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传统研究认为阶层限制和家校沟通的缺位极大地限制了寒门学子的向上流动。“底层文化资本”说虽予以反驳,并呈现了底层独特文化资本的力量,但无法解释资本发挥作用的关键因素何在。本文选取中部高考大省原国贫县建档立卡户的6位考取精英大学的寒门贵子及其父母为研究对象,通过深度访谈,深入探究了他们学业成功背后的实践逻辑。研究发现,对教育改变命运的“信”和对教师无条件的“从”是底层文化资本发挥作用的密钥。这种“信”和“从”源于农民阶层在结构、资本受限的不利境遇下形成的“误识”,这种“误识”使其在主观上减弱了社会结构限制,避免了“读书无用论”和“读书无望论”的侵扰,从而仍旧保持着对读书传统的信仰和追求,最终取得学业成功。  相似文献   
古着的流行超越了"时尚是最新的"惯例,以逆生长的方式成为青年追捧的复古时尚风格。面对近期的古着服饰消费热潮及古着商店的扩张现象,本文从空间生产理论出发,分别从策展实践和文化塑造两个维度分析古着商店的空间生产与消费。在策展实践中,古着商店通过符号的挪用、叠加、再现和融入等方式,创造出品牌化、景观化、艺术化、生活化的古着服饰消费空间;在文化塑造中,从古着空间符号的体验与认同、传播与扩散、神圣化三个方面,呈现出古着商店本身的符号化过程。研究发现,古着商店的空间生产离不开对文化符号的利用,其符号化的古着空间仍然是文化建构的产物。换言之,作为文化建构产物的古着空间,其符号化生产既有对消费文化选择性的挪用与解构,同时也有着强化和建构的作用。  相似文献   
尸体化学检验作为辅助诊断死因及反映死前病理生理状态的重要辅助方法,近年来逐渐应用于法医病理学实践中。但由于死后变化、尸体冷冻保存等因素影响,死后检材受溶血干扰情况严重,对检验分析产生严重干扰。本文结合临床医学及法医学研究文献,对溶血干扰检验的机制、溶血对尸体化学检验的影响及死后溶血血液检材检验方法的研究现状进行综述,并对今后的研究方向及应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   
【裁判要旨】行为人与相对人以虚假的意思表示实施的民事法律行为无效。父母与成年子女签订房屋买卖合同,约定将房屋出售给子女,如合同并未实际履行,仅以获取子女之小孩学区资格为目的,应依主客观情事综合认定该合同系以虚假的意思表示实施的民事法律行为,归于无效。子女配偶抗辩隐藏的民事法律行为实为赠与,应负相应举证责任。  相似文献   
吴宏耀  王凯 《法学杂志》2022,43(2):49-64
2007年,随着死刑复核权收归最高人民法院,刑事法学界关于死刑复核程序的讨论开始从死刑复核权的归属问题转向死刑复核程序的诉讼化改革。2012年《刑事诉讼法》规定人民检察院、辩护律师可以参与死刑复核程序并发表意见,但是,死刑复核案件的法律援助问题始终没有解决。2021年《法律援助法》正式确立了死刑复核案件的法律援助制度。就立法表述而言,有关“提出法律援助申请的死刑复核被告人”的规定是多方意见博弈的产物。这种立法妥协存在指向范围不明、条文界线模糊等问题,并由此引发了与现行相关司法解释的法律适用问题,亟需从法解释学立场予以回应。为确保死刑复核案件法律援助制度的有效实施,相关司法解释应从完善告知机制、构建法律援助工作服务机制、保障辩护权利等方面完善死刑复核案件法律援助的相关配套机制。  相似文献   
【裁判要旨】借条空白处的公司盖章应由公司承担反证义务,公司无法证明借条空白处盖章的合理性,应承担相应责任。债权人主张盖章公司应承担担保责任,但未尽到审查公司担保决议的义务,公司应承担不能清偿部分的二分之一的补充清偿责任。一人有限责任公司股东应举证证明公司财产独殳于股东个人,不能证明的,应在公司的责任范围内承担连带清偿责任。  相似文献   
Public administration is a discipline with considerable history, and is also a diverse, interdisciplinary field in social science. To analyze its evolution, discover the present research foci, and predict future development trends, this study applied scientometrics visualization technology to evaluate over 72,000 scientific articles from the 1920s to 2020s. This research referred to the SSCI and JCR databases to gather scientific data of the discipline and the journals' impact factor. Consequently, paper citations, cited journals, journal co-citations, author co-citations, authoritative papers, top countries, productive institutes, average references, and research collaboration trends were analyzed on the bases of the published literature. This study found top productive journals in the discipline, discovered productive countries and institutes, present the research foci, and predicted future development trends. Through this study, scientific production, international cooperation, and knowledge evolution mode of public administration research offers a clear knowledge map of the public administration discipline.  相似文献   
Professional baseball players are often thought of as making multi-million-dollar salaries, but most professional baseball players have recently made under $15,000 a year. Minor league players toiled under an onerous system resulting from baseball's judicially created antitrust exemption and lobbying efforts that exempted them from minimum wage and overtime. These factors allowed teams to impose a uniform player contract (UPC) on players with numerous unconscionable provisions for years. However, a late-night Tweet in August of 2022 sent shockwaves through the sports and labor world, announcing that the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) was sending out authorization cards to represent minor league players. After years of fighting to maintain the authority to impose conditions on minor league players, through lobbying and litigation, Major League Baseball (MLB) turned over a new leaf and recognized the unionization of minor league players under the MLBPA less than three weeks later. In light of this long sought-after recognition, this article takes a novel approach. First, it provides historical context for baseball's unique ability to impose working conditions on minor leaguers without significant concern for legal ramifications. Second, it provides an overview of the doctrine of contractual unconscionability and analyzes the prior UPC as an unconscionable agreement. Finally, it details the historic unionization process and makes detailed recommendations to ameliorate the unconscionable conditions minor league players have faced when they negotiate with MLB owners to draft their initial collective bargaining agreement.  相似文献   
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