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Microsoft released a new communication platform, Microsoft Teams, in 2017. Due in part to COVID-19, the popularity of communication platforms, like Microsoft Teams, increased exponentially. Given its user base and increased popularity, it seems likely that digital forensic investigators will encounter cases where Microsoft Teams is a relevant component. However, because Microsoft Teams is a relatively new application, there is limited forensic research on the application particularly focusing on mobile operating systems. To address this gap, an analysis of data stored at rest by Microsoft Teams was conducted on the Windows 10 operating system as well as on Android and Apple iOS mobile operating systems. Basic functionalities, such as messaging, sharing files, participating in video conferences, and other functionalities that Teams provides, were performed in an isolated testing environment. Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer and Magnet AXIOM Examine tools were used to analyze the mobile devices and the Windows device, respectively. Manual or non-automated investigation recovered, at least partially, the majority of artifacts across all three operating systems. In this study, a total of 77.6% of the populated artifacts were partially or fully recovered in the manual investigation. On the other hand, forensic tools used did not automatically recover many of the artifacts found with the manual investigation. Only 13.8% of artifacts were partially or fully recovered by the forensic tools across all three devices. These discovered artifacts and the results of the investigations are presented in order to aid digital forensic investigations.  相似文献   
Advances in technologies including development of smartphone features have contributed to the growth of mobile applications, including dating apps. However, online dating services can be misused. To support law enforcement investigations, a forensic taxonomy that provides a systematic classification of forensic artifacts from Windows Phone 8 (WP8) dating apps is presented in this study. The taxonomy has three categories, namely: Apps Categories, Artifacts Categories, and Data Partition Categories. This taxonomy is built based on the findings from a case study of 28 mobile dating apps, using mobile forensic tools. The dating app taxonomy can be used to inform future studies of dating and related apps, such as those from Android and iOS platforms.  相似文献   
加强高校反腐倡廉理论研究,是建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系的重要部分,也是强化高校服务地方职能的重要途径。面对反腐倡廉理论研究的新形势、新问题,从反腐倡廉理论研究的重要意义入手,对反腐倡廉理论研究工作创新平台的作用发挥和机制保障问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
伴随着网络时代的到来,公民通过互联网表达自身利益诉求和公共意见已成为一种普遍现象。为此,地方政府通过制度创新,建立网络问政平台,顺势关注和吸纳网络民意。这种官民沟通机制的建立,改变着传统的单向式决策模式,构建着“官民共治”的新型治理模式,并最终将推动国家与社会良性互动关系的形成。  相似文献   
1999年底和2012年初,普京两次参加俄罗斯总统竞选,两次提出客观冷静、直面问题、聚拢民心的竞选纲领,系统回答了俄罗斯现状、世界局势和俄罗斯向何处去的问题。普京两次高票获胜后,其竞选纲领就成为施政纲领,成为团结和引领俄罗斯人民建设国家的重要文件。比较两份纲领,能够看出间隔12年普京对国际环境和俄罗斯地位的判断不同、对国家作用的认识发生了改变、提出的经济发展模式也不同,但在危机意识、强调独立发展和团结一致重建俄罗斯等方面则有延续性。  相似文献   
作为中国政务微博中的支柱性力量,警务微博主要发挥着警务信息公开、舆论引导、警务办公平台三种功能。虽然警务微博兴起时间不长,但从诞生至今,警务微博走过了试验起步、整合发展和创新服务三个阶段,其功能也逐渐深化拓展。根据活跃度、传播力和引导力的不同,警务微博应选择恰当的结构战略和功能战略。警务微博的发展对于公安机关在新时期密切联系群众及创新社会管理,具有积极意义。  相似文献   
网络在方便人们的同时,也带来了安全方面的问题。网络安全事件管理平台是为保障网络安全而开发的网络安全事件管理与响应平台,针对网络安全事件展开需求分析,从性能、功能以及灵活性等方面进行一系列的系统设计,实现一种实用的、可以灵活地部署在各个组织的网络安全事件管理平台系统。  相似文献   
新型平台用工方式的多样性和复杂性决定了构建劳动者劳动权益系统性保护的必要。从系统论 视角审视,新型平台用工方式冲击了我国传统以劳动关系构建起的劳动者劳动权益保护系统,突出表现为劳动 从属性弱化割裂系统整体性,多层嵌套性用工消解系统层次性,内外环境互动渠道受阻影响系统开放性。研究 认为,借鉴系统论相关原理,我国平台劳动者劳动权益保护的基本逻辑应遵循三条路径展开:加强系统整体性, 推动劳动从属性各要素的优化重组;扩容系统层次性,构筑劳动关系分层分类保护体系;提高系统内外环境开 放性,构建政府、平台、工会、平台劳动者等多元协同治理场域。将平台劳动者纳入系统保护中,推动我国劳 动者劳动权益保护系统迈向更高层次的动态平衡。  相似文献   
The concept of Government as a Platform (GaaP) has recently encountered setbacks in practice worldwide. While existing literature on inter-governmental collaboration has emphasized organizational restructuring and data sharing, this study argues that a pragmatic way to improve administrative efficiency in the absence of formal institutional change is to adopt an alternative model to GaaP: platform-enabled government. Enabled by innovations of the middle-tier platform, this new model of platform governance integrates the functions of distributed systems of multiple departments into a sequential workflow without the requirement of institutional reform or sharing proprietary data. To demonstrate how this model facilitates information flow across institutional boundaries and improves collaborative governance, we analyze horizontal, vertical, and public-private collaboration using a diverse case study design. We examine administrative review, law enforcement, and contact tracing during the pandemic in the context of China. Our findings suggest accommodating institutional boundaries is a practical and effective approach to advance the digital government agenda in decentralized contexts.  相似文献   
平台经济在各国的发展状况不同,各国对其涉及的劳动关系认定等问题进行规制的法律制度也不同。日本平台经济下的劳动关系认定相关探讨建立在个别法与集体法对劳动者概念之界定、相关的判例和学理的基础上,主要思路是修订现行《家内劳动法》与导入德国"类雇员"概念。在充分考虑日本对于平台经济之定位与我国有所区别的前提下,其兼顾"如何划定适用对象"及"对其采用何种规制"的政策研究方式,以及构建"类雇员"概念的相关探讨,对我国相关政策研究及法律制定极具借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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