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纳卡问题在外高加索格局中是一个核心的冲突问题.冲突的由来是历史上沙俄帝国占领卡拉巴赫后实行的种族地缘政治战略,帝俄政府通过大规模的移民改变了当地的民族结构,从而埋下了日后冲突的根源.苏联解体后,虽然国际社会参与调解冲突,提出了多种方案,但纳卡问题迄今毫无进展.纳卡问题的存在对阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚双方的政治经济发展都产生了深刻的影响.  相似文献   
6月20日至7月1日,应亚洲政党国际会议常委会邀请,中共中央对外联络部副部长艾平作为中共代表出席在阿塞拜疆巴库举行的亚洲政党国际会议常委会第17次会议,随后率中共友好代表团访问伊朗和尼泊尔.  相似文献   
在加强与西方"友好"关系的同时,俄罗斯对其地缘政治核心利益区——独联体也展开攻势,俄罗斯正悄然"收紧"独联体。  相似文献   
一、公司概况 挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)成立于1972年,1981年成为挪威第一家获得北海油田作业者地位的公司,1990年与BP在国际业务上达成战略联盟,1997年在中国、阿塞拜疆的项目相继投产,2001年在挪威奥斯陆证券交易所和纽约证券交易所上市,2006年收购挪威海德罗(Hydro)公司的石油天然气业务,  相似文献   
以色列和阿塞拜疆的关系虽不事张扬但内涵丰富,属战略盟友关系。伊朗与阿塞拜疆这两个毗邻的国家,虽然具有共同的历史、相同的宗教、相似的种族,但没有促进反而阻碍了两国间的信任,两国在政治制度、里海划界、对外关系等方面均有显著的矛盾。进入21世纪以来,伊朗与以色列日益成为中东地区的直接竞争对手,加之两国政治制度上的差异、以色列所处的地理位置及伊朗核活动的持续,两国关系的敌对性愈益强烈。因此,近年来伊朗与阿塞拜疆之间进行的与以色列相关的一系列相互指责显然是事出有因的。在以色列对抗伊朗的过程中,阿塞拜疆一直并将继续扮演特殊角色。  相似文献   
The article analyses the political situation in the Near East in trial to find the formula of peace. It would guarantee a peaceful coexistence for Palestinians and Israelites. The conflict of Israel and Palestine lasts for already over 100 years and becomes a global conflict among Islam believers and Jewish-Christians. Trying to have peace Israel left the occupied Sinai Peninsula of Egypt and made considerable concessions for Palestinians as well: It agreed on Palestine self-governing rights or autonomy in 1994. The problem is that Arabs cannot accept the fact of Israel state in their psychology. Nobody can guarantee their national security when Jews retracted to the borders which existed till 1967, the Sixth Day War. What does the total retraction from Gaza Strip from where the rockets are constantly sent to the territory of Israel on the heads of civil people? Would the most real and secure way of all the solutions be a Federation of Palestinian Territories or Confederation with the Kingdom of Jordan (or with the state of Egypt)? The peace problem of Near East is global and even connected with the intentions of Iran to make an atomic bomb. International community should be more sensitive not only to the tired nation of Palestine but also the Kurds who try to establish their state in Kurdistan. People of Azerbaijan should be helped in uniting into one state in the frames of Azerbaijan. The author tried to prove the article by the facts and the regulations of international law as much as possible.  相似文献   
In reflecting on the case of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), one of the most popular perspectives is its lack of a common identity. The main argument is that it is a culturally diverse region with old-fashioned, ethnically exclusive nationalism. From this point of view, the process of the formation of a European identity in the region acquires particular importance. A European identity could act as a catalyst for bringing the region together. This identity could be considered as based on much more than just political orientation but fundamentally grounded in common values. This comprehensive integration in the South Caucasus can be achieved through the formulation and acceptance of a common political identity based on the political orientations of the South Caucasian States and their citizens. The main question that this study tries to answer is how people in the South Caucasian countries identify themselves in terms of a European identity. A suitable analysis is increasingly important at both the micro and the macro levels. The author examines the people's attitudes in the three South Caucasian states toward Western culture, states, and organizations, drawing on opinion polls conducted by the Caucasus Research Resources Center (CRRC). The author seeks to analyze attitudes toward the West in the South Caucasus on a macro as well as on a micro level. The author seeks also to provide a much-needed analysis for decision making, based on empirical data that help understand public opinion toward the European Union (EU) in the countries of the South Caucasus, and that can contribute to the refinement of integration strategies.  相似文献   
11月2日俄罗斯、阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚总统发表联合声明,决议就纳卡地区问题展开持久、直接对话。俄罗斯将原油出口税降至$287/吨。4日Paveletskaya火车站爆炸事件三名嫌犯被捕,该事件未造成人员伤亡。  相似文献   
谢奕秋 《南风窗》2008,(19):13-13
土耳其西面的巴尔干半岛,曾是沙俄、奥匈、奥斯曼三大帝国争霸的舞台,这里掀起的第一次世界大战瓦解了这三大帝国,催生了许多小的民族国家。而今,在土耳其东面的高加索山区,同样存在着引起大范围战争的诸多因素,其一便是领土争议和民族纠纷。高加索北麓有几个隶属俄罗斯联邦、但信仰伊斯兰教的共和国,其中车臣和达吉斯  相似文献   
俄格武装冲突并没有使独联体涣散,独联体还会存在下去独联体国家元首理事会会议10月10日在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克举行。这是今年8月发生历时5天的俄格武装冲突后举行的首次独联体峰会。原12个独联体国家中,9个国家元首与会。格鲁吉亚因宣布退出独联体未派代表,阿塞拜疆正值总统选举,由总理出席会议,乌克兰因  相似文献   
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