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正Published by China Institute of International Studies,China International Studies is China’s first English-language journal on diplomacy and international politics for formal circulation.The magazine mainly publishes the latest research achievements of Chinese scholars and specialists on  相似文献   
何孟雄是著名的无产阶级革命家,他在中共早期历史中作出了重要贡献。他是中国第一批信仰马列的人,参与了中共早期党组织创建,是我党历史上最早的党员之一。他领导过北方早期工人运动,积极促进国共合作,开创江苏农民运动新局面,较早地阐发了农民游击战争思想,与中共早期"左"倾错误路线进行坚决斗争,在狱中表现出高度的党性,对党忠诚,为党的事业英勇献身。  相似文献   
“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献”是公民的基本道德规范。爱国是道德的灵魂.守法是道德的后盾.明礼是道德的窗口,诚信是道德的支柱.团结是道德的品格,友善是道德的标准,勤俭是道德的传统,自强是道德的追求,敬业是道德的表现,奉献是道德的境界。  相似文献   
Employing data from a recent national survey on campaign finance, we examine the contribution behavior of individual citizens in the 2000 election. By disaggregating types of contributions, our model enables us to observe potential heterogeneity in the determinants of giving money to parties and candidates. We find that for both types of contributions, the effects of informational resources and solicitation on the decision to contribute outweigh those of financial resources. In addition, we propose both a theoretical and an empirical distinction between the selection effects of solicitation and the stimulus effects of solicitation. By distinguishing between these dual dimensions of solicitation, our analysis provides new insight into the causal linkages between income, solicitation, and contributions. We find that while solicitation increases the likelihood of contributing through selective targeting or rational prospecting, it also does so through a stimulus mechanism.  相似文献   
将编辑学作为一门科学研究,必须使研究系统化,改变以往就事论事式的局部研究.编辑学理论建构应当从编辑主客体之间的关系,以及与此相关的各个主体际之间的关系出发,进行深入的研究,其中编辑主体意识应当成为编辑学研究的主要角度之一.编辑主体意识是一种内涵丰富的自我意识,它规定了编辑主体在编辑实践中的行为选择,是一种具有利益取向的意识,具有自主性和奉献性等特点.编辑主体意识在形态上,可以划分为多种形式,其中编辑主体的"精品"意识是其中最重要的意识,具有实践性、主导性、直接性和目的性等特点,是决定刊物质量、促进刊物发展的重要意识.  相似文献   
"一方有难八方支援"是中华民族凝聚力的体现,也是对传统美德的继承,随着爱心捐助活动的频繁,捐助款额的增大,伴随而来的剩余款项纠纷也日益增多,而此类纠纷大多由于爱心捐款的余款归属而引起,而我国法律对于此处的规定,尚处于模糊的状态,且各地法院对此类案件的审理也未有统一惯例,应从爱心捐助的行为性质、爱心捐助行为中三方当事人的权利义务关系着手,立足于现有法律的规定和理论的发展,分析爱心捐助中剩余财产的归属问题。  相似文献   
刘少奇在党风建设方面有许多独到的见解。他关于党的三大作风建设方面的理论贡献是:强调理论与实践并重,要求共产党员加强理论学习;强调党的批评与党的团结是辩证统一的,反对机械过火的斗争;在党与群众的关系上,突出强调反对官僚主义,防止公仆变成人民的老爷。  相似文献   
邓小平试验思想的实质是开拓创新与求真务实的统一 ,它不仅仅是一种科学的领导方法、工作方法 ,而且是指导中国社会主义在探索中前进的行动指南 ,具有无产阶级世界观和方法论意义。邓小平的试验思想在理论上丰富了实践唯物主义的内容 ,在实践上指引我们找到了一条建设有中国特色社会主义的新路子 ,其原则和精神对于做好各项工作具有长远的指导意义  相似文献   
正The nation commemorates the contributions of New China’s founding father Mao Zedong,a man whose name is inseparable with the birth of the People’s Republic of China(PRC),has long been regarded as a symbol of the Chinese Communist Revolution.Now,his lasting influence has been reaffirmed through his 120th anniversary.  相似文献   
正September 3 is a date of vital importance to Chinese people.On this day,69 years ago,Chinese forces celebrated a hard-fought victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression(1937-45)following many years of suffering and ter-ritorial invasions.Just this February,the National People’s Congress,China’s top legislature,designated September 3 the Victory Day of this war,which was part of World War II(WWII).As ac-tivities are held across the country to mark  相似文献   
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