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在刑事诉讼过程中如何取舍和运用刑事非法证据 ,涉及到非法证据的效力问题。两大法系中很多国家建立了非法证据排除规则。我国立法对于非法证据效力的态度不甚明确 ,因此必须完善有关立法 ,制定配套制度 ,建立我国的非法证据排除规则  相似文献   
公安机关应当遵从市场经济规律 ,强化经济成本意识 ,充分认识道路交通管理在经济发展中的地位和作用 ;走出认识上的两个误区 ,确立服务经济发展 ,促进经济发展 ,创造经济价值的观念 ;努力探求既能完成繁重的交通管理任务 ,又能把有限的交通管理“活劳动”和“物化劳动”的使用成本降到最低限度 ,创造一个可持续发展的交通运输环境 ,实现道路安全畅通 ,能耗少、公害低、群众满意的目标。  相似文献   
在刑事犯罪中,黑社会性质组织、犯罪集团、流氓恶势力犯罪都是有组织的普通刑事犯罪,社会危害严重,为维护社会秩序和保护人民生命财产安全,保障经济建设的顺利进行,必须要正确区分,并依法从重从快予以惩处。  相似文献   
依法治国方略的提出,有助于防止和克服权力变质,根治腐败,从法律上保证党的路线、方针、政策的贯彻落实,保证始终发挥党的总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用。而要真正实现“法治”这一社会管理模式,必须坚持党的领导,同时不断改善党的领导,加强党的自身建设。  相似文献   
贿赂外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员罪是《联合国反腐败公约》所确立的国际犯罪,它包括对外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿罪和外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员受贿罪两个具体罪名。从理论与实践角度考虑,我国刑法中应增设对外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿罪,而不宜增设外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员罪受贿罪。对外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿罪应置于我国刑法典分则第二章破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪中,贿赂范围应扩大至财物、财产性利益和非财产性利益。  相似文献   
一生为民歌,名扬中外垂千古;千里送英魂,三晋母女泪满襟。这副挽联,是为西部歌王、人民音乐家王洛宾而写的。它的作者是1940年被关押在兰州国民党沙沟监狱中的小萝卜头式的女童囚罗莉莉。1940年仲夏,刚出生8个月的罗莉莉与她的父亲(中共甘肃省工委副书记罗云鹏)、母亲(省妇女会组织委员张英)一起被捕入狱。小小的罗莉莉吃尽了人间苦头。1938年王洛宾与萧军、塞克等一批文化名人到兰州从事抗日活动,后由于叛徒出卖被捕入狱,与罗莉莉一家同被关押在大西北的国民党沙沟监狱。一次放风时,小莉莉在地下拾了一粒大豆(蚕…  相似文献   
我国个人所得税的改革已成为各收入阶层关注的焦点。我国现行个人所得税因为目标定位不准确 ,征收模式未能适时调整 ,致使税负确定、税率设计不合理、税制复杂 ,难以征管 ,偷逃严重 ,调节无力。本文对目标功能定位、征收模式选择、税率设计、征收管理这些个人所得税的根本问题做了一些探讨。  相似文献   
Social scientists have theorized about the cycle of domestic violence in family abuse. Little research has addressed dating violence as a consequence to the experience of domestic violence by children. This article deals with the self-reported experience of dating violence by high school students from abusive and nonabusive households. A survey was conducted of 1,353 students in a rural area of North Dakota. Results indicated that students from abusive households showed significantly higher incidence of dating violence than those from homes where no abuse was evident. However, less than one in five of the students from abusive home reported dating violence, providing little support for the cycle of violence hypothesis. Students from abusive homes viewed violence as negatively as students from nonabusive homes. Thus, while there are significant differences between the two groups, there are also important similarities. Although there is apparently a greater risk of dating violence among students who have experienced violence at home, these data do not support the idea of an inescapable pattern of violence among adolescents who have experienced violence themselves.  相似文献   
杜新丽 《中国司法》2005,(10):99-101
域外送达(serviceabroad),是指一国司法机关依据有关国家的国内立法或国际条约的规定将司法文书和司法外文书送交给居住在国外的诉讼当事人或其他诉讼参与人的行为①。域外送达在国际民商事诉讼中有着极其重要的意义。它是法院对案件行使管辖权的前提,是当事人确定自己行使诉讼权利、承担诉讼义务的依据,是推动诉讼进程的必备条件。只有将司法文书合法、及时地送达给有关人员,才能有效地组织诉讼活动。此外,送达还可以起到防止平行诉讼产生的功效②。在国际民商事关系中,因为案件的涉外性,往往在主权国家之间需要跨国界的域外送达文书,但各…  相似文献   
Since the 1990s there has been a long-standing concern in government towards public sector accountability, management, efficiency and service delivery. A number of studies have attempted to analyse the multitude of individual changes and their manifestations through analyses based on a variety of institutional, policy and governmental distinctions. This paper attempts to specify the changes with particular reference to planning, and to consider the evolution of the public service ethic in planning towards more openness, scrutiny, transparency and efficiency with particular reference to the changing ethos of the professional employee. We first explore the  main impacts upon local government, the public service ethic and professional planning as a consequence of the Modernization agenda and freedoms and flexibilities initiative. We then look at how such changes have impacted upon the ethos and values in public service and planning. We draw on some evidence of Ombudsman cases to highlight issues of professional values in planning practice over the past decade before finally drawing these strands together in some conclusions. Our principal findings indicate that the much-trumpeted decline of services and standards may not have been as apparent as is sometimes portrayed and that internal professional attitudes and values towards the external changes may not have significantly altered over the same period.  相似文献   
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