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This research demonstrates the value of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) as a research tool in osteological studies, and diagenetic studies in particular. LSCM combines properties of light and scanning electron microscopy using laser light to excite fluorophores throughout the z-axis, developing a 3-D image. Using differential staining and selecting for specific wavelengths of light, one can image targeted materials. This research is divided into two parts: visualizing bone structures such as proteins and their decompositional products and visualizing diagenesis. Part one of this study utilized pig bones as a means of testing the overall ability of LSCM to fluoresce bone. Twenty-three samples were imaged, including 13 samples from a decompositional study conducted 5 years previous, and 10 “fresh” samples collected from a commercial butcher. This part of the study determined that protein and organic components of the bone could be fluoresced and diagenetic alteration could be imaged. The second part of the study used human samples as a means of imaging and mapping diagenetic alterations. The second part of the study used 13 samples, including 4 clinical, 7 ancient, and 2 modern controls. The pig study used Basic Fuchsin and SlowFade Gold stains, while the human study used toluidine blue. Images were also taken with unstained elements. The results of the non-human study found that a fresh bone fluoresced differently than that of a 5-year subset, while the results of the human study confirmed these findings and determined that the bone diagenesis can be mapped using LSCM.  相似文献   
人民政协作为专门协商机构是新时代党和人民赋予人民政协的新方位新使命.基于专门协商机构的制度定位,人民政协协商作为一种全职全程的常态化协商形式,在整个社会主义协商民主体系中占有重要地位,独具特色和优势.人民政协一切工作都基于协商民主而展开,是一种超越自身范围的资政协商,较之于其他的协商形式和渠道,人民政协协商组织性最强、制度化最高、协商主体最为专业.总之,人民政协作为专门协商机构,具有无与伦比的时代意蕴和独特优势,能够有效地将协商民主的制度优势转化为国家治理的效能.  相似文献   
动产所有权让与中的交付,又称动产所有权出让或转让中的占有的移转,其既为动产所有权让与的公示方法,也通常为动产所有权让与发生物权变动效力的要件,类型上涵括现实交付、观念交付及其他特殊形态的交付。我国民法典物权编对于此等交付的厘定(规定)较为简略或存有阙如,宜结合域外立法成例、法理或学理而予阐释、厘清及释明。透过如是的工作和努力,期冀可以建构起我国动产所有权让与中交付规则或制度的解释论("注释论""评注论")系统,由此使这一规则或制度可裨益于我国的社会生活与经济实践,并进而发挥其具有的积极功用与价值。  相似文献   
被伐树木形成的整体分离痕迹有其独特性,反映出特有的规律。本文介绍了在盗伐林木案件中,运用整体分离痕迹检验原理、方法,检验被伐树木分离面、分离缘的形态,检验其凸凹断茬特征、虫眼特征、裂纹特征、空心特征等特殊特征以及节子特征、年轮特征、木射线特征、树皮纹理特征等固有特征。特别是在两对应的锯断面之间木质完全缺失情况下,综合运用上述特征有针对性地检验,解决了部分被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中分离痕迹能否作为同一认定证据、分离体是否原为同一整体的问题。文中所述对被伐树木上的特殊特征和固有特征的研究和运用,拓宽了被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中特征标记的范围,为丰富被伐树木整体分离痕迹的检验方法提供了参考。  相似文献   
The resilience of some high-profile white-collar criminals in the media gaze after prison may lead some to conclude, particularly as some research also supports this notion, that this group of offenders generally manages well after conviction. Research in this area is, however, small and largely American. The authors seek to add to this small body of research by offering findings on the impact of conviction on 17 UK convicted white-collar criminals after completion of their sentence. It provides a unique insight into the consequences of conviction, showing that although there were some offenders who did experience limited impact and coped well, there was also a significant group who suffered a decline in status, financial losses, negative media coverage, and relationship and mental health problems, to name some. The authors argue more research is needed on this group and their needs as they are often neglected by the criminal justice system.  相似文献   
The investment approach to public service provision is now receiving considerable attention worldwide. By promoting data‐intensive assessments of baseline conditions and how government action can improve on them, the approach holds the potential to transform policy development, service implementation, and program evaluation. Recently, variations on the investment approach have been applied in Australia to explore the effectiveness of specific programs in employment training, criminal justice, and infrastructure development. This article reviews the investment approach, presents a Public Investment Checklist to guide such work, and discusses three examples. It concludes by considering the implications of investment thinking for the work of policy designers and public managers.  相似文献   
郑丽清 《北方法学》2012,6(3):20-29
无救助义务是美国传统侵权法上的一项重要规则。由于社会组织结构的精细化使人与人之间的关系更加紧密了,容易出现牵一发而动全身的局面,如果还任由人们对他人的困境无动于衷可能会造成无法挽回的严重后果,加之作为与不作为的区分越来越小,故美国选择了一条侵权过失责任的改良道路,主张不作为不应该成为被告承担过失责任的障碍。而美国的司法判例和立法经验也告诉我们,一般无救助义务规则正经受两方面的侵蚀:一是扩大特殊救助义务的范围;二是通过制定法律承认一般救助义务。  相似文献   
特权思想是当前干部队伍中的毒瘤,危害党的纯洁性,腐蚀干部的思想和良知,直接影响党在人民群众中的威信,威胁国家的长治久安.只有深化体制、机制改革,加大惩治力度,积极探索科技防腐的新措施,才能有效减少特权,达到治理目的.  相似文献   
为了标榜殖民统治的正当性,日本侵略者刻意鼓吹在伪满洲国实行所谓的"地方自治"。在实行的特别市和市制中,设置了"自治委员会"和"咨议会"等议决和咨询机关,为其蒙上了一层"进步"的色彩。然而当我们深入对其进行考察后发现,伪满洲国所设计的"地方自治"充满了虚伪性,它无法掩盖日本侵略者对伪满洲国统治的侵略本质。  相似文献   
我国警辅人员的惩戒制度不完善,导致对警辅人员的惩戒具有很大的随意性,因此,需要从理论和制度两个层面进行细化研究。警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,既不能全盘地接受传统的特别权力关系理论,更不能一概地拒绝,而应考虑到该理论在警辅人员管理中的适用性,并确立相应的规则。警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,应当遵循惩戒与职业收益的比例性、惩戒的明确合理性和惩戒的合法性等原则,进而完善惩戒机构的模式、违纪行为的形式和惩戒的种类等各方面的内容。最终,警辅人员惩戒制度的建构,既要有效保障警辅人员的合法权益,也要实现警辅人员利用的目的。  相似文献   
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