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The degrowth debate so far has lacked a clear vision of what social subjects, and which processes of political subjectivation, can turn its vision into a political strategy. In this contribution to the debate on degrowth and eco-socialism, I point to the place of labor in the politics of socio-ecological revolution, arguing that degrowth should aim for a truly democratic, workers’ controlled production system, where alienation is actively countered by a collective reappropriation of the products of labor and by a truly democratic decision-making process over the use of the surplus. Such strategy must be based on an extended concept of class relations that goes beyond the wage labor relation, and toward a broader conception of work as a (gendered and racialized) mediator of social metabolism. I conclude that ecosocialist degrowth should take the form of a struggle for dealienating both industrial and meta-industrial labor.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the account of collective self-determination and state legitimacy developed by Stilz in her book. Central to this account is the idea that for a state to be legitimate it must reflect the shared will of the people over which it governs. I argue that the normative taxonomy Stilz employs to develop this criterion of legitimacy ignores the possibility of conditional cooperators: groups who are alienated from society due to the injustices they experience but are willing to affirm their participation in state institutions if these injustices are rectified. I then demonstrate that since there are no grounds for discounting the dissent of conditional cooperators, their presence significantly increases the threshold for state legitimacy that follows from Stilz’s theory. As a result, Stilz is forced to abandon her claim that basically just states generally enjoy a qualified ‘right to do wrong’.  相似文献   
Courts have been dealing with alienating behaviors in high conflict family litigation for hundreds of years. Experts in the behavioral sciences have been writing about mothers and fathers manipulating their children to disparage the other parent for more than seventy years. But in the last two decades some social scientists and legal professionals have questioned the legitimacy of parental alienation as a concept and its admissibility in child abuse and child custody litigation. This study was designed to examine the extent to which courts in the United States have found the concept of parental alienation material, probative, relevant and admissible. Thirty‐four years of cases were found with a WESTLAW query and analyzed. Cases were selected for study only if the record reflected that a judge or an independent expert found the concept of parental alienation to be of value in the litigation. Results illustrate increasing awareness of the concept and document its admissibility in every one of the United States. The numbers, sex of the alienating parent and prevalence of significant custody changes are discussed. Limitations inherent in this form of quantitative analysis are also discussed with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   
特定公权异化是在特定阶级国家中,特定公权利和特定公权力的相互异化。它具有内生性根由,在不同的社会历史发展阶段存在动态表现,主要体现为生产力水平的先决作用和生产关系的直接决定作用。特定公权异化的内在结构共分为合法异化、异化风险、隐性异化、异化入罪四个层次。从哲学范畴分析特定公权异化的成因主要有三个方面,即微环境外在性诱导、公共职能主体意识缺失、群众联系秩序链断裂,这是对特定公权异化的现实性语义诠释。  相似文献   
推行绿色发展战略是国际经济发展的新趋势,也是我国经济良性发展、实现十九大所提出的"两步走"战略目标的必然选择。发展绿色经济离不开其价值源泉——绿色劳动,绿色劳动的思想可以追溯至亚当·斯密、马克思和舒尔茨,ILO的体面劳动、企业社会责任、现代化、知识经济、现代社会保障都蕴含着绿色劳动的思想。目前我国在社会劳动领域存在很多问题,推动劳动的健康绿色化,需要政府积极地引导推动、企业树立新的用人理念、工会努力发挥有效维权的作用,并需要多方面借鉴国际有效经验。  相似文献   
按吉登斯的理解,交汇口是非专业性个人或团体与抽象体系的代理人之间的连接点,是抽象体系的薄弱环节,也是信任得以维系或建立的交叉点。具体到村改居社区,交汇口成为一把双刃剑,一方面是权力异化的场域,另一方面又是权力矫正的场域。遏制村改居社区区务人员腐败,重塑交汇口信任是关键环节,结合现实,应着重从理念培育、制度控制、组织孵化及信任文化塑造等方面入手。  相似文献   
大数据时代下的主动型侦查模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查模式是侦查的最一般路由,侦查人员借助其对案件侦查形成基本的工作思路.当前犯罪出现了动态化、智能化、组织化的异化现象,处于基础性地位的反应型侦查模式在应对犯罪异化时遇到了困难.本文研究反应型侦查向主动型侦查转型的相关问题,借助了大数据对于行为、事件的预测功能扩展了原有的主动型侦查模式适用的外延范围并厘清了其在适用时所要解决的与反应型侦查所不同的法律问题.  相似文献   
英国现当代著名作家帕特·巴克(Pat Barker)以其作品对创伤的持续叙写而著称,其后期作品中描写的战争创伤更是引起了广泛的关注。在其后期作品中,巴克描写了由于战争经历的迥异造成回归士兵、医护人员、志愿者、战地记者与后方民众之间难以消弭的疏离和隔阂。透过战争的梦魇给英国士兵和民众之间造成的心灵隔阂,巴克影射了战争给英国这个民族及其民众带来的不堪回首的心灵创伤。  相似文献   
分析目前翻译领域有关归化/异化翻译策略的研究成果,以及其他学科研究方法和理论在翻译研究中的应用,可以将经济学中的边际效用递减理论应用于归化与异化在文学作品中习语翻译的研究。简单解释的归化法、详细解释的归化法和异化法在习语翻译中会产生三种不同的心理状态,为达到读者阅读效用最大化,应理性选择归化与异化翻译策略,实现话语语境背景下的动态均衡。  相似文献   
从我国的《刑事诉讼法》以及相关法律解释的规定可以看出,取保候审适用的主要目的是为了保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的自由权以及刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行,而在实际运作过程中,由于各种因素的影响,侦查阶段的取保候审被人为的异化,最终导致其适用偏离了设立初衷,在保障人身自由以及保障诉讼等方面均没有产生应有的效果。  相似文献   
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