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行政听证制度:公民参与公共行政的重要制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代民主宪政的运作和发展关键在于政治参与 ,参与是民主法制的基石。听证作为公民参与公共行政的重要制度已成为当今世界各国行政程序法的核心内容。尽管在不同的国家 ,听证制度有其不同但同样深厚的理论基础 ,从行政程序的角度看 ,其所要求和体现的价值和功能却是一致的。分析我国行政听证制度的现状和价值目标 ,并从公民参与公共行政的理念及其双赢思维的角度来进行阐述 ,旨在促进我国行政听证制度在行政程序和行政法治中良性地发展。  相似文献   
针对不安抗辩权在行政合同中的适用所做的实证研究,在简要介绍行政合同和不安抗辩权的基础上,通过案例分析的方式论述了不安抗辩权在行政合同中的适用及缺陷,反思这些问题并提出了解决方案--通过增加类似"听证制度"的程序设计,使行政合同中的不安抗辩权在适用过程中更具公平性,进而更好地保护行政相对人的合法利益.  相似文献   
听证制度要发挥作用应具备五个方面的条件,即主持人中立、参与人必须是相关利害人或其忠实代表、听证程序必须公开公平、听证事项必须受听证约束、听证结果受司法审查的潜在压力等,总结听证发挥作用的五大基本条件,以此对限制我国听证进一步发挥作用的原因逐一进行分析。  相似文献   
减刑制度相对于其他刑罚制度,实践应用最广。在对罪犯的惩罚改造过程中,绝大多数服刑犯罪人都可能受益于这项制度。它体现着我国刑罚执行制度中惩罚与改造相结合、教育与劳动相结合的原则,效益性原则。刑罚执行的人道主义和个别化,有利于对服刑犯罪人的有益改造。减刑的公平、公正与否,也直接关系到我国刑罚目的和刑罚执行功能的实现。我国现行的刑事立法和相关的司法解释,虽然对减刑都作出了相关的规定,然而,在制度设计上比较宽泛和粗糙,亟待进一步完善,以使其适应我国新时代的法治要求,促进我国法制的发展。本文主要围绕监狱管理机关在刑罚执行中对减刑制度引进听证程序进行法理分析,完善制度缺陷,实现公平、正义,构建法治的和谐社会。  相似文献   
The experience of hearing a voice in the absence of an appropriate external stimulus, formally termed an auditory verbal hallucination (AVH), may be malingered for reasons such as personal financial gain, or, in criminal cases, to attempt a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. An accurate knowledge of the phenomenology of AVHs is central to assessing the veracity of claims to such experiences. We begin by demonstrating that some contemporary criminal cases still employ inaccurate conceptions of the phenomenology of AVHs to assess defendants' claims. The phenomenology of genuine, malingered, and atypical AVHs is then examined. We argue that, due to the heterogeneity of AVHs, the use of typical properties of AVHs as a yardstick against which to evaluate the veracity of a defendant's claims is likely to be less effective than the accumulation of instances of defendants endorsing statements of atypical features of AVHs. We identify steps towards the development of a formal tool for this purpose, and examine other conceptual issues pertinent to criminal cases arising from the phenomenology of AVHs.  相似文献   
According to German family law, in family court proceedings that deal with custody or access rights, family judges are obligated to personally hear the child if the feelings, ties, or will of the child are significant for the decision. In a research study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice, a nationwide representative survey of all judges compiled their personal information and their attitudes and expectations as well as various parameters regarding the concrete practice of hearing children. Also, with a very complex methodological design, over 50 children and their parents were studied one week in advance of the hearing, directly before and after the hearing, and four weeks following the hearing. The results of the study are presented, particularly those pertaining to the burden and relief for the children and the expectations of judges. The practical experiences of family judges in personally hearing children are included as well.  相似文献   
因下岗造成经济收入减少引发的离婚案件当事人要求变更抚育费的情况比较复杂,尺度难以把握。审理案件时应掌握兼顾权利人和义务人双方的利益,保障离婚者子女的最低生活费。  相似文献   
2012《刑事诉讼法》及《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》继《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》之后对人民检察院在审前程序中适用非法证据排除规则作了相关的规定,这对于强化对侦查行为合法性的监督、保障犯罪嫌疑人的人权具有重要作用,但是当前的规定还是存在一些不足之处,这将制约其作用的发挥。因此,有必要对其进行“程序化”,构建专门的听证程序,明确相关的程序性规定,增强其可操作性。  相似文献   
始于1997年的"侦审一体化"改革,并未取得当初设想的效果,反而削弱了预审的功能.为确保预审立法意图的实现,从徽观方面着眼,必须保障足够专职预审人员,并在此前提下,从以下方面推进预审工作:充分认识预审功能;提高预审民警信心;增强预审攻坚排难能力;突出深挖犯罪;加强预审考核.  相似文献   
本文按严格纳入标准选择520例临床听力测验病例,以比较12种声反射推算听敏度方法的准确性,包括2种声反射预估听敏度判读标准(SPAR)、9种相关回归方程和1种双变量散点坐标系统。一般说来,双变量散点坐标图准确率最高(80.87%),但仅能识别听力是否障碍,Lilly方程和Rizzo方程存在推算值偏低倾向,SPAR标准存在预测偏高倾向。同时讨论了年龄、轻度中耳功能异常、重振现象对各种推算方法准确性影响。  相似文献   
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