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Policy support matters for the success of public policies. It is still unclear how governments can garner support for policies with high costs. Using a conjoint experiment in China, we demonstrate that governments can encourage policy support by offering institutional services and material interests to policy targets. In particular, citizens become more willing to support policies when governments timely disclose policy information and respond to and incorporate their voices in the policy design. Government subsidies in both the short and long runs also increase citizens' policy support. In addition, government transparency and long-run subsidies are complementary to enhancing policy support; the role of institutions is strengthened when citizens are exposed to severe policy problems.  相似文献   
劳动力要素按贡献参与分配是初次分配中的重要内容。本研究在梳理分析我国工资分配制度政 策的现状及积极成效的基础上,探讨了当前工资分配领域仍待解决的 4 个突出问题,包括劳动报酬的比重在一 段时期出现下降,农村居民的工资性收入与城镇居民的相比依然不高,农村居民的工资性收入区域差距还比较大, 行业间工资收入差距需要进一步缩小。研究认为,完善劳动力要素按贡献参与分配制度机制,要坚持改革与发 展相结合,“做大蛋糕”与“分好蛋糕”并重。研究建议:推动经济增长与居民收入增长同步,实现劳动生产 率与劳动报酬同步提高;深化工资分配制度改革,健全工资决定和合理调整机制。  相似文献   
目前着力开展的行政争议实质性化解,还面临着认识不清的困境,有必要探究其内在逻辑以明晰其面目。理论依据要解决“为何做”的问题,行政争议实质性化解因应解决实际问题需要,具有深层次的实质法治、国家治理、检察功能、能动检察的动因和需求。制度定位实际是解决“为何能做”的问题,行政争议实质性化解依托行政诉讼监督开展,是行政检察职责的组成部分,属于工作机制层面的安排。实践完善要解决“如何做”的问题,实践中已形成类型化的化解模式,还要探索和创新化解范围和方式,以期尽早实现规范化、定型化。  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that chronic, systemic inflammation hastens onset of the diseases of old age that ultimately lead to death. Importantly, several studies suggest that childhood adversity predicts chronic inflammation. Unfortunately, this research has been plagued by retrospective reports of childhood adversity, an absence of controls for adult stressors, and a failure to investigate various competing models of the link between childhood adversity and chronic inflammation. The present study was designed to address these limitations. Using 18 years of data collected from 413 African Americans (58% female) included in the Family and Community Health Study, hierarchical regression analyses provided support for a nuanced early life sensitivity explanation for the link between early adversity and adult chronic inflammation. Controlling for health risk behaviors and adult SES, late childhood (ages 10–12) adversity amplified the association between adult adversity (age 29) and chronic inflammation. This interaction operated in a domain-specific fashion. Harsh parenting amplified the relation between intimate partner hostility and inflammation, whereas early discrimination amplified the relation between adult discrimination and inflammation. These findings suggest that individuals may be primed to respond physiologically to adverse adult circumstances that resemble those experienced earlier in life.

杨力 《政法论丛》2020,(2):139-148
作为现代城市治理的题中应有之义,商业合规变得日益重要。除了外在讨论商业合规的传统视角,从公司内部视角讨论"在什么条件下"商业合规更容易、更可能实现的内在驱动机制,是一个十分关键的问题。两个研究小组围绕商业合规进行了全面分析,同时结合国内外商业合规研究的最新动向,探讨了如何建立商业合规的"高效认知界面",提出了一种公司更愿意合规的认知行为界面偏好的方法,改变以往强调商业合规的"硬干预"、"强干预"的窠臼,走向更为符合商业合规选择偏好的"软干预"、"弱干预"的范式。在此基础上,寻找到让赢利与合规目标之间达成最大公约数的具体实现方案。  相似文献   
机构编制管理关系到行政成本的高低和行政机构的效能。机构编制管理中的突出问题在于编制配置不科学、不合理,规范化和制度化建设相对滞后。新时代的机构编制管理需要站在治国理政和治理能力现代化的战略高度,平衡“管牢”与“管活”双重目标,处理好事业发展需要与总量控制、“条线”要求与编制管理整体、短期成效与长期成本、编制增加与编制减少、编制管理部门收紧与财政部门宽松之间的辩证关系。在此基础上,通过立法保障、全盘统筹、规划引领、观念更新、机制联动等多维度改革为国家治理能力现代化奠定坚实的组织基础。  相似文献   
通过立法构建监察官制度是贯彻实施监察法的要求,也是监察官专业化的客观需要。通过监察官法确认监察官专业化的发展目标和基本框架,有利于推进监察官制度的法治化,促进监察官队伍高质量发展。针对中纪委监察官法(草案初稿)关于监察官范围和任职条件的规定,提出以下立法建议:“全员式”进入监察官序列的设计思路值得商榷。监察官属于特殊的监察人员,其范围应小于监察人员。监察人员也不同于监察机关工作人员。适当放宽监察官任职的身份限制。取得法律职业资格虽然不宜作为初任监察官的任职条件之一,但是可在初任监察官考试时享有法律科目的免试或作为未来晋升时的考量因素。  相似文献   
行政诉讼群体性案件涉及人数较多、涉及面较广、涉及利益较为复杂,而且表现出较强的有组织性,有的案件甚至表现出对抗性较强、矛盾容易激化的特点,可能存在影响社会稳定的风险。行政诉讼群体性案件已经成为当前行政审判工作的重点和难点,应当引起高度重视,妥善处理该类案件对维护社会稳定至关重要。在行政诉讼群体性案件中,应当依法保障人民群众的合法权益,监督行政机关依法行政;同时,应防范化解相应的维稳风险,发挥行政审判化解矛盾、防范风险、维护稳定的社会治理职能作用。  相似文献   
Hanging Together     
No country or region is immune to ravaging diseases. With the global spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it is urgent to strengthen solidarity to fight the pandemic. Many international organizations have called for unity and cooperation among countries. There should be no beggar-thy-neighbor thinking, selfishness or indifference.  相似文献   
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