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全国大学英语教学改革的渐趋深入使英语听说的地位和重要性日趋突显。大学英语教师在提高大学生听说方面采用了多种教学手段。其中,英美影视作品在大学生英语听说教学中有着独特的优势。在具体的教学实施过程中,策略得当、科学有效地利用好影视作品将极大地提高听说课的教学效果。  相似文献   
从宋代以来,福建文化中大量的海洋交通、海洋商贸与海外世界的文献,为汉语典籍增加了大陆之外的海洋世界的汛息,表达了以海洋文明为立场的、对中国文明的思考。储番志》、《岛夷志略》展现了宋元时期中国海洋事业的繁盛;《东西洋考》展现“海禁”的明代政府与民间知识体系的失衡;《瀛环志略》则是地处福建的清末官员对中国前途的深切思考。  相似文献   
The rise of biometric data use in personal consumer objects and governmental (surveillance) applications is irreversible. This article analyses the latest attempt by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Directive (EU) 2016/680 to regulate biometric data use in the European Union. We argue that the new Regulation fails to provide clear rules and protection which is much needed out of respect of fundamental rights and freedoms by making an artificial distinction between various categories of biometric data. This distinction neglects the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and serves the interests of large (governmental) databases. While we support regulating the use and the general prohibition in the GDPR of using biometric data for identification, we regret this limited subjective and use based approach. We argue that the collection, storage and retention of biometric images in databases should be tackled (objective approach). We further argue that based on the distinctions made in the GDPR, several categories of personal data relating to physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics are made to which different regimes apply. Member States are left to adopt or modify their more specific national rules which are eagerly awaited. We contend that the complex legal framework risks posing headaches to bona fide companies deploying biometric data for multifactor authentication and that the new legal regime is not reaching its goal of finding a balance between the free movement of such data and protecting citizens. Law enforcement authorities also need clear guidance. It is questioned whether Directive (EU) 2016/680 provides this.  相似文献   
中国梦的实现需要内外部的共同合力。"独特机遇论"乘势助力中国梦的发展。中共在南方谈话中进一步明确了中国继续推进深化改革,扩大对外开放的政策。而"独特机遇论"的提出是对海外关系的正确定位和对丰富的海外资源的运用和涵养。主要包括四个方面:海外关系的开放是改革开放的首要内容,为中国的改革开放和科学发展打开了走向世界的大门,促进了"全方位、多角度、宽领域"的对外开放格局的形成,大大丰富了社会主义市场经济的内涵。在经济全球化背景下,必须坚持"以侨为本"理念,保障和涵养海外资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   
百人会是一个无党派背景、非政治性的美国华人社团,由在美国社会中有影响力与知名度的华裔组成。该社团以“求同存异”为宗旨,以“促进中美发展建设性关系,推进美国华裔全面参与美国社会”为使命。本文简要概括了百人会成立24年以来对中美关系发展的重要贡献,着重阐述了其在新时期的独特作用,并就如何更好地发挥其作用,对中美两国政府提出了相关建设性意见。  相似文献   
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