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王磊 《国际资料信息》2016,(4):17-20,57
近期,尼日利亚东南部多地发生少数部族的大规模抗议活动,其间打出要求建立“比夫拉国”的旗号,并伴有暴力事件发生,造成多人伤亡,其背后有尼日尔河三角洲解放运动(Movement for theEmancipation of the Niger Delta,MEND,简称尼解运)插手参与.该组织在多年沉寂后,再次浮出水面,引发国际社会瞩目.2005年尼解运成立以来,多次袭击尼日尔河三角洲地区(简称三角洲地区)的外国石油设施,甚至在首都阿布贾发动过汽车炸弹暴恐袭击,严重威胁到尼日利亚正常的石油生产、财政收入、国家统一和政治稳定.尼解运自成立至今历经十年兴衰转变,与尼日利亚南北分野政治、主体民族和少数民族矛盾等问题息息相关,成为观察尼日利亚政治形势发展变化的重要窗口.尼解运于2009年接受尼政府特赦后一度趋于平静,而在2015年3月北方人布哈里出任尼总统后再趋活跃,其发展动向值得关注.  相似文献   
昙华 《党建文汇》2010,(3):17-17
尼日尔政变后,政变军人宣布成立“民主复兴最高委员会”,任命排长萨卢·吉博为“民主复兴最高委员会”领导人。吉博首次在新闻发布会上公开露面,形容尼日尔“正处于新起点”,承诺将建立一个“协商工作委员会”,以实行集体决策。  相似文献   
今年2月18日,西非国家尼日尔发生军事政变,政变军人突袭并迅速占领总统府,坦贾总统被扣押,军政权成立。此次军事政变乃由尼日尔长期政治危机所致。非洲在过去一年多来,已发生至少5起军事政变,“军人干政”如同“幽灵”一般缠绕着非洲,使其民主化进程步履维艰。  相似文献   
王庄林 《侨园》2012,(10):24-25
一 在木祖克大沙漠北缘的卡美尔部落,卡美尔的英文是“骆驼”,骆驼是卡美尔部落的祖神,酋长卡美隆是我的父亲,我是他的第十七个儿子.父亲与卡扎菲的关系甚密,于是我在三年前成了这位总统的卫士.为此,父亲曾非常骄傲.我回到部落后整整睡了三天三夜,父亲骑着他的神驼来看望我.“行了,你也该出去透透风,到我们的木祖克大沙漠去看看,也好将卡扎菲忘了吧.”父亲说: “我把我的坐骑神驼赐给你几天,出去走走.”  相似文献   
The Niger Delta region constitutes a number of ethnic nationalities which are rich in natural resources mainly in oil and gas reserves. However, the region has suffered extreme marginalization and neglect over the years despite its major contribution to the nation economy leading to agitations for better living standards by the people. The agitations have transformed from peaceful talks and dialogue to violence, unrest and chaos resulting to huge losses to the region and affecting the development process of the nation at large. This study examined the effect of the Niger Delta crisis on Evwreni and Otu-jeremi communities in Delta State. Data was collected through the administration of questionnaires, conduct of interviews, and consultation of books and relevant documents. The data analysed revealed that the Niger Delta crisis has affected job creation, infrastructure provision and maintenance as well as increased criminal activities in the areas. Finally, the researchers recommended diversification of the economy, job creation and training programmes, strengthening of security measures, provision of basic amenities amongst others as a solution to the crisis in the region.  相似文献   
正伊斯兰马格里布"基地"组织(Al-Qaeda in theIslamic Maghreb,以下简称北非分支)是"基地"组织在北非的分支机构,它活跃于阿尔及利亚、利比亚、马里等国,2012年初以来,北非分支趁北非乱局尤其是马里北部动乱之机在北非、西非大搞扩张,一度控制马里北部大片区域。2013年1月,法国出兵帮助马里反恐,北非分支迅速失去对马里重要城镇的控制,但是其实力未遭严重折损,退守马里边远山区以游击战、伏击战等手段继续与反恐部队展开周旋,同时北非分支还加紧向利比亚、尼日尔等国渗透蔓延,2013年以来在阿尔及利亚、尼日尔等国策动多起重大恐怖袭击,对地区与国际安全的威胁日增。  相似文献   
中国石油秉承创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的"五大发展理念",深入贯彻习近平总书记关于治国理政新理念新思想新战略,创新工作思想、工作模式、工作方法,为尼日尔共和国建立了完整的石油工业体系,让尼日尔人民感受到了石油项目合作的成果,营造了互利双赢的合作局面。  相似文献   
Housing is a centre for many socio-economic activities and often provides a mark of prosperity, social acceptance, and an element of urban development and growth in a country. However, it is suspected that the significance of housing to people in the Niger Delta of Nigeria is lacking because of poor post-construction management practice that is currently in place. At the same time, there are housing shortages, uncompleted, vandalized and abandoned social housing stock in the Nigeria Delta. This has been a continuing challenge facing people in this region as reported in previous studies. Therefore, the overall aim of the study is to develop a framework for the sustainable management of social (public) housing estates in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. This paper aims to set out the context for the research, identify its overall aim and objectives and thereafter considers issues related to the determination of an appropriate scope for the study. It argues that the management of social housing estates in a sustainable manner needs to adopt the principles of sustainability in combination with effective people-centred management and building maintenance practices. It further asserts that the development of such a framework would be a panacea approach in meeting the social housing challenges faced in the Niger Delta and in Nigeria at large.  相似文献   
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