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为了解决电信网络诈骗犯罪与传统侦查管辖之间的结构性冲突,刑事司法在横向上发展出“多地共管”“人案关联”的“大侦查管辖”格局,在纵向上建立起侦查管辖决定审判管辖(包括起诉管辖)的“侦查管辖中心”模式。但大侦查管辖格局导致不同地域公安机关的横向管辖冲突,侦查管辖中心模式又引发公检法机关的纵向管辖争议。考虑到公安机关条块分割的侦查体制与电信网络诈骗犯罪打击治理的现实困境,大侦查管辖仍是刑事司法当前相对合理的选择,但应优化地域管辖与指定管辖制度,减少不同地方公安机关之间的横向管辖冲突;同时,刑事司法需要把“以侦查管辖为中心”调整为“以侦查管辖为导向”,承认侦查管辖的指引功能,但应完善公检法机关的纵向管辖争议协调机制。  相似文献   
当前司法改革中,强制指定辩护制度成为实现律师辩护全覆盖的重要方式,但尚存在诸多理论和实践问题。强制辩护制度与强制指定辩护制度的根本目的均在于保障被追诉人获得律师辩护。域外强制辩护制度在适用范围、启动方式、适用阶段、辩护自主性问题以及法律救济方面具有较为成熟的经验。对我国而言,强制辩护制度对于完善强制指定辩护制度具有启示意义,可以在量刑标准、诉讼程序、诉讼全阶段方面着力扩大适用范围,明确违反强制指定辩护制度可能产生证据资格和程序效力否定性后果,构建法律援助辩护律师选择制度以及健全强制指定辩护质量保障体系。  相似文献   
在认罪认罚案件中,检察机关提出的幅度型或精准型量刑建议都是控辩双方合意的产物,也是审判人员最终作出量刑判决的重要依据,审判人员“一般应当采纳”。但对于检察机关提出精准的量刑建议是否存在理论上的正当性以及实务上的可操作性,理论界和实务界仍存在不同意见,实践中也存在部分审判人员“不愿接受”或“勉强接受”精准量刑建议的情况,影响着认罪认罚从宽制度总体功能的发挥。为解决此问题,有必要从理论上明确检察机关量刑建议权以及法院审判权的性质及关系,使审判人员内心“愿意”采纳精准的量刑建议;在实际操作层面需要加强精准量刑建议本身的合理性和合意性,使审判人员经过审理后,“能够”采纳精准的量刑建议。此外,根据具体情况,还需要明确精准量刑建议的变更和补救问题,促进量刑公正。  相似文献   
Street networks shape day‐to‐day activities in complex ways, dictating where, when, and in what contexts potential victims, offenders, and crime preventers interact with one another. Identifying generalizable principles of such influence offers considerable utility to theorists, policy makers, and practitioners. Unfortunately, key difficulties associated with the observation of these interactions, and control of the settings within which they take place, limit traditional empirical approaches that aim to uncover mechanisms linking street network structure with crime risk. By drawing on parallel advances in the formal analyses of street networks and the computational modeling of crime events interactions, we present a theoretically informed and empirically validated agent‐based model of residential burglary that permits investigation of the relationship between street network structure and crime commission and prevention through guardianship. Through the use of this model, we explore the validity of competing theoretical accounts of street network permeability and crime risk—the encounter (eyes on the street) and enclosure (defensible space) hypotheses. The results of our analyses provide support for both hypotheses, but in doing so, they reveal that the relationship between street network permeability and crime is likely nonlinear. We discuss the ramifications of these findings for both criminological theory and crime prevention practice.  相似文献   
目前世界上越来越多的国家都优先采用调解程序来解决成年监护制度中出现的难题,这是因为成年监护调解程序与成年监护诉讼程序相比具有得天独厚的优势,其主要体现在节约成本、提高效用和促使人际关系的和谐。基于我国成年监护制度的相对不完善,应借鉴美国在这方面的经验构建与我国国情相适应的成年监护制度调解程序。  相似文献   

In Australia in 1946, the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act was passed. This Act was intended to support the postwar migration to Australia of British children, unaccompanied by their parents, and provided them a guardian in Australia: the Immigration Minister. This key provision of the Act continues into the present, covering all unaccompanied child migrants, including refugees. Starting with the parliamentary debates which occurred at the formation of the Act in 1946, this article traces a history of the Act until its first High Court challenge in 1975. In doing so, a focus is placed on a series of key questions raised by its production of categories: How does the Act construct ideas of migranthood? What do the discussions it has provoked have to say about notions of parenthood and the ideal family? And, finally, what concepts of the child have been produced through this legislative and legal history? Through an examination of archival materials, parliamentary debates, court records, and newspaper coverage, this article explores the discursive productions of the Act, following the understanding that ideas of the family, of parenthood, of guardianship, of migrant status, and of the child are not natural, but instead are historically created and produced, here through racialized techniques of governmentality.  相似文献   
从立法沿革来看,指定居所监视居住并不是一种新的强制措施,只是新刑诉法及刑诉规则对其适用做了细化和完善。在司法实践中,如何实现指定居所监视居住的法定功能,怎样防止将其异化为羁押措施?当务之急就是要以新刑诉法修订实施为背景,对指定居所监视居住的适用条件、执行场所和执行方法、人民检察院对指定居所监视居住的监督、保障被指定居所监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益等问题进行深入研究。  相似文献   
刑事诉讼指定管辖制度之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
龙宗智 《法学研究》2012,(4):175-187
刑事诉讼中的指定管辖,其目的是保障司法公正,实践中发挥了积极作用,但也有一定弊端,如适用随意性较大,指定侦查管辖于法无据,公、检、法在指定管辖上不能有效衔接,公民的管辖异议权与指定管辖申请权不受尊重等。存在的问题与我国特有的分工负责,互相配合,互相制约的制度结构,以及司法权集体行使的特殊形式有关。改革完善该制度,在模式设定上,仍应以审判为基点,同时明确侦查阶段的指定管辖并允许检察机关监督。审判中的指定管辖应由检察机关提出,由人民法院审查决定。在指导思想上,坚持程序法定原则,慎重适用指定管辖;坚持管辖便利原则,指定地点应当方便办案。在制度完善方面,需要明确指定管辖的适用范围;明确指定管辖的相关主体、考量因素及决定程序;合理设置指定管辖的具体程序,确认公民的管辖异议权与管辖申请权并予以保障。  相似文献   
刑事指定辩护制度是我国刑事辩护制度的重要组成部分.该制度的完备程度直接关系到被追诉者的辩护权能否得到充分保护、刑事诉讼程序的公正性能否得到体现。目前我国刑事指定辩护制度存在一定的不足.因此有必要结合立法和司法实践进行分析,以期进一步完善。  相似文献   
李喜莲 《法律科学》2009,(3):136-145
口头辩论原本是一种审理程序构造,是对书面主义下书面审理制诉讼程序的反动。在程序构造上,口头辩论审理样式表现为一系列以当事人之间口头诉答和法官听取为内容的口头辩论期日。通过口头方式使口头辩论本身蕴含的诸原则得以贯彻落实,并成为其有序高效运营的机理。以口头辩论审理样式为鉴,我国民事诉讼审理程序应从形式到内容贯彻落实口头审理样式蕴含的诸原则,以便使我国的民事审理程序既具口头辩论审理样式的外衣,也具其有序、高效的程序内涵。  相似文献   
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