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关于侦查讯问的逻辑思考非常多,从讯问问题的逻辑研究、笔录的制作到各种逻辑推理、逻辑规律在讯问中的应用都有学者论及,但作为整个讯问材料的逻辑性要求却很少有人论及。讯问材料要求证据确凿,事实清楚,也就是要确实、充分,而从法庭的视角看,材料很容易出现逻辑漏洞。  相似文献   
新《刑事诉讼法》已经颁布实施,其中规定的“不得强迫任何人证实自己有罪”被许多学者认为具有里程碑的意义。但是出于追诉犯罪的需要,侦查机关不可能在讯问中放弃获取犯罪嫌疑人供述的努力,而犯罪嫌疑人出于自身利益的考虑,也不可能毫无阻抗的供述自己的犯罪行为,在这样一对矛盾体中,如何在不违反法律规定的情况下获取犯罪嫌疑人的供述就成为侦查机关在讯问中首要关心的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore sex offenders' perceptions of how the police should interview suspected sex offenders to facilitate confessions, and to investigate whether there is a relationship between sex offenders' perceptions of how the police interviewed them and their decisions to confess or deny. Forty-three convicted sex offenders were interviewed using two 35-item questionnaires that contained five questions on each of seven interviewing strategies. An additional 20 violent offenders were included for comparison purposes. The strategies were evidence presenting strategies, ethical interviewing, displays of humanity, displays of dominance, use of minimization and maximization techniques, and demonstrating an understanding of sex offenders' cognitive distortions. One questionnaire concerned how the police should interview sex offenders and the other concerned how they perceived the police who interviewed them. Generally speaking, evidence presenting strategies, ethical interviewing, and displays of humanity were perceived to increase the likelihood of a confession. Interviewer dominance was perceived to be associated with a reduction in the likelihood of a confession.  相似文献   
The Supreme Court of Canada recently issued a trilogy of decisions pertaining to suspects' right to legal representation. These rulings further a major difference between the US and Canadian law: Canadian criminal suspects have far less access to legal counsel than suspects in the USA. This paper summarizes these decisions and draws comparisons between Canadian and the US criminal procedure with respect to a suspect's rights to legal representation. We present preliminary data on Canadian citizens' misunderstanding of criminal suspects' right to counsel and also Canadian legal professionals' opinions about the right to counsel. We recommend empirical investigation of the hypothesis that Canadian suspects are more likely than the US suspects to make false confessions.  相似文献   
强迫——屈从型虚假供述是警察审讯室中出现较多的虚假供述类型,也是造成冤假错案的罪魁祸首。其产生与犯罪嫌疑人的服从、受暗示性和本能的生存需求紧密相关,但更多的是警察的强迫审讯策略所致。赋予犯罪嫌疑人审讯阶段辩护权并建立合理的讯问规则是减少审讯室中强迫——屈从型虚假供述的有效对策。  相似文献   
讯问笔录是一种具有法律效力的文书,对于警方获取证据、全面分析研究案情、定罪量刑、总结办案经验、检查办案质量等各个环节都具有重要作用。然而在办案实践中,讯问笔录制作时汉语语言的使用还存在不少问题,因此我们应当准确使用汉语语言文字,提高讯问笔录的质量,提高公安机关的办案质量。  相似文献   
司法实践中,检察机关查处职务犯罪"12小时"的讯问暴露出种种弊端,有必要对此进行深入地调研和分析,以引起司法界和立法者的注意和重视,以期对检察机关的侦查工作有所促进。  相似文献   
本文分析了刑讯逼供的危害和原因 ,并由此提出了防范和遏制刑讯逼供的对策。  相似文献   
沉默权制度及刑事司法的价值取向   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
沉默权制度是欧洲“人文主义思潮”的产物 ,是英国资产阶级革命的结果。“米兰达规则”标志着西方国家的沉默权制度发展到“鼎盛时期”,然后又出现了明显的“回潮”。沉默权制度可以分为默示沉默权制度和明示沉默权制度 ,还可以分为审判沉默权制度和审讯沉默权制度。中国现在需要完善的是默示的审判沉默权制度 ,但是不应采用明示的审讯沉默权制度 ,一个国家对沉默权的态度 ,在一定程度上反映了其刑事司法的价值取向。  相似文献   
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