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如何应对汽车炸弹的恐怖袭击,是当今世界竭力研究的一个重大课题。在当前研究基础上,本文提出了一种综合应对方法——汽车炸弹主动预防系统,并对系统的组成、功用、要求、技术关键及发展方向做了一个系统的分析。通过分析,并结合当前技术实际得出结论,该系统切实可行,能完成对汽车炸弹恐怖袭击的主动预防,是一种很有研究前景的反恐系统。  相似文献   
2008年发生的“杨佳案”震惊全国,再次将警察权益保护问题推上风口浪尖。由于当前执法环境日趋复杂、法律规范不够健全、执法行为较为混乱等原因,警察在执行盘查过程中的生命健康、人格尊严等切身利益时常受到侵害,如违法犯罪分子反抗、被盘查对象拒绝配合、对警察侮辱谩骂、恶意投诉。因此。必须有针对性地对警察进行技能培训、保障装备,并完善相关法律,优化执法环境.以切实保障警察在盘查过程中的合法权益。  相似文献   
Various methodological approaches to constructing external and internal benchmarks have been applied to estimate racial bias in police stop, question, and frisk (SQF) patterns. We apply an external benchmark of the race of the residential population and an internal benchmark of similarly-situated stops to estimate if racial disparities in New York City SQF data were impacted by the Floyd, et al. v. City of New York court settlement. We find that after the settlement, the racial composition of census tracts were no longer significant predictors of the stop rate after controlling for reported crime, socioeconomic factors, and police precincts. We further find that differences in SQF outcomes and hit rates between Blacks and Hispanics and similarly-situated others diminished substantially after the settlement. These findings suggest that court reforms may be an effective method for reducing racial disparities in SQF patterns.  相似文献   
Governments across Europe face the challenge of responding to public demand for more valuable, responsive, and efficient and effective services. In this article we will evaluate the public services in Greece. More specifically, this article refers to a citizen's satisfaction web survey for Citizens’ Service Centers. The analysis of the data is based on the MUSA (Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis) method. MUSA is an ordinal regression model which is based on the principles of multicriteria decision analysis. The method is an instrument to evaluate quantitative global and partial satisfaction levels and to determine the weak and strong points of citizens Service Centers. Furthermore the results of this study will help the Citizens Service Centers to develop more effective services.  相似文献   
行政服务中心是实现政府治理现代化的重要载体,厘清行政服务中心的本质属性、理论依据和发展演进历程是推动行政服务中心规范建设的必然要求。本文从行政服务中心的概念界定入手诠释了其本质属性,从新公共管理理论、新公共服务理论和公共治理理论三个视角探讨了行政服务中心的理论依据,从顶层设计、调试运行和增质提效三个阶段梳理了我国行政服务中心发展演进的基本路径,在此基础上对我国行政服务中心未来发展的重点进行了展望。  相似文献   
In 2015 and 2016, France was hit by some severe terror attacks. Following these attacks, the country experienced increased xenophobia in the form of anti-Muslim actions (anti-social peer punishment), and the French government reacted by declaring a state of emergency and intensifying policing activities such as house searches and police stops. Here, I analyze these reactions and show that intensified policing, even though well intended, can be associated with considerable anti-social effects. Furthermore, I will show that the state of emergency was associated with some dynamics that are worrisome for a democracy. Lastly, I will situate the findings in the conceptual distinction between institutional and peer punishment of behavioral science.  相似文献   
This article analyses the implementation of managerial ideas in Kazakhstan using the case of a combined public service delivery called “One Stop Shops”. Several public services are provided in a single building rather than different government offices in a business-like style of service delivery and in a modern physical environment. The service integration policy is an attempt of Kazakhstani government to improve the quality of public services and reduce corruption. Some positive progress in improving the accessibility of public services has been noted. However, as this article argues, the country-specific model of “alternative-access” service delivery was not able to implement in-depth changes in the work of the public sector and improve service quality. Implementation of the managerial ideas has been limited and constrained by the institutional framework and culture prevailing in the Kazakhstani bureaucracy. The main conclusion is that the governments of transitional countries need to critically analyze the pros and cons of the new policies and reflect on their cultures before making further steps to adopt Western managerial initiatives.  相似文献   
余凌云 《北方法学》2011,5(5):87-99
盘查是在宪法规定的迁徙自由的情境下产生的一种警察应对措施。赋予警察盘查权,实现了从"静态执法"向"动态执法"的转变,增加了警察执法的机动性、灵活性和应变能力,适应了由计划经济向市场经济转轨之后社会治安形势发生的变化与要求。对盘查的控制,主要通过程序来完成。这是盘查的随机性、及时性、合成性等属性使然。一方面,要充分发挥程序对相对人权益的保障作用,另一方面,程序也不能过于繁琐、影响行政效率。而对于相对人的协助义务,无论是国内还是国外尚无定论,是亟待理论进一步回应、有待实践努力解决的一个重要问题。  相似文献   
近些年,随着国家民主法制建设的不断进步,公安机关的执法环境已经发生了很大变化:一方面,传统的执法制度、执法方式面临着许多挑战,如执法要充分体现公平、正义以及尊重和保障人权;要提高执法水平和接受各方面的监督。另一方面,公安机关又承担着日益繁重而复杂的刑事执法和行政执法任务,压力越来越大。面对新的执法环境所带来的挑战和压力,警察盘查权的运行总体上看情况还是比较好的,但也确实存在着一些带有普遍性的问题,甚至其中的一些违法行为已经引起了群众强烈的不满。因此,发现警察盘查权运行中的问题,研究相应的对策,建立和健全相关制度十分必要。  相似文献   
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