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<正>随着罗伯特·盖茨任命美国新防长,拉姆斯菲尔德的谢幕是不同寻常和难以评说的。路透社说,崇拜者将其看作是一名尽心尽职的爱国者,他重振了美国军事,推翻了塔利班及萨达姆的政权。而反对者则指责他是一名不计后果的好战者,他发动的伊拉克战争使美军进退维谷,人力财力损失惨重。  相似文献   
李峰 《半月谈》2003,(20):68-69
新的宗教战争在整个20世纪里,西方的大部分政治家和知识分子甚至包括神职人员都认为,宗教在公共生活中无足轻重,而信仰也和外交政策无关。但到了21世纪,  相似文献   
10月2日英国首相布朗突访伊拉克。8日,布朗宣布,英计划从明年春天开始将驻伊英军削减至2500人。  相似文献   
李辉 《新湘评论》2005,(1):58-58
伊拉克问题国际会议;世界海关组织知识产权保护地区论坛在上海闭幕;第十次东盟首脑会议召开;中央经济工作会议在北京召开;意大利总统钱皮、德国总理施罗德访华;中欧领导人举行第七次会晤;联想收购IBM个人电脑事业部;  相似文献   
The Iraq war is the biggest experimental site of Bushism and the success or failure of the war there has a direct bearing on the spread of Bushism as a strategic model. Hence it is necessary to make a systematic assessment of America's situation in Iraq. The current situation shows that the United has got into an unprecedented strategic haziness. In the security field, U.S. forces have dispatched large number of troops to carry out suppression and won frequent victories,but they are suffering stronger resistances. In the realm of political reconstruction, the democratic process in Iraq is now under in accordance with the prescribed order, but religious contradictions are on the rise, and political structures become more fragile. Over economic reconstruction, the United States has kept increasing input and at the same time appealed to the international community for more assistance. Even though Iraq is faced with difficulties in the reconstruction. Therefore, there is a widening disagreement in America over "whether the U.S. is winning or losing the war in Iraq. "① Based on the major views of experts and scholars from both China and overseas,the author thinks that the following three criteria are important for judging whether the United States has succeeded or failed in pursuing its strategy in Iraq: the feasibility of strategic objectives, balance of objectives and means and adaptability of strategic means. Judged by the above-mentioned criteria, the United States is now landing in a strategic predicament in Iraq.  相似文献   
“如果有好的机会,我也会出国打工。”面对电视里8名中国人质被释放的画面,周孙钦的弟弟仍然这样说。周孙钦是这次在伊拉克被绑架的8名平潭人之一。虽然此前因为担心周孙钦的安全,周家人连续4天没有睡好觉,但哥哥一脱离险境,弟弟仍禁不住对出国打工充满向往。  相似文献   
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