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洗钱罪保护的客体即洗钱罪所保护的利益,洗钱犯罪既侵害了司法机关的正常活动又侵害了经济管理秩序,但洗钱犯罪所主要侵害的法益为司法机关的正常活动.今后,随着<反洗钱法>的出台,刑法分则中惩治洗钱行为的具体罪名也应加以修订,应将洗钱罪置于妨害司法罪之中,同时鉴于惩治金融机构及其工作人员洗钱犯罪的特殊性,刑事立法有必要创设新的罪名给予特殊保护.  相似文献   
毒品犯罪与洗钱犯罪是密不可分的,进入20世纪80年代以后,毒品洗钱犯罪活动日益严重。毒品犯罪集团绞尽脑汁,利用各种可能的方式与手段进行洗钱活动,给全世界、全人类带来了巨大的灾难。分析研究毒品洗钱犯罪的未来发展趋势,使我们可以深刻的认识其危害性,以便今后能够更好的预防和打击这类犯罪活动。  相似文献   
本文主要对洗钱罪主体的争议问题作了论述,提出了洗钱罪的主体应当包括上游犯罪行为人,并从刑法理论、刑事司法实践、世界刑事立法现状及趋势以及国际刑事司法合作的角度进行了较为详尽的论述。  相似文献   
《Global Crime》2013,14(1):16-33
This article explores the growth of organised crime within the Vietnamese community with particular reference to the cultivation of cannabis, money laundering and the smuggling or trafficking of children. The article begins by exploring the history and diversity of the ‘Vietnamese community’ in the United Kingdom and the role of Vietnamese culture in shaping their criminal enterprises. It then draws on research involving two sets of qualitative data: one set is based on 45 interviews with law enforcement personnel based in Vietnam and the United Kingdom as well as with key stakeholders in the Vietnamese community; the other set is based on structured questionnaires issued to 34 Vietnamese residents in Britain, 24 of whom are here illegally. It examines the relationship between illegal immigration of Vietnamese citizens to Britain and the urban cultivation of cannabis, in what has become known as ‘cannabis factories’, and the laundering of the profits abroad to Vietnam. After exposing the logistics of Vietnamese illegal immigration into Britain, the article concludes that those involved in cannabis cultivation, money laundering and people smuggling are primarily motivated by profit rather than ‘lifestyle’ concerns, and operate within what theorists of organised crime refer to as the ‘mono-ethnic criminal network’.  相似文献   
为了遏制和打击洗钱活动,德国通过在刑法典中新增洗钱罪和多次的修订,将洗钱行为犯罪化,逐步建立起反洗钱和恐怖融资的刑事法律体系,并在一定程度上具有自己的独特之处。在国际社会共同打击洗钱活动和我国面临严峻洗钱形势的背景下,有必要介绍德国反洗钱刑事立法的成功经验,这对于完善我国的反洗钱法律制度具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪是妨碍正常司法活动秩序的犯罪,是故意犯罪。2009年11月11日起正式实施的《最高人民法院关于审理洗钱等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》又对本罪作出了具体界定。本罪的主体不包括本犯,主观方面是明知的故意,犯罪对象是涉及财产性所得及利益犯罪的所得和收益,行为方式要求能起到掩饰、隐瞒的效果。《解释》的实施对本罪构成特征的重新认识和保护法益的探究,能达到澄清理论和推动实践的效果。  相似文献   
碳市场属于新兴市场,呈现碎片化特征。碳排放交易标的为法律虚拟物,不需要实物交割,交易相对复杂。碳排放交易和其他金融交易一样,由于涉及资金巨大、法律不完善、监管不严密和透明度欠缺等原因,极易滋生犯罪。与碳排放交易有关的犯罪行为主要为诈骗、逃税、洗钱和网络盗窃等。应该加强各碳排放交易市场间的合作与沟通,共同监管和惩治碳排放交易所涉犯罪行为。  相似文献   
洗钱犯罪主要指为掩饰、隐瞒因毒品犯罪、黑社会性质的组织犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪和走私犯罪的非法所得及其收益性质和来源,利用各种手段使非法收入转换成来源合法的资金和财产的行为。这种犯罪具有多重违法性、跨区域性、形式多样性、专业性等特点,主要通过金融机构、地下钱庄、私营公司、空壳公司、进出口贸易、网络等方式进行,给社会造成了巨大危害,必须予以高度重视井进行严厉打击。  相似文献   
The anti-corruption norm in both scholarship and the policy world has too narrowly focused on the domestic and institutional context of bribe-taking and public corruption. Instead, we argue that corruption in the contemporary global economy requires a multiple set of connected transactions, processes, and relationships that take place within informal transnational networks that blur the line between illegal and legal activities. These networks include multinational companies, elites in host countries, offshore financial vehicles and conduits, middlemen and brokers, and destination financial institutions. We examine how these actors operate in Central Asia, a region that is widely identified as corrupt, yet is rarely understood as embedded in the types of global processes, offshore connections and transnational links specified in our analysis. Examples of offshore centers in tax planning from Central Asia, and partial results from a field experiment based on impersonating high corruption risks from four Central Asian states, provide evidence for how the various actors in transnational financial networks structure their dealings. We then present two brief illustrative cases of how these transnational networks have operated in energy explorations services in Kazakhstan and telecommunications contracts in Uzbekistan. Our findings have theoretical, practical, and normative implications for scholars and practitioners of Central Asian international political economy and other ‘high risk' regions.  相似文献   
我国洗钱犯罪的特点与防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙平  姚秀萍 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):68-71
目前,我国的洗钱现象明显增多,洗钱或者明显带有洗钱性质的案件发案率正在迅速上升。我国洗钱犯罪体现了以下的特点:利用金融机构进行洗钱活动、利用公司进行洗钱活动、国际犯罪集团入境洗钱活动频繁以及国内腐败犯罪分子通过洗钱手段大肆转移赃款。要有效防治我国的洗钱犯罪,必须采取加强洗钱犯罪立法及制度建设完善等一系列对策。  相似文献   
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