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随着改革开放的不断深入,我国社会组织获到了快速的发展,在社会各个领域之中扮演着越来越重要的角色。引导社会组织为推进全面建设社会主义现代化国家服务,已成为新时代统战工作的重要一环。但由于对社会组织统战工作重要性认识不足、部门间联系薄弱、统战组织建设不足等原因,社会组织统战工作进展缓慢。而互联网基建的完善以及软件设备的更新为实施社会组织“互联网+统战工作”提供了基础条件。因此,要主动树立网络统战辩证思维、完善亲民网络统战平台、建立网络统战长效机制、统筹网络舆情监督引导以及打造网络统战人才队伍,从而推进社会组织,网络统战工作。  相似文献   
媒体融合的目的是壮大主流思想舆论,核心是落实党管媒体、党管意识形态,抢占新闻文化宣传制高点,扩大主流价值影响力版图,增强意识形态领域领导权、话语权。当今时代,互联网正在媒体领域催生一场前所未有的变革,推动媒体融合发展、建立适应媒体融合发展的互联网思维势在必行。石油媒体必须以变应变,主动投入媒体融合发展大潮,推动数字化转型,加快全媒体升级,以供给侧结构性改革推进媒体融合发展,助力石油工业高质量发展。为此必须加快观念转变,夯实媒体融合、全媒体升级的思想基础;坚持技术先行,打造媒体融合、全媒体升级的“数字引擎”;坚持改革创新,打破媒体融合、全媒体升级的体制机制壁垒;坚持思想为魂、内容为王、读者为本,推进差异化产品革命;推进融媒体平台建设,构建统一高效、充满生机活力的石油传播生态。  相似文献   
邓小平是从中国人民和中华民族近代以来伟大斗争中产生的伟人。在五四运动和新文化运动的洗礼下,年轻的邓小平离开故乡,怀抱着"学点本事"和"实业救国"的理想漂洋过海远赴法国勤工俭学,寻求救国救民出路。在法国勤工俭学期间,艰苦的生活淬炼了他勇于斗争的意志和品质,也使他对资本主义社会的腐朽与黑暗面有了初步认识,逐渐抛弃了"工业救国"的想法,进而开始重新思考国家和人生道路的选择。在赵世炎、王若飞等优秀共产党员的熏陶影响下,通过阅读《新青年》《向导》等进步书刊,并结合自身勤工俭学的切身体悟,邓小平确立了共产主义信仰。加入旅欧中国共产主义青年团后,邓小平在从事杂志编辑和领导革命斗争中逐步成熟。在莫斯科中山大学学习期间,他系统深入学习马克思列宁主义基本理论,积极锤炼党性,理论水平和工作能力得到进一步提高。邓小平早年政治思想的演进历程,反映了他入党的初心,也揭示了他矢志不渝地为党和人民事业奋斗一生的精神来源。  相似文献   
李芝兰  罗曼  杨燊 《公共行政评论》2020,(2):23-39,193,194
在一国两制的背景下,香港、澳门与内地之间的制度差异如何影响粤港澳大湾区的发展?学界对此仍关注不足。论文基于制度主义理论,构建了"制度差异-张力-制度创新"的理论框架,以深圳前海自贸区的工程建设管理制度改革为案例,分析了制度差异推动改革创新的机制。研究发现,不同的制度逻辑形塑行动主体的认知与行为,因此多元制度在互动中能够产生张力,进而激发行为主体的能动性,促使其反思、设计新的制度、采取改革行动,最终促成制度创新。中国内地与港澳的制度在"一国两制"方针下得以多元共存,制度差异在粤港澳密切互动中产生的张力是大湾区改革的创新源泉,使大湾区在国家改革与发展大局中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
This paper examines the power to prorogue (or suspend) Parliament following the 2019 prorogation controversy in the UK. We outline the legal basis of prerogative-based prorogation, survey its uses in the UK and other Westminster systems, and compare it with equivalent rules in other European parliamentary democracies. The comparative perspective highlights the outlier status of the UK among comparable European democracies. In the UK, the absence of explicit legal limits on the use of prorogation gives the executive exceptional scope to employ the power for political purposes to sidestep Parliament. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for current discussions about the desirability of reforming the UK’s prorogation rules and placing express legal limits on the executive’s power.  相似文献   
The global defense industrial sector is a remarkably accurate indicator of the distribution of power in the post-Cold War international system. However, the defense industrial sector as a policy tool has received relatively little scrutiny, even though it not only reflects the international order, but also provides the United States with the ability to influence the foreign policy behavior of other states. The defense industrial sector is a powerful, if undervalued, diplomatic tool in the United States’ political arsenal.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,随着全球化加速发展和非洲民族解放运动的结束,非洲大陆面临的历史主题已由“求独立”演变为“求和平”、“求发展”。维护非洲大陆的和平、安全与稳定,促进非洲经济与社会的全面发展,并在此基础上最终实现“非洲复兴”,成为当前非洲历史发展赋予非洲一体化最为重要的历史使命。但非洲一体化的理想预期与实际效果之间存在着巨大差距,政治热忱与现实困境之间也存在强烈反差,这是非洲区域化进程不可回避的现实,也是当前非洲发展必须设法解决的头等大事。非洲一体化的进一步发展必须正视几个重大问题,诸如怎样处理民族主义与地区一体化的关系,如何协调自主发展与争取外援的关系等。  相似文献   
The EU has regulated chemicals since the late 1960s using both general and sectoral legislation, and exposure-based, hazard-based and risk-based decisions. A new proposal from the European Commission – on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) – will build on the experiences of the existing legislation and introduce some new concepts in the management of chemicals. This article is aimed at assessing the current chemical control mechanisms in the EU and those put forward in REACH to demonstrate how REACH is a new paradigm in chemicals management. REACH will carry forward today's experience and approach to the management of chemicals in the EU and introduces some novel aspects, such as utilizing market-based mechanisms and putting into operation the 'substitution principle'.  相似文献   
In 1970, the Congress enacted the Organized Crime Control Act. Title IX of the 1970 Act is the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act or RICO. This Act had its origins in legislation going back as far as 1934, but coming forward to 1961. The 1970 Act borrowed ideas from this earlier legislation, principally “enterprise,” but also the use predicate statutes to define “racketeering activity.” The ideas are not new, but their combination affects how prosecutors and law enforcement agents investigate, try, and sanction violations of the Act. RICO’s drafting also reflects organizational theory and economic analysis. The investigation and prosecution of a single crime committed by an individual on a single day and in a single place maybe done using one set of procedural and evidentiary rules. Nevertheless, the investigation and prosecution of patterns of diverse offenses committed by, through, and against licit and illicit enterprises require sophisticated procedures, evidentiary rules, and criminal sanctions. In addition, antisocial conduct is more than a challenge to the administration of criminal justice; it also requires the full panoply of civil sanctions, including public injunctions as well private enforcement of injunctive relief and treble damages. RICO has had a profound effect on the prosecution of organized crime, white-collar crime, and other forms of similar criminal behavior. William J. & Dorothy K. O’Neill Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School; A.B. 1957, University of Notre Dame; J.D. 1960, Notre Dame Law School. Professor Blakey was the Chief Counsel of the Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1969-70 when the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, Pub. L. No. 91-542, 84 Stat. 922 (1970) was processed, Title IX of which is the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act or RICO. For a general treatment of the statute from a variety of perceptive, see the collection of law review literature in G. Robert Blakey & Kevin Roddy, “Reflections on Reves v. Ernst & Young: Its Meaning an Impact on Substantive, Accessory, Aiding, Abetting and Conspiracy Liability under RICO,” 33 Amer. Crim. L. Rev. 1345, 1348 n. 3(1996).  相似文献   
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