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近年来,仁怀立足市情,充分发挥资源优势,紧紧围绕创建生态畜牧大市的目标,把畜牧业发展作为农村经济的主导产业和市域经济的重要支柱,采取扶持龙头、创建基地、培育中介等一系列有效措施,使畜牧.业进入了跨越式发展的快车道。  相似文献   
"收音机前各位亲爱的听众朋友们,晚上好,我是您的好朋友肖岚,首先问候大家每天平安、健康还有快乐!"这个美丽平和的声音来自肖岚。提起肖岚,潍坊很多人都知道这个"玻璃女孩"的故事:先天残疾的身体,从小经历的坎坷与不幸,阳光乐观的生活态度,在家里开通的爱心公益热线,以及助人为乐的种种事迹。她现在的身份,已从家庭热线走向  相似文献   
中国第一位视障速录师朱学元参加完国家劳动部高级速录师职业资格考试后对记者说:"用耳朵追赶声音,用手指书写文字,用心灵描述生活——我是追声音的人。"非视障专业,低视力的大学生活朱学元是在父母及数位亲戚的陪同下来到长春大学报到的,因为她视力不好,加之夜盲已很严重,父母必须要带着她,一步步丈量从天桥到教学楼、从宿舍到食堂的距离,看着她学会如何在食堂刷卡打  相似文献   
Accessibility is the basis and prerequisite for persons with disabilities to enjoy and exercise all human rights and fundamental freedoms With the rapid development of the internet, providing and promoting information accessibility is considered an important obligation for the State In the process of transforming international human rights law into domestic law, how to deal with the human rights protection of persons with disabilities and the obligations of the private sector to ensure persons with disabilities receive services and products that meet the requirements and principles of information accessibility has become a development issue in the new era Against the backdrop of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in the context of the booming development of the cause of persons with disabilities in China, legal scholars, persons with disabilities, and organizations have jointly proposed the Beijing Initiative on the Principles of Information Accessibility for Science and Technology Products It clarifies that the private sector should embrace the human rights model advocated by the Convention in terms of information accessibility, and provide equal participation for persons with disabilities in the process of designing, producing and selling scientific and technological products The Initiative also states that the private sector should keep pace with the United Nation's sustainable development goals and the basic national policy of building a well-to-do society in an all round way, ensuring persons with disabilities are included within a moderately well-off society It also provides civil opinions on the formulation and clarification of relevant laws in the future.  相似文献   
近年来,仁怀立足市情,充分发挥资源优势,紧紧围绕创建生态畜牧大市的目标,把畜牧业发展作为农村经济的主导产业和市域经济的重要支柱,采取扶持龙头、创建基地、培育中介等一系列有效措施,使畜牧业进入了跨越式发展的快车道。一、提高认识,强化措施仁怀认真分析本地农村经济状况,提出了把仁怀建成生态畜牧大市的发展目标。先后出台了《关于大力发展畜牧水产养殖业的意见》、《关于进一步加快畜牧业发展的意见》、《关于进一步加快农业工作的意见》、畜牧业《贷款贴息办法》、《关于对畜牧业规模养殖实行以奖代补的评比考核办法》等一系列配套…  相似文献   
“以前到村里办事,脚都跑痛了,还找不到人。现在好了,白天干活,晚上都可以办事。”白云区麦架村村民杨贵英深有感触地说。 的确,白云区去年村村实施“亮丽工程”以来,紧密地把干部群众联系在一起。有人将它比喻为党在农村的形象,有人将它比喻为带领群众迈向新世  相似文献   
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