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近年来,随着我国房地产事业的蓬勃发展,小区物业公司随之普遍,越来越多的业主与物业公司的纠纷诉至法院,解决此类案件的关键就是确定物业管理公司是否负有必要的安全保障义务以及其承担这种安全保障义务的合理范围。以2012年初诉至鞍山市铁东区人民法院的一起生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷为引。展开对物管公司的安全保障义务相关问题的探讨。  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(4):423-458
Well known is that the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA, 1935) in the United States places a largely per se ban on nonunion employee representation (ER) groups which deal with employers over a term or condition of employment. Much less well known is that America’s other labor law, the Railway Labor Act (RLA, 1926), takes a different approach and permits employers to operate such councils and committees as long as they do not perform a collective bargaining function or interfere with workers’ free choice of a bargaining agent. Thus, under the RLA Delta Air Lines is able to operate what is today the closest living approximation to a 1920s-style ER plan while hundreds of other companies (e.g. Polaroid) under the jurisdiction of the NLRA have been forced over the years to disband similar groups on grounds they are a proscribed company union. No study to date has explored the history behind the RLA and NLRA’s divergent treatment of nonunion ER groups so this article takes a first look. The main part of the story covers the 1920–1935 period and examines the events, people, and experiences associated with company unions and ER in, respectively, the rail and manufacturing industries and why the legislative outcome in the former was a permissive stance on nonunion committees but prohibitive in the latter. The last part of the paper fast-forwards the RLA-NLRA story from the 1930s to contemporary law and practice in order to demonstrate how “history matters” when it comes to what employers can and cannot do with nonunion representation groups, such as works councils, participation and involvement committees, and dispute resolution forums.  相似文献   
潘施琴 《法学杂志》2012,33(9):125-130
在我国现实经济生活中,各类金融控股公司在法律的间隙中生存发展,这种情况从某种程度上来说已经处于脱法的状态,蕴含着极大的风险。我国要从法理角度加强金融控股公司的监管,结合现阶段金融控股公司监管存在的问题,探索适合我国国情的立法模式,构建我国金融控股公司的立法框架,完善金融立法上的空白,推动我国金融业依法经营监管和法治建设向纵深发展。  相似文献   
贾翱 《行政与法》2013,(9):126-128,F0003
进入21世纪以来,一些西方发达国家纷纷大幅度调整了公司立法,其共同特点是增强了对小公司发展的促进措施。公司法在处理小公司问题上有三种不同的模式.即特殊的公司形式、公司的替代形式以及采取“小公司优先”原则。其中”小公司优先”原则又可以采取不同的实现方式。  相似文献   
The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) were endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2011, following the six‐year mandate of the Special Representative to the Secretary General (SRSG) on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. The SRSG developed a framework comprised of three pillars: (1) States have a duty to protect against human rights abuses committed by third parties, including business enterprises; (2) business enterprises have a responsibility to respect human rights; and (3) victims of business‐related human rights abuses need access to effective remedies. In particular, guiding principle (GP) 11 provides that business enterprises should respect human rights, that is, they should avoid infringing on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved. This article considers the implications of the Guiding Principles' framework for business; the continuing role of conventional accountability mechanisms in providing access to remedy for victims under the third pillar of the framework; and developments in ‘hard law', with a particular focus on the approach by the UK, since the introduction of the UNGPs, before turning, briefly, to the future for business and human rights.  相似文献   
会展企业简介是参会企业借助会展平台展示企业风貌,传递商业信息的手段。会展企业简介翻译要全面考虑参会企业的目的、意图及参会客商的文化差异和审美意识,以参会客商为中心,关注参会客商的期待视野,实现参会客商与企业简介的"视野融合"。本文从接受理论的角度讨论会展企业简介的翻译,从信息效度、文体结构、审美差异等方面探讨其翻译原则和方法,旨在发挥企业简介的呼唤诱导作用,提升企业形象,实现其商业价值。  相似文献   
《外国企业或者个人在中国境内设立合伙企业管理办法》从2010年3月起施行,对我国内外资企业法重构问题的热议再次兴起。现行内外资企业法存在内容重复、不够协调、不符合国民待遇原则等不足,有必要探究内外资企业法的重构方案。我国合伙企业的相关立法已经基本实现了内外并轨,公司的相关立法内外并轨条件也较成熟。可以将我国现行外商投资...  相似文献   
环境侵权损害通常具有潜伏性和滞后性的特点,其损害后果往往要经过较长的潜伏期才会显现出来。公司在存续期间的污染行为,其损害后果可能直到公司终止后才最终显现出来。为弥补环境受害人的损失,维护社会的和谐稳定,需要在公司和社会两个层面建立公司终止后环境侵权责任承担机制。  相似文献   
吴飞飞 《北方法学》2014,(4):154-160
我国现行《公司法》中的"公司章程另有规定,从其规定"条款,消解了实践中公司章程"排除"公司法相应条款的合法性危机。然而遗憾的是,对于公司法中的"另有规定"条款之立法筹划与司法裁判问题学界少有系统性研究。从实现章程自治的制度初衷而言,未来公司法规则之修订应充分利用"假设交易"方法、"遵守反之则解释"方法与"单向缺省"方法重新塑构其中的缺省性规范,以进一步明确并扩展公司章程可"排除"的规则范围;同时,相关案件之司法裁判应抛弃公司合同主义的裁判路径和初始章程与后续章程二元界分的裁判标准,转而采用"目的性标准"与"公正度标准",以团体法标准从实质意义上判别公司章程"排除"公司法决议的效力属性。  相似文献   
公司经营层权力的滥用现象已成为世界各国公司法人治理结构发展过程中新的趋势,它反映了当代公司法人机关权力构造的缺陷。本文试从我国制度原因和经济原因等多个层面加以评析,并进一步指出我国公司经营层之间权力运作的平衡点。  相似文献   
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