引导信教群众与社会主义社会相适应;形成做好信教群众工作的社会合力。  相似文献   
坚持群众路线,做好群众工作,为实现绝大多数人的利益而奋斗,是中国共产党执政思想的重要纲目和安身立命之本,也是胜利油田各级党委坚持推进"百年创新、百年胜利"愿景目标的宗旨和核心。事实证明,只有始终保持在群众工作上的政治清醒,坚持一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,脚踏实地接地气,返璞归真抓根本,才能不断取得群众工作的新胜利。  相似文献   
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