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维多利亚时期英国城市的娼妓问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维多利亚时期的一个典型特征就在于它严厉的性道德观,对性采取一种压抑的态度。然而,在贞洁被人们所顶礼膜拜的时候,娼妓的队伍却是十分庞大的。这种相悖的社会现象的产生有着其特殊的社会背景,同时也给社会造成了一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
由于卖淫嫖娼违法人员成分复杂,流动性大,缺乏艾滋病防治知识,活动隐秘性强以及我国失控的艾滋病患者人数多等原因,卖淫嫖娼活动中存在的艾滋病传播隐患很大。管理失效,监控机制缺乏,检测手段落后,公安民警防治意识淡薄以及卖淫嫖娼违法人员的侥幸心理等是目前查处卖淫嫖娼活动中阻止艾滋病传播存在的主要问题和困难。加强宣传教育、检测、管理和对卖淫女的帮教工作等是阻断艾滋病通过卖淫嫖娼活动中传播蔓延的有效办法。  相似文献   
当前我国卖淫现象剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,卖淫问题引起有关部门的高度重视和社会公众的广泛关注。文章从社会学视角出发,在对妓女这一社会群体进行个案调查、走访有关部门的基础上,整合部分相关文献资料,对当前我国社会卖淫主体———妓女社群的基本情况和卖淫活动的基本特点及其发展趋势进行实证描述,并对卖淫产生、存在和蔓延的原因及由此带来的社会危害和诱发的社会问题进行分析,以期对有关部门抗制卖淫有所裨益。  相似文献   
A set of historic murders, known as the “Jack the Ripper murders,” started in London in August 1888. The killer's identity has remained a mystery to date. Here, we describe the investigation of, to our knowledge, the only remaining physical evidence linked to these murders, recovered from one of the victims at the scene of the crime. We applied novel, minimally destructive techniques for sample recovery from forensically relevant stains on the evidence and separated single cells linked to the suspect, followed by phenotypic analysis. The mtDNA profiles of both the victim and the suspect matched the corresponding reference samples, fortifying the link of the evidence to the crime scene. Genomic DNA from single cells recovered from the evidence was amplified, and the phenotypic information acquired matched the only witness statement regarded as reliable. To our knowledge, this is the most advanced study to date regarding this case.  相似文献   
元杂剧通过对妓女生活的描写,反映出了她们身上所蕴涵的强烈的社会现实意义和文化意蕴。首先,蒙元统治者的原始遗风使汉民族的贞操观受到了一定的削弱,促使元代文人把妓女作为歌颂的对象。其次,儒生地位的改变拉近了他们和妓女的距离,使他们对妓女的了解更为深刻,因此,在他们的作品中表现了女性意识的觉醒和对贱视青楼女性人格、地位、思想的批判。最后,对妓女苦难生活和从良愿望以及所获得的美好生活的描写既是作者美好愿望的曲折体现,同时也反映了作者对妓女生存境遇的深情关注。  相似文献   
The international literature shows that in 40–50% of the cases, homicides–suicides involving children under the age of 10 are committed by mothers. Here, we report some results on homicides–suicides, in the mother–child relationship, occurred in Italy between 1992 and 2010. We examined 36 cases of filicide–suicide mothers by consulting the archives of RAI, daily newspapers, and the ANSA news agency. We focused on: mothers and children's age, place of residence, date and place of the murder, number and sex of the murdered children, and modality of the homicide–suicide. At the time of the homicide–suicide, the average age of mothers was 35.4. The number of children killed by each mother was one, except in seven cases. All the women had underestimated psychopathological disorders and only six women were regularly treated. The dynamics and characteristics of the events were much more similar to suicides than homicides, so we can consider them as “extensive suicides.”  相似文献   

Inmate mothers are not only seen to offend against society, but also against their role as mothers. They bear often public and private scorn for the dislocation their incarceration brings to their children and families. This paper reports on the Australian component of an international comparative policy study, Incarcerated mothers and children: Impact of prison environments(IM-CIPE). This study investigated the impact of the prison environment or institutional ecology on incarcerated mothers and their young children, aged birth to eight years (that is, mothers whose children live with them in custody and mothers who are separated from their children), in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and England. This paper draws on data from policy analyses; interviews with policy-makers, with inmate mothers, and with custodial and noncustodial staff; and observations within six women's prisons and their respective correctional authorities in the three Australian states. This paper argues for policies which support the inmate as mother and which support her children and their caregivers on the outside.  相似文献   
系列谋财杀人案件中的反侦查行为很具有代表性。作案人通过掩盖身份、精心踩点、制造假象、处理现场、清除内患、巧处赃物等手段进行反侦查,从而使反侦查行为具有很强的预谋性、隐蔽性、职业性等特点。为此。我们要加强对反侦查行为理论的研究,注重常规思维与非常规思维的结合,积极运用高科技手段应对反侦查行为,各地要加强信息沟通。增强串并案意识,同时提高审讯水平,善于挖掘隐案,以突破全案。  相似文献   
卖淫虽不属刑法明文规定的犯罪。但它的违法性却不容置疑,并对社会造成极大的危害。而当前处于“绝对贫困”状态的卖淫女所占比例不大。很多是处于“相对贫困”状态的。不同动机的卖淫女存在不同的心理认识。政府对卖淫的行为采取一味的打压,收效甚微,要使她们回到正常的社会生活中。应从社会及心理两方面对其进行救助。  相似文献   
Terrorism is a pivotal matter in Turkish politics. In this article, a specific terrorist activity, which is still having an impact upon Turkish politics, has been analyzed. It scrutinizes two perspectives of the event. Some actors lean towards a secular/positivist reading of events while others favour a conservative/postmodern reading. This serious factional political debate is possibly just the result that the terrorists had in mind. Being imbued by republican principles, the seculars' claims compel the conservatives to raise defensive points since they are blamed for murdering secular figures and targeting the very essence of the republic. Using different symbolic readings, both sides arrive at opposing conclusions: for the seculars the aim/message of the terror is clear—it is the republic; for the conservatives the aim/message is hidden—destabilizing the country.  相似文献   
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