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高校青年教师的情绪劳动是否会造成过劳,对个人健康、组织运行和社会发展均具有重要影响。研究探讨情绪劳动对过度劳动的作用机理和影响路径,验证情绪劳动是否通过职业紧张的中介作用对过度劳动产生影响,并检验组织支持感在两者之间的调节作用。研究结果表明:情绪劳动对职业紧张和过度劳动都有着显著的正向影响,职业紧张在情绪劳动与过度劳动之间起部分中介作用,组织支持感在情绪劳动因素之一的表层扮演与过度劳动之间起负向调节作用。  相似文献   
Communication in political marketing plays an important role in political mobilization, building trust both in political actors and the government. Politicians construct their messages through careful branding as the power of the cultural symbols and signs conveyed through the brand are potent heuristic devices. This is particularly important in emerging democracies, where there is limited political knowledge and understanding. Therefore, this research explores how young voters understand the symbolic communication fashioned by political actors in Indonesia and how it relates to their brand. Indonesia is an interesting area for study; it is both secular and the world’s largest Muslim democracy. Using a phenomenological approach, a total of 19 in-depth interviews with young voters were conducted to gain rich insight into perceptions of the complexity of political symbolism, and trust among young voters. This study conceptualized political communication as a dual approach. The political brand promise is intrinsically linked to cultural references and conveyed through symbolic communication combined with a distinctive brand message. This builds trust, which then affects political participation. This conceptual framework provides insights into the importance of culture in branding which has implications for policy makers and actors in emerging and established democracies.  相似文献   
This article argues that whilst indigenous people are central to the Mexican president's official developmentalist discourse of bringing prosperity to the country's marginalised and poor, their needs during the COVID-19 pandemic have not been met and their interests have been sidelined. Whilst experiencing serious loss of trading revenue, negative impacts of misinformation, and lack of access to appropriate healthcare, indigenous Mexicans also faced the aggressive advance on their territories of large-scale infrastructure projects, which have become the backbone of the president's strategy for countering the economic recession caused by the pandemic. The discontinuation of relevant legal means to challenge the advance of the megaprojects during the pandemic effectively threatened indigenous people's democratic rights to protect their land, identities and way of life.  相似文献   
This paper draws on recent research examining feminist and everyday geopolitics to focus on the relatively neglected domestic sphere as a space where geopolitical events like the Falklands/Malvinas war are learnt, (re)produced, remembered and contested by young people. It presents qualitative data drawn from interviews with young people from Argentina (Río Gallegos) and the Falkland Islands (Stanley), locations with intimate connections to the 1982 war. It argues that research in domestic environments that engages the familial relations, objects and practices that embody geopolitical pasts can help make sense of how young people (are able to) express geopolitical agency.  相似文献   
“八荣八耻”为核心内容的社会主义荣辱观的提出具有重大的意义:它是新形势下继承中华美德,发扬革命传统,弘扬时代精神的战略任务;是确立我国改革转型期的主导价值观:是统一思想,凝聚社会力量,促进社会和谐,全面建设小康社会的强大力量;是提高党的执政能力和执政水平的迫切需要。领导干部怎样做到服务人民,而不背离人民:领导干部在权力运用,工作决策的过程中有始终以人民的利益为出发点和落脚点;领导干部在权力的运用时,不能为官与民争利,要“慎权”,“慎欲”;领导干部要坚持群众路线,相信群众,依靠群众,且勿独断专行;领导干部要加强理论修养,提高自己的政策水平,强化领导能力和领导水平。  相似文献   
正确认识、及时化解人民内部矛盾是真正代表农村最广大人民群众根本利益的必然要求,也是保持农村社会稳定的必要条件。农村人民内部矛盾的产生原因是多方面的,要正确处理这些矛盾,必须在正确认识的前提下,善于运用经济的、行政的、法律的、思想教育的等各种手段,及时化解矛盾,解决纠纷,确保广大农村社会稳定。  相似文献   
全国少先队辅导员专业人才的培养经历了以短期培训为主、中断、培训与单一的学历教育并行、复合型培训与复合型人才培养的学历教育并行的四个阶段,这种培养面临着许多亟待解决的问题,建议构建起以正规院校为主体,业余院校、网上院校等教育培训阵地和各种社会教育培训资源参与和支持的开放式的新体系,完善培训机构,规范培训制度,从而创造少先队辅导员专业人才培养的新模式。  相似文献   
政党的性质是由它所代表的阶级或者阶层的性质决定的。共产党执政的实质是人民当家作主,这是由党的性质、宗旨、任务决定的,共产党执政只有坚持党的性质,牢固树立宗旨意识,紧紧抓住发展这个执政兴国的第一要务,才能代表最广大人民的利益。所谓最广大人民的根本利益其实质就是人民当家作主,这也是对共产党执政的目的和要求的最充分的体现。  相似文献   
肖辉 《河北法学》2007,25(1):137-142
刑事被追诉人(即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人)知情权(或称知悉权)是伴随程序主体地位的确立而提出来的.现代刑事诉讼理念要求在诉讼构造的设计方面,努力追求控辩双方的平等对抗.结合我国的刑事司法实践,就需要强化被追诉人的防御权体系,以追求攻防的相对均衡,而知情权则是这一防御权体系的前提和基础.我国现行的刑事诉讼法关于被追诉人知情权的规定尚存不足,需要强化并改进.对被追诉人知情权的探讨离不开对现有法律规定的分析,需要从实然与应然的角度做出评析,不仅要明确知情权,而且还要保障知情权的实现.  相似文献   
在新的历史时期 ,加强边疆民族地区基层党组织建设 ,必须高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜 ,全面贯彻“三个代表”要求 ,紧紧抓住坚持与时俱进这个关键 ,保持党的先进性这个核心 ,坚持执政为民这个本质 ,在推进边疆民族地区跨越式发展上 ,发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用 ;在增强边疆民族地区的社会稳定上 ,发挥基层党组织的政治凝聚作用 ;在维护好、实现好、发展好边疆各族人民根本利益上 ,发挥基层党组织的政治核心作用  相似文献   
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