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This article shows that ‘Turkification’, a term widely used by historians of modern Turkey to refer to the forced transfer of property from Christian into Muslim hands, ought to be conceptualized not only in the sense of ‘enrichment’ but also, with regard to the working classes, as a process in which Muslim people inherited the poverty of their Christian predecessors. Taking ?zmir as a case in point, the article first describes the plight of the overwhelmingly Christian working class prior to 1922. It then studies reports and editorials that discussed the economic and social situation in ?zmir in the years 1923 to 1926, after the Turkish victory and forced migration of her Christian population. Over the course of these years, ?zmir experienced a serious economic crisis, and bread prices reached levels that led to widespread undernourishment and hunger among the city?s poor. Agricultural production was lagging behind pre-war levels, and positive effects of ‘Turkification? policies were failing to materialize. By analyzing the contemporary journalists? attempts at explaining the crisis, but also pointing out national and transnational factors that they were probably unaware of, the article makes an original contribution to the economic and social history of early republican Turkey.  相似文献   

This study aims to advance understanding of social workers’ perceptions of the circumstances necessitating and preventing the placement of children with disabilities (CwDs) in institutions. This retrospective study involved thematic analyses of one focus group (n?=?7) and semi-structured individual interviews (n?=?12). Participants included social work professionals with experience providing welfare services for CwDs and their families. In effort to prevent separation of CwDs from their families, results suggest a need for continued monitoring of deinstitutionalization of CwDs alongside increased availability, accessibility, and quality of childcare, alternative child welfare and family support services.  相似文献   
本文为中国近代转型时期以日本为媒介移植西方法律制度的个案事例研究。着重关注的是清末官绅对日考察,不同于已有较多成果的清末留日研究。据《申报》记载,包括浙江在内的十省于1906年联合派遣正佐官员五十名赴日考察监狱。该史料已为相关研究者所关注,但这些"调查日本监狱员"在日考察的实际状况和回国后的活动至今不为人知。在梳理浙江省派员名单,挖掘其在日活动史料基础上,进一步追踪其中三人回国后在浙江省监狱改良中作出的贡献。  相似文献   
台湾光复初期,曾在大陆学习或生活过的一些台湾学生回到了台湾,他们在争取台湾民主和祖国统一,反对专制政治制度的斗争中,参与了反对国民党当局的"二.二八"事件并进行武装斗争;利用文字宣传和做青年学生的工作,传播民主和祖国统一的理念。  相似文献   
陈仪从在重庆主持台湾调查委员会工作开始,一直到担任台湾省行政长官期间,都十分重视台湾光复后的文化重建。他提倡“心理建设”和“文化建设”,重视国语、国文的推广和普及,尤其注重学校的文史教育;同时,他还很重视对民众的宣传和宣导,重视公教人员的培训,以及学校教材和社会读物的编译等工作,努力消除日本殖民文化在台湾的影响。可是,学术界对陈仪主持下的文化重建工作却有一些截然不同的评价,针对这些评价,本文提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
警察组织工作的特殊性,使得警察公共关系危机处于一种潜伏的状态,且成为一种社会常态,而各领域各层次的问题错综交织,都有可能成为公关危机发生的导火索,警察组织一味被动地应对警察公共关系危机只会使得警察组织公关更加被动。预防管理理论告诉我们:预防是战胜危机的第一法宝。科学构建中国特色警察公共关系危机的预警机制,是时代发展的呼...  相似文献   
本文主要介绍经老挝境内的古代丝绸之路通道以及作为内陆国家,老挝将如何在中国—东盟自由贸易区和东盟经济一体化背景下,在海上丝绸之路的建设中发挥作用和实现共赢。  相似文献   
张溪 《政法学刊》2014,(3):11-14
建国初期,新中国面临复杂形势和严峻局面,中国共产党率领中国人民在废除国民党《六法全书》以后,在法律不完备的情况下,创造性通过"运动治国""社论治国"的方式,用指示、规定和命令等政策、媒体和法治的方法,管理和治理国家,形成独特的管理国家的规律,为当下推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化,提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
何孟雄是著名的无产阶级革命家,他在中共早期历史中作出了重要贡献。他是中国第一批信仰马列的人,参与了中共早期党组织创建,是我党历史上最早的党员之一。他领导过北方早期工人运动,积极促进国共合作,开创江苏农民运动新局面,较早地阐发了农民游击战争思想,与中共早期"左"倾错误路线进行坚决斗争,在狱中表现出高度的党性,对党忠诚,为党的事业英勇献身。  相似文献   
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